p!Donnie X Reader

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Requested by KyLikesToFly

This is a platonic oneshot!

This doesn't have a specified gender, so it's gender neutral haha

Sorry if this is really really short-

Key Words:
Y/n - Your Name
Sl/n - Sibling Name

[No One's Pov]

It was a busy day, the two siblings had asked their mom and decided to walk through the town for a while, just for a little while

So there they were...

[2nd Pov]

Walking around the town in the evening, you were hanging out with their little sibling, and you guys were just window shopping, not really entering any store

It was around at least, 6 pm at night, you two had a busy day, and just wanted to relax, so you had decided to go out for once

Seeing how happy Sl/n was whenever they passed by a cool shop really made you smile

"Oh hey- mom wants us home soon, we should start going now" You told them, looking at your phone, "Okay!" Sl/n had no problem, since the both of you were probably getting tired anyways

"Hey what do you want for dinner" You asked them, walking on the sidewalk

After hearing no reply, you looked behind yourself , and didn't see Sl/n anyways, "Sh-Shit..."

Slowly walking around the area, you were looking for them, your worry growing faster, "Sl/n, this isn't a good time for joking, you know how mom gets..." You mumbled

It wasn't like Sl/n to disappear like that, especially at night

Walking over to an alleyway, "You in here- GAH-" Was all you could get out after someone cutting you off as you were dragged into an alleyway, and shoved harshly against the floor

Looking around the alleyway, you looked beside you and saw Sl/n, who was against the wall, looking like they were trying to back away from whatever was in front of them

Finally looking up, you saw 2 guys standing a few feet in front of them

"What do you want?" You asked, looking at one of the guys, "We want your stuff"

Raising an eyebrow, you had the most unamused face, "That's it?"

One of the guys grabbed a knife, "If you don't give it to us" He picked up your sibling, with the most pissed off expression, "I'll rough your sibling up"

Your eyes widened, the last thing you'd want is for your sibling to get hurt

"Fine..." You dug into your bag, while they waited

What confused you, is that there was a blur of purple right in front of you as soon as you looked back up

The two guys were on the ground, holding their legs in pain, they tried getting up, but were knocked out a second later

Looking up higher than before, you saw a green guy wearing a lot of purple, but he wasn't human, you knew that, what was he?

You quickly turned around and checked on your sibling, they were, thankfully, fine and not hurt

Without turning around, he asked, "Are you two okay?"

Quickly getting up, you stared at him, fascinated. Staying silent, you examined whatever features you could see on him

He had a weird backpack on, but, it wasn't a backpack was it? He didn't look human at all...

"Uh, excuse me, mx?" He asked again, this time, he turned around, you could see all his features

Having grayish kind of purple markings on his shoulders and thighs, he also had a turtle shell covering him, and his shoulders and both knees had purple padding

"Ah- sorry, uh...we're fine, and thank you" You managed to say, after snapping yourself out of your trance

He nodded and slightly smiled, "Well, I think I should go now so-"

Turning around, he was about to leap onto the roof

You got something from your bag and quietly ran up behind him, and stuck something between the dents of his shell

He hadn't noticed as he jumped off, out of your sight

"Y/n? Who was that?" Sl/n asked, walking up to you

"I don't know, Sl/n...I don't know"

You both had decided to quickly walk back home, not wanting to be outside any longer after todays event

Returning home, you both greeted your mom and got ready for dinner

Telling your mom about your day, you had decided on leaving out what happened in the alleyway, to not stress out and worry your mother

Dinner was finished, and everyone went to do their own thing

Sitting at your desk inside your room, you decided to work on some homework to get your mind off of what happened for awhile

Hearing a knock on your door, you looked at your alarm to find it was almost midnight

"Come in" You said, closing your notebook. Soon after, the door opened to reveal Sl/n

"What are you doing up?" Questioning your little sibling, they shyly looked away, "I couldn't sleep, it was scary back there...can I stay here with you tonight?"

Smiling, you got up from your chair and walked over to the door, "Of course, I was going to bed anyways, c'mon"

They entered the room and you closed the door right after, and walked over to your bed, both of you laid on it

"Are those guys going to come back?" They asked, you shook your head, "I don't think we'll be needing to worry about them anymore"

Satisfied with the answer, they smiled and started drifting off to sleep

You looked up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to take you too

Maybe one day you'll decide to find out who he was...


Sorry if this oneshot was a little short!

See y'all in the next chapters!


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