Mikey X Shy!Male Reader

423 10 14

This was requested by @mgmendez2305

Welcome to the first oneshot 🌝

If it seems short, I am sorry lmfao, I tried my best

Key Words:
Y/n - Your Name


[No one's Pov]

It was late afternoon when Y/n's dear friend Mikey had texted him if he wanted to have a sleepover, with just the two of them

Obviously nervous, he pushed it aside and accepted the invite, now on his way to the sewers where his reptilian friend lived in

Why was he nervous? Why, because the young boy had a crush on the turtle. It was just a crush, a teeny tiny...ish...one, nothing too big of a deal

Finally arriving at the manhole, Y/n set down his bag and carefully moved the cover, that was kind of the hard part whenever he visited, but he didn't mind

Moving the cover back, he grabbed his bag and climbed down the ladder of the entrance

Getting close to the floor, he jumped and landed on his feet, readjusting his bag before walking to the main area

Reaching the living room, Y/n was greeted by Leo, Mikey's older brother

"Hey Y/n, I'm guessing you're here for Mikey?" He asked, looking up from his phone, "Y-Yeah, is he here?"

Nodding, he gestured over to the room, "He's in his room"

Giving a quick thanks, he walked over towards the room, before hearing Leo speak once again, "Go get him, lover boy!"

Gaining a red blush, he tried to ignore it, and shook it off, continuing inside

Walking into the room, he saw Mikey on the bed, he was a bit focused on drawing something, not hearing Y/n walk in

He didn't know whether to say something or not, clearly not wanting to interrupt whatever it was that Mikey was drawing

A few minutes passed, Mikey had reached for something beside his bed, but failed to grab it, and looked up, and saw Y/n, before quickly closing his sketchbook

"Y-Y/n! You're here early!" He stuttered out, not expecting to see him yet

"It's already 7..." Y/n said, Mikey quickly looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand that was just a few feet away from his bed, seeing it was indeed 7

He looked back at him and nervously smiled, "I may have lost track of time..."

Y/n giggled at this, knowing how forgetful Mikey was half the time

The box turtle blushed at this, he really loved to hear his best friends laugh.

How he wished many times that they were something more than the closest of friends...

Never mind that though! They both had a sleepover to get started on!

"So, what do you wanna do first?" Y/n asked, walking over to the bed and sat down next to him

"You wanna play some video games?"


After a few hours later, the two of them grew bored of playing some of the games on Mikey's console, now just laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling and talked about the most random of things that they thought of

A thought had lingered into Y/n's mind, he had thought of talking about it, but he didn't know whether right now was a good time or not, or ever at all...

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