Info Page!

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Heya! I'm Silky, or Peggy, or you can call me Author, I don't mind any haha

I decided to make this because this is one of my favorite series, and because why not

Going to say this now, please only request on the request page, it'll be very helpful for me, so I don't have to check everywhere for the requests

You can also dm me your request! I don't mind! Although keep in mind, after I finish your request, I will delete the dm, since it'll confuse me if I wrote your request or not

If you haven't watched Rottmnt at all, uh...I suggest watching it? There also might be SOME movie spoilers, depending on the ask, I'll make sure to add if it's movie related or not

I write for all genders, pronouns, and characters, just make sure to specify on the request

Make sure to include the character, romantic or platonic, and the plot, also the personality for the y/n if wanted

I'm not sure yet about character x ocs, because of the fact that I don't want to get the oc wrong at all 

I will do the basics, romantic type, platonic type, fluff, and angst

I will not write about rape, sexual assault, non-con stuff

I will also not write lemons for the turtles, both Casey's, or April, why? It makes me uncomfortable writing lemons and smut about them, and because they are teenagers

The thing I might allow, is mentions of a past abusive relationship, and suicide attempts, only if it's in the past of y/n

I do write for poly relationships, an example, Disaster Twins (Leo & Donnie) X Reader. If anyone asks "Aren't they brothers?" Yes, but there are different types of poly relationships, like, 2 people can be dating the same person, but not each other (I should know, I am in one 🌝)

The characters I will write for:

Michelangelo Hamato (Romantic/Platonic)

Donatello Hamato (Romantic/Platonic)

Leonardo Hamato (Romantic/Platonic)

Raphael Hamato (Romantic/Platonic)

April O' Neil (Romatic/Platonic)

Cassandra Jones (Romantic/Platonic)

Casey Jones (Romantic/Platonic)

I will not write anything romantic for Draxum, Big Mama, and Splinter, because I feel uncomfortable with writing about them like that, you can request platonic though

For headcanons, requesting either platonic or romantic, I'll be labeling the chapters using heart emojis for the certain character

All- 💝

I'm not that good at writing for certain characters, but I'll be trying my best!

There will some trigger warnings in some chapters, like description of blood, death, assault, manipulation, etc etc

Also if you request something, I'm sorry if it takes long, I do have other stuff to do, like art, studying, practicing piano, and school work. But know that I will be working on your request as soon as I have the time

If you do request, I might ask some questions to clarify in case your request is confusing!

That is all, I will add more info if I need to

I also have a dating headcanon book for them! So it doesn't get confusing with the oneshots

See you next time!

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