💖Valentines Day Headcanons💖

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•He stayed up a couple hours more than he was supposed to, to get your gift ready

•Mikey had to wake him up since he slept in

•When he saw you, oh boy...

•Had a red face that matched his mask, he was stuttering when he saw you

•He had gotten you a f/j (favorite jewel) necklace

•While you had gotten him a pastel red teddy bear with a black bow tie

•He loved it and it is now his favorite one out of his whole collection of plushies

•You guys spent the rest of the day in his room, watching cheesy romance movies while you were cuddling as he gently wrapped his arms around you, as you guys laid on his bed


•This blue turtle was excited for Valentines Day

•He couldn't wait to spend the whole day with you! He had so many things planned out

•Okay that was a lie, but he did have things planned out for the both of you

•His jaw was on the floor when he saw you, immediately complimenting your outfit, and just overall saying sweet things about you

•Except many one liners today

•This man is full of them

•He came up with the most cheesiest pick up lines he could think of

•Which obviously left his brothers facepalming

•And you just laughed and replied with an even more flirtatious pick up line that left him speechless for 5 minutes

•Prepare for a movie marathon, snacks, and a lot of cuddles


•The soft-shell wasn't the most...expressive turtle when it came to love

•Sure he studied on the history of Valentines Day and how people celebrate it

•But he didn't get it

•So he went to April for help-

•Anyways, back to the topic

•He did the basics of what anyone usually does for Valentines Day, flowers, chocolate, and a stuffed animal

•He also did get you your favorite snacks as well

•His brothers did tease him for the gifts he had gotten you, but he didn't care

•When he sees you, expect a Donnie.Chr has crashed unexpectedly

•Though he's not the most fond of physical touch, he decided to end the day of love with cuddles


•Even though he was the youngest, he knew a lot about this holiday

•It's not one of his favorites, but it did give him an excuse to shower you with gifts, compliments, and kisses!

•Boy, did he have a lot of gifts for you

•He had painted a very cute, and amazing detailed 16" x 20" portrait of you and him

•He had made you a lot of bead bracelets of your favorite colors

•He also baked you a lot of cookies

•Or if you don't like cookies, then cupcakes, or whatever dessert you like

•He showered you with so many kisses and hugs in his room, your flustered face was able to put Raphs mask to shame

•Safe to say that you both were content of how you guys spent your Valentines Day!


Happy Valentines Day guys!

Hope you enjoyed these headcanons, and don't worry, there will be more to oneshots and headcanons to come!

I haven't posted in awhile because high school is kicking my ass, but finding motivation to write again has made me excited

And I'm happy to announce that I'll still be writing for this book!

There's still some oneshots I have to work on, but feel free to request anything (appropriate) in the request page!

That is all! Until next time!

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