21. Judgment

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"Well?" Gaena demanded as otto caught up with her. "You are still here so either you confessed and Viserys doesn't care that you are manipulative cunt or you didn't tell him and are hoping he fell for Alicent."

"Gaena I didn't have time, he announced this so quickly." Otto told her.

"You could have made time. Now I have to break my brothers heart. He thought you a friend." Gaena reminded him, even though she had already told Viserys, she did hope he would speak up, give a bit of redeeming to his betrayal. "I loved you." Gaena told him. "But now..." her voice broke as she pushed open the door.

"Gae-' Otto reached for her but she was already inside.

'Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council. Otto was looking at Gaena begging her to speak to him to look at him but her focus stayed on her feet. "I will marry princess Gaena Targaryen.'' Viserys remarked.

Gaena looked up to Viserys confused. That wasn't part of the plan.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"I am Valyrian you condescending cunt." Gaena reminded him and Rhaenyra couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips. "Gods what it with you people you fathers trying to marry off your children, your literal babies of children to my brother. I am disgusted." Gaena's gaze stayed harsh on Corlys but Otto felt her words hit him like a blade.

"And I am your King." Viserys shouted while Rhaenyra stared at Gaena curiously.

"A wise choice your grace." Lyonel agreed looking to Gaena.

"Otto... a word." Viserys hissed as the room cleared out.


"House Velaryon's origins reach back to Old Valyria. More ancient even than House Targaryen... according to some texts." Corlys remarked. "But unlike the Targaryens, we were no dragon lords. For centuries, my house had to scratch out an existence from the sea with grit and luck. When I ascended the Driftwood Throne... I knew what I wanted.'Corlys said solemnly.

"So I went out and seized it. Unlike every other lord of the realm, I can say that I built my house's high seat with the strength of mine own back." Corlys went on. 'I've always thought of you and I as having been made from the same cloth.'

'I wasn't aware you had a king for a brother.' Daemon remarked.

'We're both men who have had to cut our own way through the world. We've been passed over... too often."

"Did you call me to Driftmark to remind me of my low standing, Lord Corlys, or was there some other reason?" daemon pondered.

"You've heard of the troubles in the Stepstones?"

"Some Myrish Prince is feeding Westerosi sailors to the crabs." Daemon recalled.

"I have been petitioning the King to send my navy into the territory, but he's denied me." Corlys told him.

"It was never my brother's strongest trait." Daemon remarked.


'Being King." Daemon clarified smugly. "Is it true Gaena will be queen?" Corlys nodded stiffly. "She is going to make his life hell. It is what she does best." Daemon teased. He loved his sister but Gaena was best in smaller doses. Daemon knew that Gaena would say something or do something that pushed Rhaenyra or Viserys away, severe a wedge between them... that was the hope at least.

"The crabfeeder is backed by powerful entities within the Free Cities who wish to see Westeros weakened." Coryls went on 'And the King's failures have allowed him to accumulate strength. If those shipping lanes fall, my house will be crippled. And I will not have Driftmark beggared while our King idles himself with feasts and balls and tourneys."

"I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will not." Daemon warned

"Waiting in the Stepstones is a chance for you to prove your worth to any who might yet doubt it. We are the realm's second sons, Daemon. Our worth is not given. It must be made.'



'Your Grace.' Otto said nervously.

'Five days.' Viserys told Otto

'I'm sorry, Your Grace?' Otto questioned

'Though it was some time ago. The details... they fade in memory. My father was a hale and healthy warrior and dragon rider at the peak of his abilities. Jaehaerys named a great royal hunt to celebrate him being named the Hand of the King. Five days later my... my father lay dead. Tourneys last longer. Baelon the Brave, rider of Vhagar, heir to the Iron Throne... dead of a burst belly. The gods have a dark wit.' Viserys reminded him.

'It was a grim day.' Ottos eyes shifted around the room nervously.

'I recall it all too well. Yeah... It was a good day for you. Jaehaerys named you Hand in Baelon's stead.' Viserys recalled

'That's hardly how I viewed it, Your Grace. It was a duty.' Otto assured but Gaena had talked too Viserys that much was obvious.

'You served my grand sire nobly in his final days. You are the man that taught me how to be King.'

'Oh, you honor me, Your Grace.' Otto said happily, perhaps Gaena hadn't spoken to Viserys after all. Perhaps she changed her mind and wanted to start things right... but she was to be queen... Otto's heart rate suddenly picked up as Viserys sighed shaking his head.

'Just five days... you went from being another man in Jaehaerys's court, to the second most powerful man in the realm. I wonder... how long did it take you to choose yourself over your King?'

'Your Grace?'

'I will never recover from Aemma's death. But Alicent... she and Gaena took me through the worst of my grief. She was a calculated distraction. I only now realize how well-calculated it was.' Viserys told him stiffly.

'T-that is an absurdity.' Otto stammered out. "Alicent was fond of you... she... I don't... Gaena will make a lovely Queen. So Lovely.'' Otto told him swallowing the lump in his throat.

'Your interests no longer align with those of the realm. Your judgment has been compromised.' Viserys said confidently.

'A loyal Hand must tell his king a discomforting truth from time to time, Your Grace. If he doesn't... he's failed as a servant.' Otto offered nervously.

'You were a faithful servant, Otto. The crown and the realm both owe you a debt that can never be repaid. But I can no longer trust your judgment.' Viserys told him.

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