The Bush and Shellmon

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 I woke up in a weird pretzel position; I had started with my upper body leaning on the tree and my feet closer to the fire, but I woke up with my head on the forest floor, my legs resting on the tree, and I had Tentomon in my arms like how I would hold one of my stuffed animals. "Finally, you're awake!" Tentomon yawned. "I've kinda been stuck here, but Black told me not to move in case you woke up."

I sat up, and let go of Tentomon. "Shoot, sorry." I apologized. "I'm not used to sleeping without a pillow or a stuffed animal. I guess you were the closest thing."

"No worries!" Tentomon said. "I'm going to scout out a way for us to get down to the beach. I'll be back ASAP!" And with that, Tentomon got up and flew off.

I stood up slowly, and stretched my back, neck, and tail. "Uuufff.." I stood up, and stretched out my legs.

My legs..

"What the?" I jumped, and put weight on my broken leg. It wasn't broken anymore. It felt perfectly normal. I glanced around the clearing, and only Black, Jay, and their partner Digimon were there. Black was poking the fire, Byiomon and Tanemon were still asleep, and Jay was also fast asleep. "Black, look!"

Black glanced up from prodding the fire, and she gasped. "What? How's your leg.. Not BROKEN?" she rushed over to me, and sat me down on a nearby stump. "Does it hurt when you walk? Does it hurt when I do this?" Black was poking, gently hitting, and moving my leg.

"It doesn't hurt!" I admitted. "I don't know how- I don't know why. I'm not complaining, though. It was so painful.."

Black blinked, her unusual eyes full of concern and awe. "It healed overnight?"

I thought about it for a minute or two. "I wonder if it's possible that my leg healed because of this new world.. Maybe cells and molecules work differently here?" I theorized,

Black rolled her eyes playfully. "Looks like you've been paying attention in science." she declared.

"Astute observation, captain obvious." I laughed, punching her arm lightly.

Conner marched back into the makeshift campsite with Agumon next to him. The rest of the group followed him. "We've found a way to the beach!" Conner declared.

"You mean, you did?" Via said, shooting a scathing look at Conner. Conner either didn't notice or ignored her.

"Calm down, Via." Gabumon said softly, and Via muttered something to Gabumon that I couldn't pick up.

Before Conner could continue his story, Tentomon flew back, his wings buzzing. "I found a way down to the beach!" he exclaimed. "There's a small staircase that's juuuust out of view!"

Conner glared at Tentomon, who completely missed his dirty look. "Really? Can you show us the staircase?"

Tentomon nodded enthusiastically, and Byiomon stood up. I didn't realize that she was awake. "I think Tentomon's way might be easier." she glanced at Conner, and hastily added, "Because Tentomon has a bug's eye view of the beach. He could spot the safest way to go-"

"Ok, ok. Whatever." Conner grumbled, acting as if everyone had dumped water on him.

It seemed like everyone noticed at once that my leg wasn't broken. Everyone instantly surrounded me, their questions of concern overlapping. The only ones who didn't seem concerned were our Digimon and Jay. Jay looked eerily calm, and when she caught my eye, she smiled innocently.

"Ok, everyone away from Ace!" Black and Byiomon broke through everyone and shooed them away. "Alright. I say we go down the mysterious cliff staircase. All who'd like to go down the staircase, stand next to Tentomon. All who want to take Conner's route, stand next to Agumon."

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