Chapter 1

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Hey people that are reading this, I'm Billie Wilson, obviously my twin brother is Wade Wilson also known as Deadpool. I'm currently 23 years old. My best friends are Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff. Oddly enough, they're both lesbians, not for each other but only Wanda has a girlfriend, current time but Wanda wasn't always a lesbian, she was bi until her now ex-boyfriend left her for another woman, well her ex was a robot so yeah. I'm actually gender fluid and pansexual
"Come on, Billie! You never come to parties!" Wanda complained.
"I have no reason to go to a party, plus I'm too antisocial to be going to parties." I blankly told her.
"It's not like you can get drunk." Natasha added.
"Fine, but just this once." I sighed.
"Yay! We'll pick you up at 8pm!" Wanda said as her face lit up and she smiled brightly.
"But first, we're going shopping." Natasha said, pulling off of my couch. I rolled my eyes and we left me and my twin brothers apartment who currently was out, 'working'
"What color should we get?" Wanda muttered under her breath.
"Red." I blankly said. We then looked through some of the red dresses at the mall then found a long red dress with a slit in it, and to be completely honest, I actually liked this dress. I brought it with my brother's card because at the moment I had no money on mine, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
"You'll look great in this dress!" Wanda exclaimed.
'Sure I will." I mumbled before we left the store and went to another store. At the next store, we got some jewelry that was also paid for with Wades card, along with everything else that I had bought today. As we were leaving the mall I got a text from him.

Big bro </3:

Why are there charges on my damn card?

Well, Wanda and Natasha are making
me go to a party so they
decided to take me shopping
and I used your card
because there wasn't any on mine.

Big bro </3:
Okay. Just tell me next time.

They drove me back to the apartment and I got out and muttered, "See you guys later."
"See you!" Wanda smiled widely.
A few hours later, It was 7pm so I decided to get off my phone from reading some spicy stories.
I decided to get in the shower so I had enough time to actually look nice. I took a 3o minute shower then slipped the dress on and walked to my vanity and started my skin care routine before doing my make-up, I kept it simple and I then added the jewelry that we had bought earlier in the day. It was 7:57pm once I finished all that so I grabbed my phone and wallet and put them in my mini backpack and then put it on and left my room and waited in the living room for wanda and natasha. Soon the doorbell rang and I yelled, "WADE! I'M LEAVING NOW! I'LL SEE YOU LATER!"
I opened the door and left with Wanda and Natasha and once getting to the car, I saw Wanda's girlfriend, Wanda's was in the front with Wanda. Natasha sat in the middle, beside me. Soon enough we got to the address of the party, it looked like avengers compound, we walked in and man came over. I'd say he's in his early 30s, late 20s but that doesn't really matter.
"Wanda, Nat, and Agatha. Glad you could make it." He said, looking at them. He then looked at me, looking me up and down.
"Who is this fine young lady?" He then asked with a huge grin on his face.
"The names Wilson, Billie Wilson." I said, putting my hand out for him to shake. He gladly shook it before Wanda said, "She's our best friend, Tony and she's the twin of Wade Wilson also known as deadpool."
"So like do you not die? Does your body like regenerate?" he questions.
"Yes, my body regenerates like my brothers so I physically can't die." I explain.
"I also can't get drunk." I added.
Wanda then pulls me over to the bar and orders 2 rounds of shots, knowing that I can't get drunk. I drink both rounds of shots in 5 seconds. While I was doing some had walked over and after I finished the last one, they said, "holy fuck. That was extremely hot."
I turned around to see the man from earlier and I chuckled at his comment and rolled my eyes.
"People call me hot a lot, mainly when I'm doing missions with my brother." I say.
"I can see why." He says with a smirk on his face, it was a gorgeous face I might add. I rolled my eyes once again and walked away to find nat who happened to be sitting on the couch with 2 guys who were making out.
"Hey Nat." I said, sitting down on another couch near them.
The two guys stopped kissing and looked towards you and then the blonde one asked, "Romanoff, who's this?"
"This is Billie, me and Wanda's best friend. I told you that she was coming to the party." Nat said with a slight grin on her face.
"Hi." I awkwardly said, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back into the chair. Wanda soon walked over with her girlfriend and another guy that had a metal arm and a girl holding his hand walked in along with the guy from earlier.
"Whos this?" The metal arm man guy asked.
"This is Billie. Wanda and Natasha's best friend." Tony said before either Wanda or Nat had the chance to say anything.
"She's a little anti-social so do you guys mind introducing yourselves?" Nat said.
"Little is an understatement, Asshole." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Well, I'm Bucky and this is my girlfriend Sarah and she's also the sister of Sam, the guy on the blondes lap." The guy with the metal arms said with a slight grin on his face.
"I'm Steve, Captain America obviously." He said.
"I'm Sam like Bucky had just said." The darker skinned guy said.
"Let's play truth or dare!" I heard Tony suggested.
"Yes! That sounds so fun!" Wanda exclaimed.
"I'm good." I muttered.
"No, you're playing." Wanda demanded.
"You need to socialize, Zurlauben." nat said.
"Fine but only under one condition." I said with a smirk starting to form on my face.
"Oh god. What is it?" Wanda asked.
"The two of you have to do whatever I say for a day." I said and shock began to form on their faces.
"Are you serious?" Nat questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"I am, Artemis." I said blankly.
"Fine. Tomorrow, we'll do whatever you say." Nat sighed.
"Great." I mumbled. The rest of them got into a circle and I finished the bottle I was drinking and put it in the middle.
"I'll go first." Tony said. He spun the bottle and it landed on me.
"Truth or dare, Billie." He asked me.
"Truth." I blankly said.
"Have you ever killed someone?" I was asked.
"Yes. I only kill people who deserve it." I say. They all looked at me in shock except Wanda and Nat since they already knew. They were all speechless than I added, "Me and my twin brother, Wade Wilson are mercenaries and sometimes we do missions together."
I then spun the bottle and it landed on Tony.
"Truth or dare, Tony." I blankly said.
"Dare." he said with a grin forming on his face.
"Do 7 minutes in heaven with Billie!" Natasha said with a huge smirk on her face.
"Natasha istfg-" I mumbled before standing up and walking to the closest closet, Tony following close behind. Once we were in the closet, I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest.
"So..." He said as he began to walk closer to me so then I put my hand out, stopping him from coming any closer.
"I have a girlfriend." I blankly said and shock took over his facial features, then a notification popped up on my phone so I pulled it out and saw that my girlfriend posted on her story. I opened up Instagram to see what she posted and saw that she posted a picture of her on a guy's lap, kissing him, so I took a screenshot of it and sent it to Wade cause I know he won't let that slide. Anger and sadness slowly took over my facial features. Tears started to slide down my face. I slide down the wall and put my face in my hands. He noticed something was up so he bent down and asked, "Is everything okay?"
"No, nothing is fucking okay!" I whisper-yelled.
"My girlfriend just fucking cheated on me and posted it on her story-" I mumbled.
'Fuck it.' Tony thought to himself before grabbing my face with both of his hands and crashing his lips on mine. I was in shock for a second but soon enough I ignored the fact that I was in a relationship and kissed him back. As that was opening the door had opened and I heard a camera click so I pulled back to see wanda taking a picture. Which that gave me an idea.
"Wanda, nat, come here. I need to tell you something." I said, standing back up. They nodded and we went into an empty room.
"So... Sandra cheated on me with some rich dude, I have an idea for some revenge." I said with a smirk forming on my face.
"That bitch-" Nat said before Wanda cut her off.
"I never liked the bitch anyway." Wanda muttered.
"Okay besides the point, Wanda send me the picture you just took and I'm gonna post it on my story for her to see." I blankly said.
"Thats good." Wanda said before sending me the picture.
"I know but Wade is gonna kill her afterwards." I said. I downloaded the picture and went to instagram and posted the picture on my story and not long after posting the picture, my girlfriend started blowing up my phone.

Sandra <3-

Just some sweet revenge before you die :)

Sandra <3-

Wades gonna kill you dumbass :)

Sandra <3-

You cheated first. Wanda and Nat were right
I should've never dated you in the first place.

"Done with that." I said to myself before leaving the room that I was in. I walked back to the room that we were recently in and it was Wanda's turn to spin so she spun the bottle and it landed on Natasha.
"Nat, truth or dare?" Wanda asked her.
"Truth." she blankly said.
"Nat, do you have any siblings?" I asked.
"Yes, a younger sister." She answers.
We continued to play for the next few hours, Wanda and Nat got extremely drunk and they were my ride so I won't be able to get home.
"Great. Wanda and Nat, you two really had to get fucking drunk-" I sighed.
"You can stay here, Billie. We have the room." I heard Tony say.
"Oh thanks." I muttered, giving him a slight smile.
"Its no problem, you can borrow one of my shirts if you'd like." He added.
A couple hours later, the party was finally over, all the guests left.
Tony showed me the room that I was staying in and ran to his room and grabbed a shirt and handed it to me, I slightly smiled at him before he left my room. I changed out of the dress and into the shirt. Which was oversized but It was fine. I then took out my phone and went to wattpad because my dear readers, I love reading fanfics about myself cause it's funny to see what these simps like to write about me.

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