Chapter 2

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The morning after that when Wanda and Nat were no longer drunk, Nat drove me back to my apartment but I did eat breakfast beforehand and Tony did give me his number before I left.
A couple months later.
I pretty much went to the compound every day and worked out with Nat and Wanda. They even gave me my own room in the compound but I didn't use it often. Whenever they had movie nights, they invited me over but I didn't always go because sometimes I was having one with my brother, or I was busy with 'work' with Wade. My ex has been dead for these past few months. I started to grow feelings for Tony but would I ever tell him? Nope.
"Come on, Billie! Please join the movie night today!" Wanda begged.
"Oh my god! Fine." I sighed and then I got up off the couch and changed into sweats and a crop top and then added my air forces and a necklace and then got into my car and drove to the compound and walked inside. They were all already on the couch, they were waiting for me so I then sat down and the only seat left was beside the person that I honestly didn't want to sit by but I had to deal with it. I sat down beside Tony, against the arm of the couch that I was sitting on. I didn't really like the movie that was playing so I pulled out my phone and got onto wattpad and started reading a fanfic that someone wrote about tony. My dear readers, I've recently been reading those. As I was getting into the spicy part, Tony peered over my shoulder and whispered, "What are you reading there, sweetheart?"
I turned my phone off and started blushing like crazy out of embarrassment and then whispered back, "I-It's..uh.Its nothing."
He smirked and turned his attention back to the movie and then I stepped out of the room and walked into the kitchen to calm my nerves, and then one of the other guys in there got up and followed me, and this one had a very obvious crush on me.
"hey..You all good?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yes loki, i'm fine." I blankly said
"What was that about?" he asked.
yelled before storming to my room in the compound,and then they paused the movie and walked out of the room and into the kitchen.
"What happened Loki?" Tony asked.
"I..I.. don't know..." He stuttered
"I'll go talk to her." Wanda said before going up to my room.
Once she got to my room, which the door was cracked open, she opened the door more.
"Hey.." She muttered.
"What was that about?" she asked.
I put my face in my hands and let the tears fall and I mumbled, "I don't know what came over me. I've told him to leave me alone many times but he never listens."
She walks towards me and pulls me into a hug and rubs my back which always calms me down.
"Okay, asshole time to get back to the movie." she said, pulling back from the hug.
"Oh hell no. That movie is boring as hell." I said.
"Well, me, you and Natasha could always have our own movie night at your apartment..." Wanda suggested.
"I'm down for that." I said then we left my room and walked back out there, wanda went in and I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed over my chest.
"Nat, me and billie decided that we're gonna have our own movie night at her apartment since this movie is boring as hell." Wanda said.
"Thats fine, lets go." Nat replied and she got up off the couch and then both Wanda and Natasha's girlfriends got up because they didn't want to stay there with a bunch of dudes. We left and got into my car then I drove them to my apartment and we went inside and Wade was in the kitchen, attempting to cook something, but of course he failed to do so.
I walked into the kitchen and tapped his shoulder then he turned around.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the compound having a movie night?" he asked with a quizzical look on his face.
"We ditched them. The movie was boring. We're having our own movie night, join us if you want." I said blankly. I helped him cook whatever it was that he was trying to cook. We then went into the living room and turned on a jojo rabbit. The six of us watched the movie and like half way through the movie wade, agatha (Wanda's girlfriend) and Pepper (Natasha's girlfriend) fell asleep. Leaving the three of us to finish the movie. By the time the movie was over, Wanda and Nat fell asleep. Soon after I got a text message.

Tony <3-
Hey..Can you come back to the compound?
I need to talk to you about something.

Can it wait till tomorrow?
Wanda, Nat, Pepper and Agatha are all asleep on my couch.

Tony <3-
Yeah I guess it can wait.
Good night ;)

Night Tony :)

I wonder what Tony has to tell me. I get up from the couch and throw Wade over my shoulder to take him to his room. I threw him onto his bed then went to my room and changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt. Instead of going to sleep, I get onto my phone and start reading a fanfic on wattpad because my dear readers, I just love reading fanfics in the middle of the night. Well readers, you'll see what tony has to say in the next chapter :)

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