Chapter 5

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It's been a year since Tony and I started dating, I typically stayed at the compound more often than Wade's and I's apartment. I was standing in the kitchen with Nat, talking to her about something. I then felt Tony come up behind me and hug me from behind. He just had his forehead resting on my shoulder.
"Hi beautiful." He whispered to me in a tired voice as he was in his lab all night. I turn around to face him.
"Y'know you really have to stop spending all night in your lab." I told him. He puts his head in the crook of my neck and says, "I know. I know, It's just that I'm working on something really important."
Little did I know the thing he was working on was for me for my birthday which was in just a few days. I put my hand in his hair and ran my fingers through it a few times. I sigh and pull myself away from him. I start to walk to the training center to blow off some pent up anger and stress.   
"Where are you going?" he asked me.
"I'm just going to blow off some pent up anger and stress." I told him. Tony came up to me and pressed a kiss to my lips. Nat's already left the room by this time.
"Go get some sleep, Tony." I tell him with a demanding tone. He nods and starts heading up to his room while I go to the training center. I'm in there for like an hour and when I finally finish up, I go to my room to take a shower and put on a plaid skirt with a black t-shirt that says 'self love'. I wore a leather jacket over it. I also wore fishnets under the plaid skirt. I put on a pair of Adidas. I also put my gun holster on my hip and my knife holster on my thigh, since Wade and I had a mission today. I walk out of my room and go to Tony's room to see if he's actually asleep. He is, but he's hugging the pillow that I used last night when I slept in his room last night. He told me that he would be there but he didn't promise that he would. I walked up to him and kissed him on the forehead, as I started to leave, Tony grabbed my wrist.
"Stay. Please.." He said in a bit of a whiny tone. I sit on the bed in front of him.
"I can't. I have a mission, tony." I told him, running my fingers through his hair a few times. I pressed a kiss to his lips and got up and left his room and got onto my motorcycle. I drove to the place that Wade told me to meet him at.
"Fighting in a skirt? Hm..okay sis." Wade says as I pull up.
"How about next time, you come in a dress then. A maid dress, specifically." I say, annoyed. We then go into the hydra base and at first I first go fighting with my hands since I just blew off some pent up anger and stress. Soon after I start using my knife and I kill a few with that, then I pull out my gun and start using that. I kill a big amount with my gun and once I run out of ammo in my gun, I go back to using my knife. As I'm killing the last guy, I get a cut in my thigh.
"Shit." I mumble. Wade hears me mumble something but doesn't know what, so he looks over and sees the cut in my thigh but with the fishnets, it's not as bad.
"Wade! Don't just stand there! Get the first aid kit off my bike!" I yell at him. He runs out and grabs it. Moments later, He runs back in and tosses it to me. I quickly open it and start attending to my wound. Once I finish taking care of the wound, I toss the first aid kit back to him. I slowly got back up and limped over to my bike since the leg that I got a cut in was still hurting and I didn't want to put pressure on it. I get on my bike and start driving back to the compound. Once I get there, Nat and Wanda see me limping. The first one to get to me was Wanda.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Wanda asks me, worriedly.
"I'm fine. It's just a cut. I took care of it. There's a reason why I have a first aid kit on my bike." I say.
"Don't let Tony see it, He'll get all worried." Nat said as she and Wanda helped me over to the couch.
"I'm worried about him, myself. He is always in his damn lab." I say with an eye roll at the end.
"I mean, he is always upgrading our suits so that we're safe."  Nat says.
"Yeah, I know but he's not getting enough sleep." I sigh, putting my head in my hands. I get up off the couch because the leg has regenerated the wound so the wound is gone. I go to my room and change back into something more comfy then I head to Tony's room to see if he's still asleep and luckily he is. He was now laying on his back so I laid in front of him and silently slithered my hands around his waist. He then unconsciously wrapped his arms around me and pulled me on top of him. I rested my head on his chest. As we were laying there he started to rub my back. I then fell asleep and took a nap with him. After a few hours, I had woken up before him and when I tried to get up, he would attempt to pull me back down but I was stronger than him so I was able to slip out. When I did, I saw him pout and flip over to his side to where his back was facing me. I rolled my eyes. I left the room and walked to the living room area. That's where nat and wanda and their girlfriends were watching a movie.
"What are you guys watching?" I asked them.
"Lucy. It was Nat's idea to watch it." Wanda replies. I nodded and joined them on the couch. I was currently in one of Tony's t-shirts and a pair of shorts.
"Is that Tony's shirt?" Nat asks, smirking.
"So what if it is?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes and slumped back into the couch. We watched the movie and about an hour later I felt the weight of someone on me as I had fallen asleep while watching the movie. I opened my eyes to see Tony sitting beside me with his legs diagonally  on top of mine, his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. Nat and the others already left the room. I nudged him awake.
"Tony..wake up." I whisper. He then digs his head into my neck.
"Tony." I say in a demanding tone. He pulls his head up and looks at me, I glared at him with an eyebrow raised.
"What..?" He asks, a little fear in his voice. I pat my lap, signaling for him to lay his head there. He does so, he just looks up at me.
"On your birthday, I want to take you out, for the entire day." He says. What I didn't know is that he was planning a surprise party for me and Wade, and he needed me out of the compound. Wade was never here so for him it's no issue, so the rest of them could decorate for the party.  I put my hand to his cheek and caressed it then I said, "okay, that sounds nice." 
I leaned down and kissed him. He smiled before digging his face into my stomach. I pulled his face from my stomach and glared at him, then I said, "Tonight, you're not going to spend all night in your lab."
He nodded before digging his face back into my stomach, he tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my hand in his hair and played with it.  He soon fell asleep, and as he slept, I felt him draw patterns on my lower back with his finger.

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