Chapter 4

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It's been some time since I threatened Tony's ex-girlfriend and she hasn't contacted him since. My feelings for him have grown even more, I don't usually show them. I've been hanging out with Natasha and Wanda a lot more, trying to stay away from Tony but when they're busy with a mission or their girlfriends, I'll stay at home and hang out with Wade. Sometimes me and him will do some missions or we'll have a game night and/or movie night but usually it's a game night. If I'm not hanging with any of them, I'm on my phone reading some spicy stories. And today is my and Wade's birthday.

Wade! Can you come outside the compound, real quick?
Big bro </3-
Yeah, sure.
Okay! I'll see you!

I walked outside to the front of the compound and met Wade outside. There were a bunch of dead hydra agents, spelling the words 'happy birthday' We had killed these agents on our last mission.
"Sis, are those seriously the hydra agents we killed earlier?" he asked, laughing.
"Yes Wade. They are the hydra agents we killed." I replied. Tony then came outside the compound and walked up behind me and tapped my shoulder so then I turned around and saw him holding a bouquet of tulips. I gave him a quizzical look then he said, "Billie, For the past month I have been trying to figure out how to ask you this.."
"Ask me what, Tony?" I said, confused.
He put the bouquet out for me to take which I ended up taking from him and once I did he said, "Billie, Will you go out with me?"
I looked inside the compound to see Nat and Wanda already looking with huge ass grins on their faces. I looked back at Wade and he had a grin on his face as if he knew this was going to happen. I looked back at Tony and he had a warm smile on his face as he was waiting for my answer. I look at him dumbfounded that he had just asked me out, and in front of my brother, on my fucking birthday.
"Yes of course, I'll go out with you Tony." I smiled, blushing a little. His smile grows wide.
"Does 8 sound good?" he asked softly.
"That sounds perfect, Tony!" I smiled, the first genuine smile I've had in a long time.
Around 7:25pm.
I was sitting in my bedroom in me and Wade's apartment, reading some stories about Tony. My dear readers, you are some serious simps :D I decided to get off and take a shower. Once out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and then noticed Tony had texted me while I was in the shower.

Tony <3-
Hey, I made reservations for one
of the fancys restaurants
So dress nice ;)
Alright, I will :)

I walked into my closet and pulled out the dress that I wore the night that I met Tony. I slipped into the long red dress that I wore to the very first party I ever went to. It may have been a bad first bad experience but I did meet Tony there. After putting the dress on, I did my skincare routine then did simple make-up then added some jewelry like a few necklaces and a few rings. It was 7:50pm once I finished getting ready so I grabbed my phone and purse and began to head out to the living room to wait for Tony. I sat there for about 10 minutes, it was exactly 8 o'clock when the doorbell rang.
"I'M GOING OUT NOW, WADE!" I yelled before opening the door. I opened the door to see Tony in an all black suit with a deep scarlet tie.      
"Same dress as when we met?" He said, softly.
"Yeah, it's also the only dress that I have here at me and my brother's apartment." I said as I stepped out of the apartment. We walked out of the apartment complex and got into Tony's Ferrari, driving to the restaurant.  On our way there, we took part in some small talk but most of the time. We sat in comfortable silence.
At the restaurant 
As soon as we got to the server, she seated us and told us the waiter would be with us soon. We then started to look through our menus and figured out what we wanted. And as soon as the Waiter came over, we gave her our orders.  He then walked away to get our food ready.
"I want to take you to one more place after this." He says and I nod in acknowledgement. 
The waiter then comes back with our food and we eat it while taking part in small talk.   
"How do you like the food?" He asks.   
"It's good." I say.
"That's good. This is my favorite place." He says. Soon we finished eating and  he paid the bill and added a $100 tip. We then left and we walked to his car and drove to the other place he wanted to take me.
"What is this place, Tony?" I asked.
"This is my favorite place to go when I'm stressed." He says.   
"Well, it's beautiful, Tony," I said with a warm smile.
"Not as beautiful as you." he retorted with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes at his comment but then he took my hands in his and softly smiled at me.
"I also want to ask you something else." He says.
I raise an eyebrow and say, "And that is, stark?"
"We've kissed twice in the time that we've known each other and both times, I've felt a spark between us and I know you have too." He says.
I don't say anything.
"I can't keep pretending that there's not something else between us so, Bille...Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.
"I've been waiting for so long for you to ask me that, so yes tony i will be your girlfriend." I said with a huge grin forming on my face.
He chuckles and pulls me in by the waist and presses his lips to mine, and I kissed him back and this kiss was much more passionate than the other two times that we kissed. Once we pulled back he rested his forehead on mine and we stood there in silence for a bit before deciding to get back into his car and drive to the compound.
"Sooo...." Nat says, smirking as we walk inside.
"Shut up." I say, coldly. I walk to my room and Tony walks to his room. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I was doing my skincare routine when someone knocked on my door.
"I'll be there in a second!" I yell to the person at my door. I finished up my skin care routine. I walk to the door and open it. To my surprise, it was Tony.
"Oh hi Tony, what's up? I was just about to go to bed." I say, confused as to why he was knocking on my door.
"Can sleep with you?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sure you can." I say. I saw his face lit up when I said that.
"I've always had trouble sleeping and I think sleeping with someone that I like will help me." He says.
"That's reasonable." I say. I let him into my room while I go to my closet and switch the shirt for a hoodie. Tony was sitting on my bed, on his phone while he waited for me. I then got into my bed and laid down and got on my phone for a little bit, checking if I had any missions the next day. Luckily I didn't. I then felt Tony's hands go around my waist, it was weird at first because it's not something that I have felt in awhile. I soon felt his breath on my neck. That also felt weird, not that I haven't felt it in awhile but feeling breath on my skin is just a weird feeling in general. I felt him start to draw patterns on my stomach. Weirdly enough, they got me sleepy and I fell asleep in Tony's embrace.

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