Chapter 6

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3 years later

It was the morning of my birthday. I was laying on my bed with Tony laying next to me, his head in the crook of my neck. I felt him start to stir awake. He lifted his head and sat up on the bed.
"Good morning, Sweetheart. Happy birthday." He said. I felt a smile tip onto my lips. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.
"Thank you." I say. He smiles and begins to pepper kisses all over my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down.
"Do we really have to go out?" I ask him in a whiny tone.
"Yes sweetheart. We do." He replies. I sigh and he gets up so I could get up to get ready. I walk to the dresser. Tony walked out of my room and went to his so he could get ready.  I put on a plaid skirt, a white silky button up shirt that was a long sleeve. I added some fishnets then for shoes I put on some thigh high heeled boots. I grabbed the black purse that I had and put it over my shoulder. I walked to the door of my room and opened it to see Tony standing just across the hall.
"First, I have something to give you." He said. I looked at him confused and then he took my hand and brought me down to his lab.
"Why are we going down here?" I asked.
"Because the thing is in my lab." He says. When we got to his lab, I didn't expect to see what I saw.
"This is also the reason why I've been in here all night lately." He says. It was a brand new suit even though I only asked him for an upgrade on my old one.
"A brand new suit, tony? Seriously? I only asked for an upgrade." I say, shocked. He nods. I walked over to Tony who was standing in the doorway of the lab and I hugged him.
"Thank you." I say. He hugs me back, putting his arms around my waist.
"It's no issue, sweetheart." He says. I lean up and kiss him. We then leave the compound. We got into his car.
"Where are we going first?" I ask as he puts his hand on my thigh.
"I was thinking the mall, maybe?" He says. He starts the car and starts driving to the mall.


We arrive at the mall and he gets out and walks around to my side and opens the door for me, he puts his hand out for me to take which I do. We walk into the mall, our hands intertwined. Crazy to think that we only met because I got forced to go to one of his parties. We went into different stores, he just held all my bags. It was probably about 2 ½ hours later that we finished the shopping. We took all the bags back to his car and put them in the trunk. We now sat back in the car, Tony's hand resting on my thigh, his thumb gilding over the top. He drove back to the compound. We arrived there and Tony put his hand over my eyes as he led me inside. His other hand was on my lower back. We were now on the floor where the parties were usually held. There weren't as many people as there usually were. It was mainly just the avengers along with Wade and I's closest friends. Once Tony and I walked in, Wanda and Nat stole me away from Tony. They pulled me over to where they knew Wade was.
"Billie, come get your present." Wade stated after he hugged me and handed me a wrapped box.
I pull off the wrapping paper. Tony had to get something from his room. Once the wrapping was off. I recognized the name on the box. It was from the company that my childhood best friend developed when we were in high school.
"No fucking way." I mumbled. I opened the box and inside it were 2 lockets, one had a picture of me, Wade and my childhood best friend, while the other had a picture of me and Tony on our 2 year anniversary.
"Yes fucking way." I heard someone say. I knew that voice. I quickly turned around.
"Lily. You're here. What are you doing here? Oh my god." I ran to her and brought her into the tightest hug ever.
"I finished studying and I wanted to surprise you for your birthday. I've missed you." She answered.
"And don't worry, I got you something from every country I visited as promised." She added. I looked around to see where Tony was and he was getting a drink. I noticed some girl trying to flirt with him but he completely ignored her. He got his drink and made his way towards us. The girl was flabbergasted.
"Billie." Lily began snapping her fingers in front of my face.
"Sorry lily. My mind was somewhere else for a minute." I apologized.
"It's fine." She responded as she showed me the souvenirs she got for me.
"Where's Sandra? I thought she was your girlfriend." Lily asked.
"Yeah like 4 years ago. But anyway, she's dead." I responded. She rolled her eyes.
"Are you in another relationship?" she asked me. I looked over at Tony and he gave me a warm smile.
"Yeah actually." I smiled, turning to look back at Lily.
"Ooh! Can I meet them?" Lily asks me.
"Yeah," I replied, I turned to look at Tony and motioned him towards me. I turned back to Lily.
"Lily, this is my boyfriend, Tony." I introduced him to her, "and Tony, this is my childhood best friend, as Lily."
"Oh yeah, Lily. The 2 redheads by Wade are other best friends. They're actually the reason I met Tony." I spoke.  For the next few hours, I was catching up when suddenly my favorite song started playing throughout the room. I felt a tap on my shoulder and Tony was behind me.
"Dance with me?" He asked with a shy smile on his face. I smile at him.
"Of course." I spoke, standing up. I take his hand and he pulls me to the dance floor. We dance to the song. As we danced, his hands rested on my hips.
"You look amazing, sweetheart." He smiles down at me. I interlock my hands behind his head.
"Thank you." I smile. The song got to the point where the boy would dip the girl. So Tony dipped me and I let out a small squeal, one that no one would hear. When Tony dipped me, he pressed his lips to mine. I easily kissed him back. He pulled me back up after parting from the kiss. It wasn't long before the song was over. I couldn't help but feel myself blushing all over. Tony just smiled down at me as the song ended. He pecked my lips again. Afterwards, the DJ returned to playing pop music. I pulled away from Tony and went to find lilly. When I find her, she's in a corner... With Natasha? And they're making out. I don't say anything, I just simply walk away. I go and find wade, he's at the bar drinking. I mean he did just lose his girlfriend, Vanessa, not long ago.
"Wade, you alright?" I ask, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me.
"I'll be fine." He grumbled. I patted his shoulder before walking away, mainly because I figured Wade wanted to be alone. When I made it back to where everyone else was, I saw Tony getting on the stage. He tapped the mic to get everyone's attention.
"Ahem! Everyone, listen up!" he spoke into the mic. I sighed, hoping that he wasn't going to do something stupid.
"Tonight is a very special night. Not only is it my girlfriend's birthday but it's also the day I asked her out 4 years ago." He said, I couldn't help but smile.
"Billie, come on up here, sweetheart." He says, I was confused but I went up on the stage anyway. Tony took my hand in his.
"Billie, I've never been more in love with someone than I am with you. Anytime that I see your name pop up on my phone, I can't help but smile, my heart even skips a beat. I love you so much and I hope one day I can tell you that as your husband." He says, I couldn't help but blush. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small dark blue velvet box. He got down on one knee.
"Billie, will you be my wife?" Tony asks, opening the box, revealing a diamond ring. I place my hand over my mouth.
"Tony..." I started. I looked at Nat and Wanda, they were just as shocked as me. I turned my head to look at Wade and he was pretty surprised as well. The room is dead silent. I fumbled with the ring on my hand as I nodded my head. Tony smiled and slid the diamond ring onto my finger. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me, spinning me around.
"Tony, put me down. You know how I feel about being spun around like this." I whisper. He places me back on my feet.
"Yeah. yeah." He mumbled. He then placed his lips on mine, giving a soft but sweet passionate kiss. I walked down from the stage Wanda, Natasha and Lily quickly came over to me to look at the ring. I turned my head to look at Tony but he just smiled at me and walked towards the bar. After a few hours, the party was over with. Tony and I were back in our room. I was changing out of the dress that I had been wearing. I was now wearing a pair of shorts with one of Tony's black sabbath t-shirts. Tony was already laying in bed as he had already changed his clothes. He was wearing black sweatpants with a black tank top. I sat with him on the bed. My back against his chest, my head on his shoulder. He put one arm around me. I just smiled and looked down at my finger, admiring the ring.
"When did you have time to buy this?" I ask him.
"You know that mission I had last week? That short one?" he asked.
"Yeah." I responded.
"Well, it actually wasn't a mission. I lied so that I could buy the ring without raising any suspicion." He told me. I nodded. The box for the ring was on my nightstand so I took the ring off and put it in there, I then put the box in the drawer. I moved into a more comfortable position for sleep. I gave him a kiss on the lips. It wasn't long before we were both fast asleep.

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