Chapter 3

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I was up before the rest of them so I decided to make them some breakfast, well not wade, he can get himself some cereal. Nat,Wanda, Agatha and Pepper were still all fast asleep on the couch, I didn't feel the need to wake them. Mainly because they hate being woken up, It's not like they could kill me but still. They're scary.  Soon Wanda and Nat woke up, They tired walked to the kitchen which is where I am.
"Morning." I blankly said without turning around.
"How'd you know we came in here?" Nat asked.
"I'm a mercenary, nat. I can sense when a person steps into the room." I said.
"Morning wade." I said as Wade stepped into the room and they looked to the door to see my twin brother.
"Morning lil sis." He said before walking to the pantry and pulling out his cereal.
I finished up the food I was making and then handed Nat and wandas theres then put two plates for Pepper and Agatha and ate mine. It wasn't long till Pepper and Agatha woke up and went to the kitchen and ate their breakfast. Once I finished eating, I went to my room and took a quick shower and changed into leggings and a sports bra then threw a hoodie over it. I walked back to the living room and the girls were on the couch watching a show while waiting for me so we could go to the compound so then we left and got into my car and drove to the compound. Nat went to her room and changed so we could change but then I texted Tony.

Me- at the compound, we can talk about the thing
After I finish training with nat.
Tony <3-
Sounds like a plan.

I headed to the training center and surprisingly, Nat beat me there. We started to train. We started with the punching bags then went on the treadmills then we did some sparing. I beat her the first round then the 2nd round she won. Once finished I got out the ring and grabbed my water bottle and took a sip before hearing, "Damn..That was hot."
I looked up to see Tony standing in the doorway of the training center with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Seriously Tony?" I said, annoyed.
"What? It was!" He said, defending his statement.
"Whatever." I said, walking out the training center and he followed me.
"Billie, I need your help." He said as he caught up to me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.
"With?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"So my ex, she won't leave me alone and she keeps texting me and stuff  so can you fake date me to get her to leave me alone?" He asks.
"Fake date?" I question.
"Yes. I'll give you whatever you want if you do it." He says with desperation in his eyes.
"Anything I want?" I question with a smirk forming on my face.
"Yes, anything." He says.
"Okay, fine. I'll help you with your problem." I say before walking away.
"Wait, I...I actually told her already that I was dating someone and she said she wants to meet said person." He says, fiddling with his fingers.
"Okay, Tony. What time?" I ask.
"7:30pm." he says. I nod and continue to walk to my room to take another shower to rinse the shower off of my body and then I change into a pair of sweats and t-shirt. I then head to the living room, where everyone else is, except a select few.
"Hey asshole." Wanda said as I stepped into the room.
"Hey witchy." I said with the same exact tone in my voice. I then walked to the couch and turned on the game console that I bought for the compound.
A few hours later
"Hey billie, for the thing, you'll need to dress's kind of an expensive restaurant." Tony said, coming up to me in the kitchen.
"Oh, alright." I say blankly.
He then walks away and im guessing to his workshop.
Some more hours later, Its now 6:45pm
I decided to get off my phone and take a shower. After I take my shower, I slip into a red dress, showing off every single one of my curves. I applied some simple make-up and added some jewelry. It was 7:25 when I finished doing that so I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse. I had to look 'presentable' so instead of bringing my mini backpack I decided to bring a purse. I walked to my door and opened to see Tony about to knock on the door. He was wearing a black suit with a red tie. Once I open the door, He looks me up and down then a grin spreads across his face.
"You" He says.
"Thanks. You look nice too." I said, walking out of my room and closing the door behind me. We then walked out to the garage and got into his ferrari and drove to the place. His ex was outside, watching his every move. His ex was very pretty, I felt a little self conscious but he put his hand on my thigh, reassuring me that everything was fine and that I had nothing to worry about.
He got out of the car and came around to my side of his car and opened the door. He put his hand out for me to take which I did. I got out of the car with my hand in his. We then walked to the entrance of the restaurant, where his ex was standing.
"See grace. I told you that I'm in a relationship." He said.
"Oh come on, Tony. You can't act like you don't miss me, or well us.. The tiniest bit." She said,
"I don't. You cheated, grace." He said blankly.
We then went inside the restaurant and got a table, towards the back.
"Tell me about yourself." She said, looking at me with a jealous glare.
"My name is Billie. I'm a twin, and well I'm a mercenary. I'm 23 years old.  I'm gender fluid and pansexual." I say.
"So you're saying that you would date a girl?" She questioned.
"Yeah, but I don't do it based on looks, I base it on personality." I say. Well its kinda in the definition of pansexual.
"Oh my god! That's disgusting!" She says with a disgusted look in her eyes.
"Grace, y'know it's actually scientifically proven that being part of the lgbtqia+ community is actually natural." Tony says.
"Oh and grace, I'm actually bisexual, myself." He says. I was shocked to find out that he was bisexual.
He leans down to my ear and whispers, "Don't tell anyone, sweetheart. The team doesn't know."
I nodded and soon enough the waiter came over and took our orders. Grace then started talking about herself.
"Y'know i still don't believe that the two of you are actually dating." she said. I looked at him before leaning to his ear and whispering, "to play it off, you're gonna have to kiss me."
He nodded and I comfortably sat back in my seat and he gave his ex a warm smile before gently grabbing my chin and pulling it towards him and gently pressing his lips to mine.
"Believe us, now?" he questioned looking at her.
"I...uh..." she stuttered.
"That's what I thought." he said under his breath.
I leaned to his ear and whispered, "I'm gonna threaten her so she'll leave you alone."
He nodded and I stood up and walked over to her side and grabbed her chin and roughly lifted her face.
"Look, I'm gonna say this once. Leave him alone or I'll kill you myself." I say low enough so that only she can hear.
"Y-Yes..I'll leave him alone." She stutters.
"Great!" I say, grinning. I then sat back down beside Tony.
"I think we'll take our leave." he says, calling the waiter over to our table. He tells them that we were ready for the check. We pay for the dinner and then we leave and go back to his Ferrari.
"Thank you. I really appreciate you helping me." He smiles as we get back into his car.
"It's no problem, Tony." I say. He then turns the car on and we drive back to the compound.

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