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After talking with my dad for a bit I headed to my mom's studio and I climbed out seeing some car I've never seen before. 

so I locked up my car and headed inside and went towards my mom's office where some grimmy mother fucker was choking my mom.

I busted into the door and socked the mother fucker in the face that tried to grab me before I I kicked the fucker who was choking my mom.

while she was catching her breath I beat the shit out of the bastards.

"you tell that piece of shit Georgie he'll only get one fucking warning and nothing else but that. and if he's not fucking satisfied he can fucking eat shit," I tell them as I tossed their fucking ass out.

I went back and checked on my mom before I had her stay there while I went and shut shit down.


"everyone listened to what I said knowing that I'm the second boss of this place.

I saw a bunch of the girls beat black and blue and I shook my head.

"go get checked out," I tell them

they nodded their heads before leaving.

After everyone wrapped it up and shut shit down they all left while I went back to my mom got her up and took her to my car after grabbing her things and locking her office up after I grabbed all things important I knew that asshole would be looking for.

After I got my mom in my car I headed to the lot.

"Chibs" I called out

"Yea lassie?" he asked

"I need you to get your kit and meet me and my mom in the chapel," I tell him

He nodded his head and walked off.

"JT can I please use the chapel?" I asked

"Sure" he says

"thank you," I say before I got my mom out and helped her into the clubhouse.

I knew the guys and Gemma was gonna follow and ask questions but they will have to wait.

After Chibs put the first aid kit in the chapel I had my mom sit in one of the chairs and I got to work an started cleaning her wounds.

"What was he after this time?" I asked

"my movies and everything that he could get that would ruin me" she says

"where was your security that you hired?" I asked

"they was fired the other day and I was gonna have a meeting with the sons for partnership/ security" she says as she winches

"sorry" I say

"its fine" she says

"JT will you go into this partnership with my mom to help start a path of going good?" I asked as I kept cleaning my mom.

"we'll talk business," he says

"care to do it now while she's here. I mean you've got both owners here" I tell him

"alright" he says before him and the others took a seat. 

I noticed Happy no longer had a Tacoma patch but rather a Redwood.

After I finished cleaning my mom up I handed the trash and everything to Gemma thanking her before I focused on the discussion.

"the profit for partnership will be sixty/ fifty. " momma says

"that's not a bad deal" bobby says

"with the partnership, I'm asking for the sons to do security," momma says

"that is fine," JT says

momma looked at me and I nodded my head.

"I want you safe. pops has his back covered in prison so you need to be protected as well" I tell her

she nodded her head in understanding.

after talking more about partnership and the sons being my mom's security. we closed the deal and we all walked outta the chapel.

"I'm sorry we couldn't have a mother daughter day" momma says

"don't apologize. its not your fault those pieces of shits harmed you cause their boss is a spineless fuck who prays on people thinking just cause he's a man he can harm woman" I tell her

"you are your father's daughter that's for sure" she says giving a half smile before winching cause of the cut lip.

" he tries something with you again and I'll show him just how much of my father's daughter I am when I beat the life outta his body" I commented

"that's a fight I'm will to bet my whole fucking check on" Tig says

"it be one hell of a beating Gerogie wouldn't win" Juice says

some of the others agreed with him.

"I just want you to be careful now." momma says

"you do the same. hell if you need to till his taken care of stay here. I mean the only thing you gotta worry about here is parties and croweaters. which you being a porn studio owner its nothing surprising" I tell her

"I don't want to appose" she says

"you're staying her Lu and I don't wanna hear any shit" Gemma says

"look I'll ride with Happy to the studio. to check on things and get your car. bring it back here and make sure your doing good. I head home" I tell momma

"alright. since I'm not gonna win this" momma says

"not at all" Gemma says

"please don't leave without a son with you" I pleaded

"I wont" she says

I kissed her head and walked out with Happy.

"you know where the Charming Paradise studio is right?" I asked

"yea, I've been by there once or twice" he says

"please take me there" I say

with a short nod Happy hands me the helmet and helps me climb on. before he climbs on and puts his helmet on.

I know me being dressed how I am isn't the proper wear for a bike but its gonna have to do.

Happy's Queen (completed)Where stories live. Discover now