Chapter 4: One Love, Two Bodies

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Narrative Pov.

After finally understanding that Y/N will never leave her, she accepts that Y/N is the only person in her life who can and will accept her for both who she is, and what she is. Their love only grew strong...

Lana's Pov.

I was in the shower, thinking about the exchange Y/N and I had earlier, his words only seemingly replaying over and over in my head as I try to wash my hair. "I mean, I guess it makes sense, he wouldn't just leave me after everything I've done for him, but I don't think that can make up for the fact that I hid this from him for so long, but if he wants to keep me around even after finding out, I guess all I can do is be grateful that I still have someone in my life who still wants me around." I said, feeling my chest ache a little as I say that in my head.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, you should have known before this." I said, rubbing my eyes as I look down, feeling the rushing water from the showerhead collide against my head. "I just can't believe I was this close to hurting him." I said, hating myself as I remember when my consciousness finally came back, and what do I see? I see myself about to take a chunk off of his face.

"Thank god it didn't happen... Thank god it didn't happen... Thank god it didn't happen... Thank god it didn't happen... Thank god it didn't happen..." I said, inattentively reciting the same sentence to myself calmly as I stand there inside the shower, hugging myself. "Why didn't I tell him sooner?" I said, biting my bottom lip and trying to calm myself down.

"Had I told him, none of this wouldn't have happened." I said, closing my eyes as I finally turn the shower off, walking out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. "But, why didn't I tell him?" I ask myself, looking at my reflection through the steam on the mirror, my hands planted on the surface of the sink as I remember exactly why I didn't tell Y/N what I was underneath.

Ever since I hit puberty, the werewolf started embodying itself, and at the time I didn't tell Y/N because I thought he would be afraid of me and wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore, even worse, I was scared he was going to tell the whole school about it. I kept it a secret for as long as possible, but I knew there would come a time when it couldn't be kept a secret any longer, and Y/N had to find out at some point. "I'm just so happy he still wants me around." I sighed, feeling a bit more optimistic about the situation I'm in. "I guess there's no use bickering about it now, after all, Y/N says he's cool with it, although I don't understand why, after all, not many people would appreciate having a werewolf for a girlfriend.

I came out of the bathroom still wearing the towel, "I thought you were going to be in the bathroom all night." I heard Y/N mutter and I jerked a bit, not noticing that he was lying in bed already.

"No, I just had a lot on my mind know?" I respond, rubbing the back of my head nervously as I open the closet and shift to my side and pull out a large black sweater, and put it on. "Yeah, I figured as much." He replied as I walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of black panties, slipping them on. "Coming to bed?" He asks, smirking at me and I just blushed as I crept to my side of the bed and slip under the covers, "Ah, what's wrong?" He asks, slowly covering me in his arms, "I just don't understand you. Are you cool with me being some werewolf? I honestly expected you to call for backup and have me locked up in some cage like some zoo animal." I admit, still staring at the wall with a saddened grimace, trying to understand how Y/N can accept having a werewolf for a girlfriend.

"Lana, do we have to go through this again? Look, Lana, if it makes you feel any better, I don't care about your werewolf half, the only half that does matter to me is the human half that brings out your human side. That's where you come in." He said, lifting me and embracing me. "Thanks~." I said, feeling my heartbeat increase, my mood quickly raising itself back up from his words.

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