Chapter 7: Fear Derives From Within

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Third Pov.

As the sun came rising on the horizon, the tall pale man slipped onto the grass surrounded by trees as he hugged himself, feeling pain arousing within him. His body, mostly his teeth, was in pain.

He screamed as his whole body shifted back into their respective formations albeit with painful bone cracking and popping. After the painful shift was over, the man looked around and all he could see was blood draped all over his coveralls, mostly around the wrists of his coveralls and collar, some of it even covering most of his mouth. The man could only mutter incoherently in German as he tried to process what he did. Unbeknownst to the scientists, the infected are not aware of what they are doing to others nor are they aware of how dangerous they can become when the infection takes over their minds.

The scientists believe the infected are aware of what they're capable of when in reality they fall unconscious when the infection possesses their mind, subsequently turning them into mindless vampiric drones who don't eat human flesh, they consume human blood.

"Bitte! Mach, dass es aufhört! lass es einfach aufhören!!" The man begged, beginning to sob as he got up and staggered towards a tree, opening his arms managing to catch onto its bark, and lifting himself back onto his feet, hugging the tree as he sobbed into it. "Jemand beendet bitte einfach meinen Schmerz schon!! Ich will so nicht mehr leben!!" He prayed between crying as he planted his face against the tree, crying his eyes out as he collided his fist into it repeatedly. "Alles, was ich seit meiner Geburt gesehen habe, war Schmerz und Blut. Wann wird dieses Elend jemals enden? Warum musste ich es sein?" He spoke in German, still crying as his mind suddenly began to flash his memory.

Flashback Pov.





Higgin Boats...

The blazing roars from the MP-40s, the Sturmgewehr 44s, and the M1 Garand's...

Erschrocken's Pov.

"Wann zum Teufel wird es enden? Ich halte das nicht mehr aus!!" I yelled into the sky through the branches and leaves of the tree, screaming and begging for an exit from this pain. "Ich hätte tun sollen, was ich vor all den Jahren hätte tun sollen." I mumbled, beginning to think that it is the best decision to do. If I do it, then I will be freeing not only myself, but I would be saving the people of the town, and I wouldn't have to subject them to the horror of having their throats bitten. "Erschrocken!" A loud voice called out my name, and curiously I hide behind the tree and see that it was Dr.Durchdenwald and a unit of heavily armed soldiers wielding AR15s with numerous unique attachments. "Wieso den? Selbst wenn sie wissen, dass es sinnlos ist, warum jagen sie mich weiter?" I ask myself, trying to understand why they even bother when they can't take me down. I may sound arrogant, but even I know that with guns, they will still lose because I'm just too strong for them.

"Warum sollten sie überhaupt einem Monster helfen?" I ask myself, looking down at my hands that started extending my nails into sharpened claws. "Ich bin kein Mann. Ich bin nicht einmal ein Mensch. Ich bin nur ein Monster." I put my hands to my face, trying to cover up my heavy breathing as I feel my teeth begin to whet once more.


Y/N's Pov.

Lana and I were sitting together on the couch looking at the news reporter on the TV interview with one of the victims who survived the concert attack last night. "And what exactly happened?" He asks the victim, positioning the microphone to his mouth, "It...It was just so fucking terrible! The guy just came out of nowhere! We're having fun and then next there's this tall pale dude just biting everyone's throats off! And those roars! Oh god, the roars! I can still hear them in my head!" The victim explained before beginning to scream that he can still hear the roars, covering his ears as if the roaring was still there.

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