Chapter 9: Werewolf Vs Vampire

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Y/N's Pov.

"So it is true. It's an actual fucking vampire." I chuckled, not wanting to believe that the rumors of a real vampire running around Fine Rest were true, but how can I deny it now when I saw firsthand the evidence that pinpoints the vampire being true?

"Shit, well, there's no point trying to deny the facts. Might as well face them as they are, because it sure as hell seems to me that I'm about to try and do something stupid before those two try to tear each other into shreds. Man, who would have thought? A vampire and a werewolf fighting to the death?" I chuckled, trying to bring out the light of the situation despite the fact it was coated in darkness. "Can't afford to let it come to pass. I have gotta do something quickly or otherwise those two are gonna get killed trying to kill each other, although if I'm being honest the vampire is the one who needs to be saved because if I know one thing about werewolves, is that they are more powerful than vampires, that, and they're more easily pissed off." I said as I ran into the forest, hoping I could catch them before they start fighting.

As I was running through the woods like some maniac, I still couldn't get over what I saw earlier. That vampire, whoever he is, definitely looked like he was being controlled. That gesture he made was enough to prove that he was not in control of his actions, and whatever is inside his mind is controlling his actions instead. Man, now I feel bad for shooting the guy in the leg, but half of me shouldn't because I didn't know at first.

But now that I know what he's going through, then I think it's for the best we at least try to help him. If anything, everyone deserves a helping hand. He may look like a monster, but he's still a human.

Lana Pov.

After running into the woods after him, I couldn't find him. I saw where he landed but to my surprise, he was nowhere to be seen. But a werewolf is not to be trifled with, especially since we have a good sense of smell, way more advanced than any other animal in the world. "Ahhhh...I can smell you, alright." I growled after taking a sniff from the air around me, and the smell of the air was mixed with the smell of blood, fresh blood.

"Raaahhhh!!" The man came falling out of a branch and jumped behind me, putting me in a chokehold from behind. "Ah! You motherfucker!!" I roar as I try to get him off of me, and over time I could feel something burning on my back, mixed with the feeling of something scratching the hell out of me. I even felt something running through my fur.

Having enough, I turn my back against a tree and lunge at it, colliding him between me and the tree. I repeated the same process over and over again until finally, he got off of me. "Come here, asshole." I snarl, picking him up and body slamming him, getting up and kicking him over onto his back.

Just as I was about to curb-stomp him, he dug his claws into my ankle. "Fuck!" I roared. He got up and started punching me, mixing his blows with his claws that I felt scratch at my snout. I block his next pinch and grab him and open my maw and dig my canines into his shoulder, using all force to dig them in more profound as I felt his blood gush out from the bite. He let out a shriek as he tried to pull me off but I still kept myself in place, but it stopped as he scratched me against my face, and I ended up letting him go.

We both backed away, both of us already covered in blood and bruises. "You think I'm scared of you, just because you're some fucking walking corpse with powers like mine?" I ask him, and he didn't answer. "What's wrong? Did your balls drop or something?" I ask him, purposefully trying to piss him off.

He charged at me and as he came close, I dodge his punch and deliver a right hook across his nose, followed by a left haymaker to his lower jaw. He ducked and punched me right underneath my snout flinging my head back. He dug his nails into my shoulder and started pulling them down, "Ahhhhh!!" I scream but put an end to it as I grab his whole head and then bite it, not enough to kill him but enough to see teeth marks on it. I jump on him and start scratching his face, although it stopped as he kicked me off of him, and just as I was about to stand up, he came from behind me and put me in a chokehold, this time, out of the corner of my eye, I could see him opening his jaws as he neared them to my neck. "Don't even think about it." I growl at him, preparing my claws just in case.

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