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Darkness wasn't the correct word to describe this place, but the only one that felt appropriate for the current situation. It wasn't warm or cold, wet or dry; it was as close to nothing as it could possibly be. The air was thick with a fog or haze darker than the color black that concealed a sky that was somehow darker. There was a ground, it was uneven and rough like gravel and yet his feet still echoed with each step he took.


The Grinch called into nothing and received nothing in return. He could hear his own heartbeat like an echo in a deep dark cave but with no visible walls to carry the sound. He breathed heavily.

"Where am I?" He said before he heard a shrill scream from far away; it sounded familiar. "Martha?"

The Grinch ran towards where he thought the sound was coming from; he ran towards the voice of his beloved wife, hoping she wasn't in any danger. But then, he saw a flicker of light somewhere ahead of him and before he knew it, he was blinded by a bright white light. Grinch covered his eyes and after a moment, he slowly opened them to see that he was in the middle of the ballroom in the town hall. But it was a total mess; furniture, decorations, and food were scattered about and Whos in Halloween costumes seemed to be running for their lives from something... or someone.

'Wha... what is going on?' Grinch thought before he heard the same scream from before; it was much closer.

He turned around to see his darling wife backed into a corner; she was wearing a tattered black and red dress, her hair was a mess, and she looked terrified. The Grinch was confused, but then he saw it; he saw what was attacking Martha. The creature was crawling on all fours and it was stalking closer to Martha. The creature itself was wearing a torn suit and cape and it growled deeply at Martha.

"No, stay away from me! Stay away!" She begged as tears started to fall down her cheeks.

The Grinch could only watch in horror as the creature sprang onto Martha and attacked. He squeezed his eyes shut, covered his ears, and turned away from the scene as he heard her muffled panic-stricken cries and tortured, bloodcurdling screams; he couldn't bear to hear it. Then after a few moments, it went silent. He slowly opened his eyes and removed his hands from his ears. He didn't want to look at what had just transpired behind him; he already had a hunch. He sighed and hung his head, failing to notice the creature standing up like a regular Who.

"Monster..." He whispered.

"Do you really think

That I will ever let you go?" A familiar voice began to sing.

"Do you think I'd ever set you free?"

The Grinch tensed up before he slowly turned around to see himself standing before him, only his fur was in tatters, the suit he was wearing was a disheveled mess, and there was a glint of danger in his eyes. And the scariest thing about him was the red staining his clothes and fur; it looked like blood.

"If you do, I'm sad to say,

It simply isn't so.

You will never get away from me!" The evil version of him sang.

Grinch narrowed his eyes at his doppelganger.

"All that you are

Is a face in the mirror!

I close my eyes and you'll disappear!" He sang.

"I'm what you face

When you face in the mirror!

Long as you live, I will still be here!" The evil Grinch taunted.

"All that you are

Is the end of a nightmare!

Grinch Night SurprisesWhere stories live. Discover now