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"You like me? Like more than a friend?"- I said in pure disbelief. I still couldn't believe what he said.

He chuckled lowly, clearly amused at my reaction. "Yes I do"

I narrowed my eyes at him. Still processing what he said.

I look at him like he grew a second head or something. Who could believe him?

Is he trying to make me laugh, because honestly it's not funny.

Well, it's a good thing right? Its gonna be a good thing right? He can help me confuse this goddam  feelings! I just didn't expect that he will like me. Why me? Of all the people around the world. He deserves someone else, someone better.

Why is this such a huge problem anyways? Its gonna conflict our friendship right?

"I don't understand why me? What could you possibly like about me?"- I said.

What is there to like about me anyways? I'm just a normal girl, there is nothing quite special about me.

"I don't know, all I know is I like you. Seriously, you're asking what I like about you?"- he ask smirking, I scrunched my face in confusion. He sigh, taking my hand with his."I guess you don't know it eh?  Everything about you is simply amazing. Your beautiful eyes, the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you make me feel. I know this may sound so corny but, I like everything, every bit about you. You're perfect"

WOW! I didn't even know that I have that kind of effect to other people. I didn't expect for someone as good looking as Nathan to like me.

He just rendered me speechless.

When I finally got back to my senses I manage to say "I'm not perfect, nobody is"

"I know that, but I just can't say that you're imperfect, because to me you are perfect Saph, you are. Please Sapphire, I know you have a thing for Harold, but please give me a chance"- he said, squeezing my hand.

"How did you know I like him?"- I ask him.

Am I that obvious?

Oh dear! This is going to be the end of me!

"You wouldn't waste that much tears if he doesn't mean to you a lot. You wouldn't cry in the first place if you don't have feelings for him. You wouldn't be affected if he is just you're friend"- he said sadly.

I am just a friend to him, nothing more and nothing less. HE doesn't look at me the way he looks at Jhoanna. I'm sure he wouldn't cry if he saw me with another guy.

And then there's Nathan, a guy who cares for me.

I just feel sorry for him, I can't force love.

"Nathan, I'm so sorry"- I told him, really, there's nothing more I can do. The heart wants what it wants.

He lifted his hands to cup my cheeks, he stared at me for awhile then he smiles.

"Hey, don't be. I'm just happy that I already told you this, it helps get the weight on my shoulder. Don't be sorry too, I understand, we can't want someone we don't want."

"I'm just really sorry"- I said. My eyes started to water. He doesn't deserve this he deserves so much more.

I just wish.

I wish Harold will tell me the exact words, he'll tell me he likes me and not Jhoanna.

Oh! How I wish!

"Its alright, whatever makes you happy, makes me happy."

The tears finally falls down, he caresses his thumbs onto my cheeks to clear the tears. I hug him, and he hugs me back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, and then I felt my shirt getting wet.

Is he crying?  Is Nathan crying? For me?

This is supposed to be sweet for me, a guy crying for you. I would think that if we are in a completely different situation.

We let go- and indeed he is crying. I cup his cheeks and said "I'll give you a chance" his face instantly brightens up.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

All he needs is a chance, and I'm willing to give him that.

A chance to prove himself.

A chance to show he deserves me.

A chance he needs.

For a difficult challenge he's willing to take.

A chance to make me fall in love with him.



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We have 143 readers now! I know its a small number but I'm still happy. This is my first book and you guys supported it! Thank you so much guys! I love you all!

And for that...

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hugs and kisses


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