11. Impulsive Decision.

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***Piya's POV.***

"Dev, why don't you take a break? I will accompany Piya to dance." Veer says as he comes to stand behind me.

I can feel the heat of his body on my back and it is starting to make me feel dizzy and hot. Dev looks at me, then at Veer with a blank look, then he smiles widely.

"Sure. I am so tired. Piya, you are a wonderful dancer. Promise me you will be my partner forever." Dev says.

"Sure." I say without thinking as my mind has gotten foggy suddenly because now his chest is touching my back.

For a second, I don't hear both of them, so I look up to see Dev is gone and Veer is frowning down at me as if I have committed some kind of crime. I look at him in question and he sighs and shakes his head.

"Let's dance." Veer says and takes my hand in his.

"What? Really?" I ask, but my words get lost in the music, and I get lost in his moves.

While Dev was following my moves, Veer, on the other hand, was making me move at his pace. And the way that happens is so smooth that I don't even feel tired. His hand on my waist, my hands on his biceps, and the look in his eyes all were creating havoc in my mind that I didn't even know what was happening anymore.

"Piya..." He said my name in such a way that it made another shiver run down my spine.

Am I drunk? And if so, then definitely not on liquor, but on him. This is too much for me to handle. I fear I will slip and say something I shouldn't. But then I also don't want to let go of this moment. I just want it to stop right here, right now. But that's impossible to wish for.

I take a deep breath when the song ends and take a step back. Veer frowns and follows, and I blink my eyes in confusion at him. He looks at me with unknown emotion for a minute, then lets go of me and somehow I feel disappointed. How I fantasized Veer would just grab me and...

Stop, stop, stop, stop!

"We should go home now." Veer says.

"Yeah." I say.

"I will drop you." He says.

"No. You are drunk, Veer. I will drop you and take your car with me." I say.

"I can't send you alone. I am dropping you." He says.

"Oh really. Then why don't you kill me too?" I ask.

"You are irritating." He says.

"What?! I am irritating? What about you being unreasonable and irresponsible, huh?" I ask.

"Whatever." Veer says and looks to be sulking.

"I didn't know my Veer becomes rude when he is drunk." I say.

"Well, your Veer is not rude, just concerned to send his friend home alone at this time of the night." Veer says.

"Well, then my Veer should find a solution fit for both of our concerns." I say.

"Fine then. Your Veer has decided you are staying over at his place." Veer says and I stop short.

"What?" I ask with wide eyes.

"What what? You have stayed over many times at my home. Also, Dadi would be happy to see you. She has been complaining how you never come to meet her." Veer says.

"That's not true. I met her just two days ago." I say.

"Do you seriously think that is enough for her?" Veer asks and I nod.

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