Part 1

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Ember POV 

I stare at the wall in front of me. My hair has grown out. It's been almost seven months. Shad and Rain argue almost all the time. They can never agree on anything. Well, almost anything. The one thing they can agree on is getting me to safety and killing everyone here. But I've been far too weak to do anything. I freeze as I hear footsteps walking to me. I just keep staring at the wall. I watch as four people walk in the room. I watch as two people walk out of my vision.

They walk onto my right side. They know I can't see out of that eye. They know because they did it to me. The two still in my vision are Gasten, the leader. And Nortel, a time wizard. Nortel has been using their powers on me. They have aged me to 89 years old, 5 years old, 10 years old, 52 years old. And many more. Because of this my body has changed in many ways. Right now they have my age set at 18 years old. Because of my birthday I will be 19 years old soon.

I have gotten more.... Women like. My chest has grown. My hips have widened. My ass has gotten bigger. And my face has changed. I know a few of the men here have taken a liking to this change. 'Unchain us. I dare you.' Shad says in my head. I can hear the taunting in his voice. 'I know something we could do to get out of here.' Rain says. I hear the two of them travel farther back in my mind. I hear them mumbling. But when someone slaps me, I get brought back to reality.

"You're going to be doing something today." Gasten tells me. I just look up at them, no expression on my face. "We are quite sick of you. So, we decided to kill you. Of course we don't want to do all the hard work. So, you will be digging your own grave today. But... hmmm. What shall we do with your chains?" Gasten says. "We could take them off her. I will watch her. It's not like she can do much. She's so weak." A man I can not see says. "Very well. Take her down to the lake. It will be harder to make a grave there." Gasten says with a smirk.

They leave. "I will miss playing with you so much dear." Nortel says as they hold my face. They follow after Gasten. The other two men in the room grab onto my arms and pull me down from my place hanging. 'Take them off. Take them off' Shad chants. After a moment Rain starts chanting with them. The two men take the chains off me. And for the first time in months I feel my power. "I got her. Go set up the celebration." One of the men tells the other. I see the second man walk away.

The only man makes me stand and holds onto my arm tightly. It reminds me of Eden. And when he made Lucas attack home...home. I want to go home. I miss everyone. The man pulls me down a bunch of stairs. As we go Shad takes control for a split second and a small beam of something comes from my hand. It goes out of a window and disappears. 'You will be safe soon my Song Bird.' Shad tells me. 'You will get home my Flower.' Rain tells me. I don't know if I believe them. 

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