Part 16

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Embers POV

Micheal groans as he sits on the deck of the ship. I sit Rose down next to him. "Lucas, will you get us back to the island?" I ask him. "Yep!" He says as he walks away. "David, there is some food and water below deck. Get Plant, Rose, and uhh. Sorry, what is your name?" I ask the new girl. "Oh I'm Blake." She tells me. "Okay, I'm Ember. Nice to meet you. Get Blake some food as well. Inmo, Sit down and dont do anything. Mario try not to puke on the ship. Get a bucket or go over the side." I say.

"Kit, hun. Go ahead and get some rest." I tell everyone. "Now, Micheal, this is going to hurt for a moment. But it will get better. Just take deep breaths." I tell him as my hands start to glow. Micheal nods and I put my hands on his stomach and ribs. He grits his teeth and groans in pain. After a moment his face relaxes along with his body. Soon enough his ribs are fully healed. "Alright, you're good. It may be sore for a few hours up to two days. Your ribs are healed. Along with the bruises on your back and stomach. You did end up breaking four ribs." I tell him as I stand up.

"Thanks Ember." He says with a sigh. I nod and look around to everyone. "Is anyone else hurt?" I ask. Everyone either shakes their heads or says no. I nod and pick Rose up as David starts passing out food and water. He sits down next to Plant so i sit next to him. "Do you know anything about Pant children?" I ask him. "Uh no." He tells me. I smile. "Well I can tell you everything I know. Or everything my goddess has been telling me about them." I offer to him.

"That might be good." He tells me. "Well, there are four different types of Plant children. Nature children. Which is what I believe Plant is, based on their eyes and hair. They usually develop nature based magic. Nature children tend to be independent most of the time. But as they are young they need more guidance and security. So having a family is a big deal as they are young. As they get older they get more independent, but they still usually like to have people around just in case." I tell him.

"Then there are Fire Children, which I believe Rose is. They tend to get fire based magic. But their magic doesn't harm plants or nature unless they want it to. Fire children are more dependent than Nature children are. It's rare to see a Fire child alone. You can tell what they are by their hair. They also tend to be more emotional and needy then most. They crave heat and the need to feel warm." I tell him. David nods as he listens intently.

"Then there are Water children. They are more rare. They need to be in water almost all the time. But they can spend up to three hours out of the water at a time. But then they have to go back into the water for a few hours before they can come back out. You can tell what they are based on their blue skin, blue hair, and blue hair. Their hair almost looks like water. They tend to like to stay in groups of at most five. They are very picky of who they are around. Water children also of course have water based magic. Some can have snow and ice magic as well." I tell him.

"Last is Air children. They are heard more than they are seen. Many can only see them if they can fly. Air children live in the clouds or on very tall mountains. They have air magic. They tend to be in groups of at least ten. They don't like to stray far from each other. Not much is known about them though. They tend to stay away from humans." I finish telling him. I smile as I look down at the two Plant children who have fallen asleep. "Are you already wrapped around his finger?" I ask David. "...Noooooo." He tries to lie. "Yeah, yeah. Me neither." I tell him as I nod. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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