Drunken Night In Liariah

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Being in liariah drained me, I had to pretend over and over as though my heart was not torn to pieces everytime. I missed Farah so much, atleast there Zenon's presence was not overwhelmingly present as it is here. I lay on my bed, wondering if he was okay, his mother had died and it seemed like he hid his pain, no-one ever letting him grieve and I doubt that he would want the people to see him weak and In pain for the crown is never to be seen crooked.

I tossed and turned on the bed, sleep refusing to come. I stood up from the bed and wrapped a small shawl around my neck deciding to go on a walk around the castle, the cold night air nipped my skin despite the shawl I wrapped around myself. I made my way to the balcony that overlooked the kingdom, if I really paid attention, I could hear the sounds of boisterous laughter coming from men drunk with ale coming from the Tavern or the silent whispers of young lovers walking on the cobblestoned streets.  Liariah was an absolute beauty. I was snapped out of my thoughts when strong arms caged me in at first I was scared but when I got a whiff of his scent mixed with wine. I squirmed in his arms trying to release myself from him, I was extremely flustered and my heart fluttered.
"Your majesty, this is wrong." I tried moving again despite wanting to stay forever in his arms. I tried pushing but when I heard his voice breaking and asking me to stay as he hugged me from behind.
"You intrigue me Aviva" he said still holding me tightly
"I am not worth your attention, your majesty." I was truly not worth his majesty's attending.
"You smell like lavender" a pink blush graced my cheeks, as he sniffed my neck.

"Your majesty." I heard from behind me and I quickly unwrapped Zenon's hands from my waist turning to the maid who called out Zenon's name.
"How dare you interrupt Diana and I, servant." Zenon threatened with his tone slurred as he pointed to the maid. My skin felt dirty immediately, I should have know he mistook me for his wife Diana, she was the one who smelt like lavenders not me but the fact I wanted to be close to him blinded my judgement.
"She is not Diana your majesty." I stepped away from Zenon.
"His majesty is drunk" I said, the maid looked at me before she proceeded to help me steady his majesty.
With a stressful walk back the stairs we were finally able to get the king to his Chambers. I knocked on the door and Diana opened the door staring wife eyed at Zenon's state. We set him on the bed and he immediately found refuge laying his heads on Diana's laps. She gently stroked his hair and his whole demeanour relaxed. I was reminded once again that she was the wife and I was a lowly commoner with no background.

The maid next to me dragged me harshly outside their living Chambers, giving me a slap as soon as she dragged me out, I felt ashamed of myself, embarrassed and guilty.   She had clearly seen my affections for Zenon.
"You loose woman, you would take what isn't yours." She whispered harshly, looking at me with utmost disgust and repulse.
"You would covet a man married to your mistress. You truly disgust me." She Spit on the ground before walking away. I clutched my chest all the way to the Chambers occasionally wiping the tears that slid down my eyes. I rushed into my room cursing  myself for going out in the first place.

I fell asleep by the door, the light from the morning sun shining into my eyes woke me from my slumber, my body felt heavier, my eyes red and puffy but yet I still needed to do my duties as Diana's handmaid.

I fell asleep by the door, the light from the morning sun shining into my eyes woke me from my slumber, my body felt heavier, my eyes red and puffy but yet I still needed to do my duties as Diana's handmaid

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Aviva's dress.
I walked into Her majesty's chambers already seeing the maids at her beck and call, helping her dress up. She looked Regal like that queen she was born to be

She dismissed them all but I caught a glimpse of the maid who had slapped me yesterday and I immediately shrunk under her stare

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She dismissed them all but I caught a glimpse of the maid who had slapped me yesterday and I immediately shrunk under her stare.
They left leaving Diana alone with me in her room.
"I apologise for Zenon's behaviour yesterday." I only nodded helping her put on the Royal pin in her hair.
"I wish to ask you a favor, my Queen." I said with my eyes glued to the ground
"Speak Aviva" I swallowed the lump in my throat and faced her
"May I please, not be your handmaid anymore."

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