Chapter Ten // We Get Some More Help

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        One second we were airborne, and the next second we were shooting at what felt like the speed of light across the ocean.

    Percy opened the thermos Hermes had given him and released a blast of air so intense I was sure I was about to look like one of those cartoon characters from Looney Tunes, my skin following after my body.

    But I didn't.

    Instead, I just locked myself into the boat and settled in for the ride.

    We tried to call Chiron with an Iris-Message and the sea spray that was kicked up by our lifeboat. The connection was poor, but we at least needed someone to know what happened to the Princess Andromeda. So when Chiron's face appeared, and the strobe light flashed in my eyes, rock music hit my ears. I was a little confused.

    I guess that's what happens when you get sacked from your job of a couple millennia; you go party.

    We told him about us sneaking away from camp, Luke, and Kronos's remains in the gold casket...well, we tried to tell him, but I'm not entirely sure how much he actually heard, though.

    "Percy!" Chiron shouted over the screaming and whooping behind him, "you have to watch out for—"

    His voice vanished in the noise behind him.

    I looked at Percy, "Did you catch what he said?"

    "Uhhh..." He shook his head before yelling, "What?" 

    "Curse my relatives!" Chiron ducked to avoid being hit with a plate in the head. "Annabeth, you shouldn't have let Percy and Sally leave camp! But if you do get the Fleece —"

    "Yeah, baby!" I heard someone yell behind our mentor. "Woohoooooo!"

    My eyes widened as the boat vibrated under us, and the music from the other side of the message was cranked up.

    "—Miami," Chiron shouted loudly again. "I'll try to keep watch—"

    Our screen exploded with a splash of water.

    I wiped the salty liquid from my face and willed it to turn into the shape of a frowny face, "Well...that went well..."

    Well, when we reached Virginia Beach, Percy and I discovered we had some weird mapping power with oceans and distances, meaning we found out we and the Princess Andromeda had traveled five hundred and thirty nautical miles.

    We also discovered we could tell you exactly where we were in the positioning of where we were in the ocean too.

    It was weird, but a useful skill that I had a feeling would come in handy later.

    My back hit the floor of the shelter Annabeth had led us to in the Chesapeake Bay.

    I don't know why I was so tired, but I was.

    "A half-blood hideout." Percy's voice was in awe as he almost stepped on me. "You made this place?

    "Thalia and I. And Luke." Annabeth replied in a quiet voice.

    I could feel the jealousy radiating off of my brother.

    I gave him a look, lifting my brow, and he glowered at me before he cleared his throat and said, "Sooo...You don't think Luke will look for us here?"

    Annabeth shook her head, "We made a dozen safe houses like this. I doubt Luke even remembers where they are. Or cares."

     She dropped next to me, rifling through her bag.

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