Chapter Eighteen // Chaos. That's It.

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"One on one," Percy immediately challenged Luke. "What are you afraid of?"

Luke's arm tightened around me, making my stiff body go even more rigid.

Agrius burst from below deck, leading out a black pegasus.

I could hear his thoughts from over here, and they were wild. 

And man, was he calling his captors some nasty names.

I smirked nervously despite the sword pressed to my throat.

"Sir!" Agrius shouted. "Your steed is ready!"

"I told you last summer, Percy," Luke did not move, staring at my brother. "You can't bait me into a fight."

"And you keep avoiding one," Percy pointed out. "Scared your warriors will see you get whipped?"

He had trapped him.

And Luke knew it.

A stinging registered in my brain, and a small gasp fell from my lips when I realized it was the blade pressed under my chin digging into my skin.

I felt the blood drip down my neck, and for a moment, I was sure Luke was going to kill me, but instead, he said, "I'll kill you quickly."

He dragged me across the deck to Agrius, shoving me into his arms.

From where I was standing, I could not see what was happening, and Agrius was already having a hard time with the pegasus that the jostling around was making me motion sick.

I could hear shouts and gasps coming from beyond the army in front of me, and I was getting increasingly upset that I could not see what was happening and that I couldn't help my brother.


I decided to help from where I was.

I whipped my head to the flailing pegasus and said, Hey! Chill!

The pegasus, which I didn't even comprehend it being the first black one I had seen till just now, snapped its head towards me, and a very Brooklyn accent erupted in my head, What?!

I gave it a look, Don't be like that. I want to help you. But in return, I need you to help me, okay?

Why should I?! You gonna take me hostage too?

No! You're free, but I do need your help. 'Kay?

The pegasus seemed unsure, but the second Agrius suddenly exclaimed, "Brother!" I sprinted to it, climbed onto its back, and said, "GO!"

The pegasus flapped into the air, nailing Agrius in the head before taking off into the air.

It had been a while since I had actually ridden a pegasus bareback, and I almost flew off his back when I tightened my legs at the last second and grabbed his mane.

I looked over my shoulder, and my jaw dropped.

Down below us was a literal army of centaurs, and I spotted Chiron in the midst of them, only because he was one of the only ones who wasn't dressed in obnoxiously bright colors,

I moved my eyes away from them and searched for my brothers.

Tyson was holding his own, taking out monsters just by slapping them away.

But when I spotted Percy on the ground, his leg looking in bad shape, I asked for the pegasus to take me down, Just dive, and I'll grab my brother, okay?

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