Chapter Fifteen // We Resort to Winging Just About Everything

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    "I GOT NOBODY!" Polyphemus was gloating as we made our way to the front of the cave.

    His fist was closed around something, and when he gave it a good shake, Annabeth's hat flew from her head, revealing her hanging upside.

    My throat clogged as the Cyclops laughed, "Ha! Nasty invisible girl! Already got feisty one for wife. Means you gotta be grilled with mango chutney!"

    My best friend's face was pale, her eyes glassy as she struggled while blood dripped from a gash on her forehead.

    My body was trembling, begging me to run and attack the monster in front of me, save my friend, and get out of that cave.

    But I reeled in my feelings and listened as Percy whispered, "I'll rush him. Our ship is around the back of the island. You and Grover—"

    "No way," All three of us snapped at him.

    "We'll take him together," Clarisse growled at my brother.

    "Yeah," Grover said.

    My brother looked at me, and I gave him a stern look and said, "Attack plan Macedonia."

    They all nodded at me, recalling the training we had gotten at camp.

    We would surround the Cyclops and attack him from the flanks while someone distracted him.

    "Distract him," I whispered to Percy.

    He nodded.

    Grover and Clarisse tiptoed around the Cyclops, both holding various weapons from the cave.

    "Hey, Ugly!" Percy shouted.

    The giant whirled on him, "Another one? Who are you?!"

    "Put down my friend. I'm the one who insulted you."

    "You are Nobody?"

    "That's right, you smelly bucket of nose drool!" I gave Percy an unimpressed look, to which he rolled his eyes and continued his taunting, "I'm Nobody, and I'm proud of it! Now, put her down and get over here. I want to stab your eye out again."

    The Cyclops dropped Annabeth like we wanted, but the second I realized I wasn't gonna make it to catch her unless I nose-dived, my heart stuttered, and I ran.

    My torn chiton paired with a pair of pirate pants I found below deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge was a sight to see as I grabbed Annabeth, but not before her head hit the ground and she was out cold.


    I wrapped my arms around her as Clarisse and Grover, and Percy chased after the Cyclops that had raced after Percy.

    I heard a weird screeching noise and saw Percy trying to avoid getting gobbled up by Polyphemus.

    "GROVER!!!" I shouted, my voice echoing waaayyyy too loud. "GET ANNABETH AND GO!!!"

    My satyr friend rushed towards us, grabbed Annabeth from my arms, and took her magic baseball cap before ducking out of the cave.

    I rushed to my brother and Clarisse shouting, "HEY, BUBBLE-BUTT, OVER HERE, YOU OVERSIZED PIECE OF SH—"

    The Cyclops didn't even give me a moment to finish my insult when he spun on me, almost catching me in the face with his fist.

    I dropped to the floor, stabbing Undertow into the stupid monster's wrist.

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