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     Harry was alone in 12 Grimmauld Place. He had separated himself from the rest of the world, when he got the chance to defeat Voldemort once and for all, he took it.

He thought he'd feel relieved, but no he felt remorseful and empty every time he thought about Voldemort and that day, he would either cry or suddenly have thoughts of killing others, specifically his friends.

When he had seen Ginny once, he couldn't get the thought of gouging her eyes out of his mind. He had to return home quickly and release his magic just a little.

He thought he had lost those murderous urges when he went to Hogwarts, but it seemed it was just hidden away, waiting for a perfect chance to come out.

He realised that he hadn't started feeling those murderous urges until after he killed Voldemort...was he protecting Harry? Was all he knew a lie?

He sat in the Ancestral Room, surrounded by sleeping portraits. He had read their names already, and every time he seemed to come in, they'd be asleep and never seem to wake when he spoke to himself in the room.

He felt like he was going mad, madder than Voldemort. He thought about the various ways he could kill or torture someone when he started isolating himself from the world.

He could tell that mentality was of Bellatrix Lestrange's way of thinking. He didn't know what to do. He lost attraction to Ginny, he didn't feel happy around his friends or colleagues, he just felt...empty.

He was subconsciously going through the daily life he always had, eat, drink, read, and sleep. It was always the same.

Until today, as he sat in the Ancestral Room, one of the portraits finally awoke, he knew it was Dorea née Black Potter. She looked at him, "Oh my, a visitor? Who dares enter this place?"

Harry looked up at her, "I-I'm Harry Potter. I-I think you're my grandmother." Dorea seemed shocked, "it's been a while since I heard from Sirius about you!"

Harry looked very hurt the moment she said Sirius. She didn't know he was gone...Harry remembered fondly everything they did together, and how caring he was of his 'Prongslet' as he called him.

She tilted her head, "are you alright?" Harry had to control himself from bursting into tears, he knew that crying was bad, or at least that's what he believed from the Dursleys, they'd beat him worse if he cried.

Harry told her, "it's just...Sirius...he's gone." Dorea's eyes widened, "o-oh, sorry about that, you two had gotten along well. He told me all about you, even calling you Prongslet. He seemed fond of you."

Harry nodded, "that's because I was his best friend's son, he probably wouldn't have cared about me if I was someone else."

She told him, "oh honey, there's no need to beat yourself up like that." Harry told her, "I haven't been doing well. As you can guess."

She looked worried, "what happened? Can you tell me?" He responded, "of course...I had been living here alone for seven years. I have been getting murder impulses anytime I saw someone, I even thought of ways to kill or torture others when here. The girl I love, I thought of gouging her eyes out."

She gasped, very unpureblood of her. She couldn't believe such madness was growing in her grandson. Then, she thought about it. She realised something, the way it seems is that it hadn't happened in years, she asked, "did you perhaps...kill your mate?"

Harry shook his head, "no, I didn't, but I did feel empty before I met Voldemort when I was eleven and after I killed him."

She nodded, "then you did indeed kill your mate. Your mate brings you happiness and joy, when you felt empty it was because your body knew you were missing a piece of yourself but didn't know what it was. When you killed him, that made the emptiness return and quite possibly worsen."

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