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【three years later】

      Lily, the only surviving member of the Potter family. That's how the wizarding world saw her, it was an unfortunate loss, and the world was getting grimmer.

She had known that her son was still alive, she just knew it, it didn't matter to her whether people thought she was insane or not for believing that. She had gotten information from someone that he was still alive.

Now I'm not going to tell you who told her that, it's a secret for another time. She had began finding ways around to get to her son.

She had an idea of where he might be. He must be somewhere with the followers of Voldemort. She decided to risk something, going into the snake pit.

She had to get a Death Eater mask and a black cloak, she knew that was going to be pretty easy as the cloak, she could easily buy in the infamous Knockturn Alley to keep people from being suspicious of her.

The mask she just needed to find a dead Death Eater to gain this. Now the hard part was that she needed to get into a meeting and find out who has her son.

When she spotted two Death Eaters ready to apparate, she jumped onto one and went to the place they went. She was quick to pretend she wasn't on one of them.

She had on the mask and the cloak. She was nervous as she saw all the black and green colours around.

She figured this must be where they were holding a meeting. She watched as others began apparating in and she saw one that seemed somewhat familiar to her.

Their mask covered their face, but the way they dressed reminded her of Severus. She was thinking about speaking to them, but she was on a mission, she couldn't just talk to anyone who knew her voice.

She followed where everyone went. She began feeling a strong amount of dark magic circulating her. It overwhelmed her, she was about to fall to her knees but kept herself from falling.

Everyone else seemed to be overwhelmed too. They all wondered what could be going on, they began conversing about it, she figured that this was their first time feeling this way.

She entered the room everyone else was beginning to enter. She saw the snake-like man sitting on a throne. She knew that she has now entered the snake pit and there was no longer an escape from them.

It's now or never. She bowed to him and sat down on the outer ring tables. She noticed everyone was calm and not aggressive, which begged the question, are they truly as evil as Dumbledore claimed them to be?

The way they were acting right now, they seemed very calm and much like ordinary people. She looked at the inner circle tables, her heart was pounding in her chest.

She was nervous, very nervous. She didn't know if she'd be caught. The person she saw earlier looked at her, she looked back and gave a shy wave.

Their eyes narrowed when she stopped looking at them, though she didn't notice. Voldemort asked, "do we have anything on the manipulated children?"

She realised that it must've been true, that Dumbledore lied to her, which makes her think, what if he lied about a lot of things to her?

Some people began responding, telling him that the children are beginning to fall deeply into Dumbledore's trap. Lily nodded, she knew it was now or never for her decision of which side she'd be on.

She closed her eyes, "thank you." Everyone stared at her in awe, she opened her eyes, "for opening my eyes to the lies that Dumbledore's given me."

She smiled, removing her mask, and walked over to Voldemort with grace. She picked up his hand and carefully kissed his ring. Voldemort was in awe. This was the woman who was afraid of him three years ago?

Who was trying to protect her son, his soulmate? She swiftly turned to the others, "I have no fear of my enemies anymore, though all I require from you all is one thing."

She turned back to the Dark Lord, "my son who will proudly become a powerful wizard working for you." She bowed to him like he was a king.

The others were a little hesitant but they got up and pulled out their wands, ready to stun or kill her per their Dark Lord's orders.

Voldemort told the others, "stand down, I'll give you your son back, but there are two things you must know."

He stood up, towering over Lily, "you'll have to share your son with another woman who had lost her child before she got the chance to live with them and you'll be forced to become a member of the Death Eaters, deal?"

The red-haired woman thought for only a few seconds before nodding, "of course, my Lord." She bowed yet again.

She pulled up her sleeve, he put his wand on her forearm, "morsmorde." She flinched at the searing pain but held herself together to not look weak. She is a queen, after all, she finally accepted her rightful place as queen, and she didn't need to be weak in front of her subjects.

She turned to the others, whose masks were no longer on their faces, she recognised Severus, she knew he was there, she knew it had to have been him that she saw.

She let her sleeve fall to its right position, "Sev, it's so good to see you again." She hugged him, "I missed you too, Lily." He smiled softly.

He had realised after figuring out about the compulsions, that he was forced to love her, he never actually had feelings for her, but he was at least happy that she was happy.

Bellatrix and Lily left to the Lestrange Manor after Severus and Lily caught up with each other. Nobody though will realise how they might care for one another.

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