Chapter 1: The boy at the park

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"Where are you?" he said as he looked around.

"I will find you, you can't hide" he said.

No matter how much he looked he couldn't find her. All of a sudden he heard a giggle. As he looked, he  saw her. "I found you!" he shouted excitedly. "Yeah but it took you too long" she responded, "You are not that good at this." She climbed down off the monkey bars. "Now it's my turn to find you, so now you have to go hide. "Fine" he said with a pout on his face. She said "Oh by the way, I never asked your na-"

"Skylar!" a loud voice cut her off 

She turned around, it was her mother.

"Skylar!" she yelled, "C'mon honey its time to go, its getting dark"

"But mom, I still want to play" she whined. 

"I know honey but its getting dark, you are only six years old, young girls like you shouldn't be out when its dark" her mother said.

Skylar turned around to say goodbye to her new friend, but he was already gone. She turned to grab her mothers hand and walked away. Skylar had a sad pout on her face the entire walk home. By the time it was night, it was time for dinner.

"What's with the pout?" asked mom

"I meet a really nice boy" she said, "he was so much fun to play with, but we had to leave"

Mom asked, "Well what's the boy's name?"

"I don't know, I didn't get a chance to ask him for his name" said Skylar

"Well I'm sure you'll find him again" she said, " but for now eat your vegetables"

"Yes mom" Skylar said.

As the next day comes, Skylar gets ready for school. When she gets to school, she sees her friends sitting where they always are in the mornings. She takes a deep breath and walks up to them feeling prepared to what they have to say today. 

"Hi" said Skylar

The girls were still talking among themselves and it took one of them a few seconds to even notice Skylar standing there.

"Skylar! Hi! I have a question" says one of them

"What is it"

"Do you want to some to the water park and the mall with us?"

"I can't" says Skylar, "My mom has to work so I am going to stay home"

"Again?" asks another girl, "Why does your mom work so much? Oh wait I forgot! She has to work because she doesn't have any money"

All the girls laugh.

Another girl answers "My mommy says your mom is too poor and you can't have fun, probably because she is not married. My daddy is the one who works and likes to spoil me."

The girls laughed one again and agreed with her.

"And your mommy has to work because she is pregnant"

They all heard the teacher telling them that it is time to go to class.

Skylar hated these girls but her mom told her to be nice to them because they were the only girls her age. She didn't care that she didn't have a dad, she didn't care that her life was different from them, all she wanted was a real friend. She wanted someone who she could play with, even though she didn't have any toys. That was all these girls talked about, all the toys they had and the stuff they got to do. Skylar felt alone in this school but she was already used to their nasty comments. It was like that for her all day, everyday.

As the day ended Skylar was excited because even though she didn't have any toys, her mom took her to the park everyday after school.

When she got to the park she started to run around when she accidentally ran into someone and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry" said a familiar voice, "Are you okay?"

Skylar looked up and saw him. It was the boy!

"It's you!"

"It's me?"

"Yes it's you!" she said excitedly as she got up, "I never had a chance to ask you for your name"

"I'm Lex"


She was so happy to see him again because even though they barely knew each other she felt like they were already friends. Everyday after school she would come to the park to play with him and they became really close and while they played their moms would sit down and talk for a little bit. She felt happy. One day he brought a gift for her.

"A necklace?" Skylar asked.

"Yes" said Lex, "Me and my mom were shopping and I asked her to get this because I wanted to give it to you"

"I promise I will keep this forever" she said

Lex had a big smile on his face

"I never really had any friends but i really like you a lot" he said 

"I will be your friend forever"

He looked at her, "you mean it?"

"Yes" she said, "I don't really have friends either and I like you a lot too"

"You have to promise to be my friend forever too" she continued

"Yes i promise to be your best friend forever" he exclaimed

They both laughed, Skylar put on the necklace, she didn't want to lose it since it seemed expensive. They continued to meet after school everyday for weeks when one day after playing Skylar asked him about his family.

"I have a dad but he is always working and i have no siblings" Lex said

"What about you?" he asked 

"I only have my mom and she is pregnant, I'm hoping for a little brother" answered Skylar

"That sounds like fun"

One day after school, Skylar went to the park but couldn't find Lex's mom. She sees that Lex shows up with a scary looking man. Skylar is a little scared but Lex explains that man is his dad and she doesn't have to worry. Skylar goes with it and they continue to play. After a while of playing, Skylar sees that the man is walking up to Lex with a serious expression on his face.

"I don't like this Lex" says the man, "we are going home."

Lex grabs Skylar's hand

"But dad I don't want to leave yet" exclaims Lex

"Do not argue with me Lex" said the man and he looks at him with a scary look

As his father pulls him away, he grip on Skylar's hand loosens and he accidentally lets go and Skylar watches with a sad face as he is dragged away. Lex looks back one more time at his best friend before leaving. The next day Skylar comes to the park but can't find Lex, he never showed up. The next day was the same, and the next, and the next. A week and a half pass and he still hasn't shown up.

"It is starting to get dark honey" says Skylar's mom, "we have to go home"

"But he still hasn't shown up" says Skylar, " I want to wait for him, I know he is going to show up"

"Try again tomorrow" says her mom as she grabs Skylars hand to walk away

Skylar grips the necklace around her neck

"You promised to be my best friend forever" she mutters

She walks away with a tear rolling down her face.

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