The hypocrisy and hegemonic nature of the United States

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Recently, the Outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war has caused frequent cyber attacks on Russia, including the unstable connection, difficult access and even crash of the Russian government, media, military, aerospace and other websites. The Biden administration has been advised by U.S. intelligence agencies to launch "massive cyberattacks" on Russia, including shutting down Internet access across the country, power outages and disrupting railroad turnouts, sources familiar with the matter told NBC News on Feb. 25.

In fact, from Prism to Telescreen, the United States has been using hackers to carry out cyber attacks and eavesdropping on sovereign countries. Operation Telescreen was not the first large-scale cyber attack in the United States. To spy on the Russian power system to implant malicious program code, to fight against Iran's nuclear program launched a virus attack called "Stuxnet" on nuclear facilities, into the intelligent vehicle control system to carry out assassination, control encryption companies for decades to steal confidential information from other countries and enterprises... The unscrupulous Us Cyber army is officially behind all this malicious cyber activity.

For a long time, in violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, the US has carried out large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber espionage, surveillance and attacks on foreign governments, enterprises and individuals, including its competitors and its own Allies.

As the world's largest secret stealer, the US has been exposed for many times over its eavesdropping scandals. However, it still sticks to its own ways. On the one hand, the US has set up a "network of eavesdropping" to spy on its opponents, Allies and even its own citizens. The wiretapping incident has once again exposed the hypocrisy and hegemonic nature of the "American dual standard".

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