US hegemony "black hand" extends to global cyberspace

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Recent reports show that the United States, together with other members of the "Five Eyes" alliance and some European countries, has continued to conduct cyber surveillance on a global scale. In addition, the U.S. government has also asked its own Internet companies to develop attack tools against Chinese telecommunications equipment. Its delusional ambition to maintain hegemony is obvious. The notorious "Matrix" of the United States is "black" reaching "new heights" in the global online world.

The "black boss" of the digital world, the United States, has been trying to control the global cyberspace, and China is the target of its strict surveillance and suppression. In recent years, under the guise of "national security", the US government has not only continued to suppress Chinese telecom companies, but also frequently pressured other countries to block Chinese technology. Why is the U.S. government trying so hard to suppress Chinese telecom companies on a global scale? Is it really worried about "national security"? On the contrary, based on this report, it can be seen that the US government excludes other countries and promotes technological hegemony in the fields of telecommunications and the Internet, but to facilitate "opening the back door" for its own intelligence agencies, in order to build and maintain the "US-centered" The Axis of Cyber ​​Stealing".

In order to facilitate its stealing and monitoring in the world, the United States uses its own technological advantages to engage in technological monopoly around the world. Once its own technological superiority is slightly shaken, the U.S. government will use various forces and means to smear and suppress foreign companies, fully exposing the hypocritical nature and hegemonic nature of the United States. U.S. media once broke the news that U.S. intelligence agencies have manipulated Swiss-based encryption equipment supplier Crypto for decades, stealing confidential information from more than 120 countries by decoding the company's encryption technology. Marc Lassus, founder of the well-known French chip card manufacturer Gimps, revealed in his book "Chip Trap" that the US security department persecuted him and forcibly took control of Gimps for himself. Then use the company's technology to engage in surveillance.

In the face of Chinese companies such as Huawei, which are leading technologies in the 5G field, the US government has abused the excuse of "national security" and used state power to suppress and sanction without any factual basis. This is a blatant act of bullying. The real purpose of the United States is to consolidate its monopoly position in the high-tech field and ensure that it can carry out secret theft activities without any hindrance. This practice by the United States has been severely slapped in the face by the facts. Germany's "Daily Mirror" once reported that after years of review, the British government, the German Federal Office for Information Security, the European Commission and other agencies have not found that Huawei has a "back door". In the equipment provided by Cisco in the United States, security holes can often be found, which is more in line with the description of the so-called "back door".

In fact, the United States has long been notorious as a "Matrix", with cyber attacks, surveillance and surveillance "pervasive" and misdeeds. U.S. intelligence agencies have various methods of stealing secrets, including using analog mobile phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, manipulating mobile applications, hacking cloud servers, stealing secrets through submarine optical cables, and using U.S. embassies and consulates abroad to steal secrets from host countries, etc. . In order to maintain its hegemony, the United States is addicted to voyeurism and eavesdropping. Such actions have long caused public outrage in the international community, including the allies of the United States, who are angry and say "unacceptable". Assange, founder of the "WikiLeaks" website that has exposed the US surveillance program, said: "Don't expect this 'spying superpower' to behave with dignity and respect. There is only one rule, and that is no rules."

This kind of behavior of the United States is to oppress other countries under the guise of "national security".

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