17 | Distance

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Miah's mind was a blank. She walked out of the front gate, and called a cab for home. She didn't want to think of Taeyong nor the image of him with Serin. The tears that were threatening to flow out of her eyes, were pulled back in. She had no right to cry. Taeyong was free to do what he wanted. She should not have allowed herself to get swayed by him. She knew from the start, and had plenty of evidence in between, that it was best to stay away from him, yet she didn't put the necessary distance. So, what right did she have to cry? What right? What right do I have to cry?

That night, she thought of him again. The image of his arms around Serin, allowing her to be this close to him. Once again, she felt her eyes well up but, this time she pulled herself together. I am not going to allow this to affect me. I am not going to cry over him. If she hadn't done it yet, it's still not too late; she is going to distance herself from him and his world, and would never fall for his charms.


What Miah had assumed was going to be difficult, was actually quite easy. The next day, Taeyong wasn't there for the morning study session. Outside of that, in the classes they had together, Taeyong was with his friends and Serin. Taeyong never really spoke to Miah too much during the lectures anyway, and with Serin practically on top of Taeyong the entire time, he remained occupied.

Only once, when the final class of their day had ended, did Taeyong and Miah cross paths. Miah was quick to pack her things and walk out of the classroom, but Taeyong had caught up with her at the door.

'Hey.' Taeyong stopped in front of her, panting.

Miah didn't reply. She only gave a faint smile, then shifted to the side and stepped forward to leave.

'What's the matter?' Taeyong stopped her, immediately recognizing that something was off.

'I have to go home.'

'Oh.' Taeyong was disappointed. 'I thought maybe you would want to come with me to the roof again? It's still pretty early.' Taeyong looked at her expectantly.

'No,' Miah said and hastily left.


The next day too, Miah did her best to avoid Taeyong. It was easier during classes when Serin was with him. Miah just had to quickly leave once the class was done. In the evening, when she was studying in the library with Doyoung, she did think of Taeyong once or twice, or maybe countless times whenever someone walked in through the front door, but each time, she shook herself bringing her mind back to the notes in front of her.

When she had stepped out of the library after the session was done, she had half-expected Taeyong to be there. But when she discovered that he wasn't, she made sure to quickly get home.


Miah was dreading today. It had been quite easy for her to avoid Taeyong the past two days, with swift getaways and classes but today was different. Last night, Hye-jin suggested that the group should meet to start working on their project. Doyoung had instantly texted a 'yes' to this message and soon, the two of them had even fixed a time and place for the group meeting.

Miah spent her entire day checking the group chat to see whether Taeyong had replied or read the messages. Every notification made her immediately reach for her phone to check. But Taeyong never replied, nor did he read the messages on the group.

Evening found Miah standing in front of a meeting room in the library. She was hoping for a miracle which she truly believed was possible because Taeyong never even saw the messages. Taking a deep breath, she twisted the golden knob of the wooden door, and creaked open the door to step inside.

'You're late.'

She didn't even have to look to recognize Taeyong's voice. There he was, sitting at the far end of the long wooden desk with his hands behind his head leaning on the inclined chair as though he owned this entire library.

'I am sorry,' Miah addressed everyone and sat on the seat opposite to his, hoping to be as far away as she could.

Doyoung was in the seat next to her and Hye-jin was perched upon the wide window sill of the room.

'Don't worry about it,' Hye-jin said, hopping down to take a seat opposite Doyoung.

'Let's get started?' Hye-jin opened her laptop and took the lead to introduce the project, or rather read through the email that Professor Qian had sent them while simultaneously typing important points on her laptop.

Miah had her own laptop opened in front of her, the only thing between Taeyong and her. She could sense Taeyong's eyes on her, but resolutely kept hers fixed on the laptop screen in front of her.

Taeyong wanted to get her attention. It had been three days since Taeyong and Miah had a decent interaction and seeing her this close to him in this small room, he wanted nothing other than to talk to her. Of course, not wanting to be rude and disturb while Hye-jin was speaking, he was subtle. He leaned forward on the table and idly tapped his pen on the back of Miah's laptop screen, hoping she would look up. But she didn't. He was a little disappointed at this failed attempt but continued nonetheless. Under the pretence of casual fiddling, he glided his finger across the top edge of her laptop screen. Suddenly, Miah shot up her eyes to meet his. But unlike his glinting eyes of mischief, hers were full of irritation holding a baleful look. She pulled her laptop towards her, out of Taeyong's reach.

Taeyong had never seen Miah like this. Even during the study sessions, if Taeyong went overboard with disturbing Miah, she had never once looked at him with such disdain.

There was something wrong and he wanted to test it. His eyes landed on Miah's bag on the table and like the many times during the study sessions, he picked it up like his own to rummage through it for food.

'Taeyong!' Miah shouted, catching the attention of everyone in the room. 'What are you doing?' Miah got up from her seat and wrenched her bag from his grip.

Taken aback by this, Taeyong sat frozen, watching Miah's irritation take over her.

'Taeyong...' Doyoung sighed. 'Please.'

Taeyong raised his hands and breathed a sorry.

'Continue,' Doyoung told Hye-jin.

Something was wrong. Taeyong was no longer listening to anything around him; his mind recollecting the events of the last three days. He could not think of anything he had said to make her upset. The last time they hung out was on the roof and he could not recall anything upsetting about it; if anything, it was such a beautiful moment they shared. But as he started recalling the events that followed, he realized that today wasn't the first time Miah was behaving oddly. Miah had been distant since that day, leaving early from classes, not staying back or talking to Taeyong, even avoiding him. But why?

'...and so, at this point, we need to decide on the story to pick for the analysis. It can be in any form, novel, film, anime, manga, even fanfiction.' Hye-jin stopped, now waiting for others to speak.

'Any suggestions as of now?' Hye-jin went around the table. 'Taeyong?'


'Taeyong?' She said in a louder voice.

'Ow!' Taeyong responded when Doyoung slapped his shoulder.

'Have you been listening at all?' Doyoung scolded him.

'I... yes, of course. Uh, why don't we think about this till our next meeting?' Taeyong assumed this was the safest sentence he could say.

'Sure okay. If everyone is tired for today then, let's stop here. We can discuss suggestions in the next meeting.' Hye-jin had a bright smile on her face, stark opposite to the tension in that small meeting room.

Doyoung reluctantly agreed and Miah started to pack, or rather shove things hastily into her bag, hoping for another quick getaway.

Miah pulled open the door, and went out straight without waiting for anybody. She was so quick that it took some time for everyone to register. But Taeyong abruptly got up from his seat as well, and just as quickly, went out the door behind Miah.

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