18 | Push and Pull

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'Miah!' Taeyong rushed out of the meeting room chasing after Miah.

'Shhh!' The librarian hissed.

Miah was nowhere in sight. He ran out to the double doors and there he spotted Miah turning a corner at the end of the corridor. 'Miah!' he shouted again but she either didn't listen or chose to ignore him.

He dashed out, chasing after her. It wasn't easy to catch up with her pace but he managed. 'Miah, wait.' He was only a few steps behind her.

She didn't reply, nor did she stop at her name being called.

'Miah! I know you can hear me.'

Luckily for Taeyong, the corridors at this time of the day were empty. The few students who would stay back, were either in classrooms or the library and the rest were on their way home already.

Seeing that Miah had no intention of stopping or even listening, he huffed and with a little jump, pulled Miah by her bag. 'What is the matter? Why are you avoiding me?'

Though Miah had halted, she still did not face Taeyong. 'I just want to go home,' she finally spoke, her tone carrying a displeasure as though she hated being here.

'Fine. I'll take you home,' Taeyong said.

'No,' she immediately replied. 'Not you,' she added, emphasizing each word.

Taeyong stood stunned for a moment at this rejection, before realizing that she was walking towards the exit once more.

'Miah, wait! What is the matter?'

'Taeyong, just please, don't.' Miah quickened her pace. Already at the end of the building, she was only a few steps away from the emergency staircase.

Taeyong had had enough. He grabbed Miah's wrist and pulled, spinning her around to face him, causing her to bump her head into his chest.

For the first time, Miah met Taeyong's eyes. The worry, almost on the brink of panic in his eyes softened Miah's determination momentarily but she shook it off. No, she can't allow herself to be affected by him again.

'Taeyong, let go,' Miah spat, her wrist struggling to free itself from Taeyong's grip.

'No. Tell me what is the matter.' Taeyong's firm voice reverberated through the empty corridor.

She shoved his chest away from her. 'Let me go.'

'No, you're coming with me.' Taeyong tightened his grip on her wrist and dragged her to find an empty classroom down the hall.

'Taeyong!' She yelled.

He pulled her inside with him and shut the door with a loud bang.

'What do you think you are doing?' Miah shouted at him, struggling underneath him as he backed her up against the wall.

'What is the matter with you?' Taeyong tried to ask her calmly, in a soft voice, holding her wrist in one hand and trapping her with the other.

'What is the matter with me? What is the matter with you, Taeyong?' LET ME GO!' Her wrist was now a light shade of pink where Taeyong was holding her.

'Miah, stop struggling. Miah, please.' Taeyong tried one last time but Miah was a screaming mess, her hair out of place, with strands falling all over her face, her bag fallen somewhere, her neatly tucked-in shirt, now untidy.

Taeyong's state closely resembled hers as well. His hair over his eyes, his t-shirt stretched in places where Miah had pulled it.

'Miah... Miah. Miah!' Taeyong pressed his weight on top of her, pressing her into the wall and firmly placed a hand over her mouth muffling her screams. 'Miah stop shouting. Someone passing outside will misunderstand the situation.'

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