33 | Confrontation and Confession

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Chapter Warning – Violence

Mark couldn't take it anymore. He knew something was up, something more than just a break-up and he had to find out what. After he had walked Miah to her afternoon class, Mark had found Jungwoo and Haechan and had asked them directly. Though hesitant at first, eventually, they told him everything they saw at the Annual Dance.

In that moment, if Taeyong had appeared before him, Mark could have really beaten him unconscious. But it was not the time to act. He had to stay by Miah's side. So, he patiently drove her home and ate dinner with her, then, when he was sure that Miah would be fine for the night, he called up Haechan to find out about Taeyong's whereabouts. Luckily for Mark, Haechan knew exactly where Taeyong was. Only moments ago, Johnny had called up his little brother to let him know that he would stay the night at the studio apartment to keep Taeyong company.


'Where is he?' Mark yelled once more, scanning the dark room. The moment his eyes landed on Taeyong sitting on the couch, Mark stalked forward and roughly pulled him up by the collar. Taeyong held no expression on his face except for a readiness for whatever was about to come next.

'You fucking jerk.' Mark punched him in the face and Taeyong fell backwards on the couch.

Seeing this, Johnny acted immediately, but Taeyong raised his hand to stop him. He shook his head once and Johnny understood that Taeyong didn't want to fight back. Holding his now bleeding nose, Taeyong got up from the couch and stood in front of Mark with his head bowed down.

'I'm sorry,' he whispered expecting nothing but another punch to his face.

'Sorry? You bastard!' And surely enough, Mark hit him in the face again, this time a little harder than before.

For a moment, Taeyong felt dizzy but steadied himself quickly.

'You jerk.' Mark punched him in the stomach 'I didn't know you were such a big asshole, otherwise I would have punched you the moment I saw you with noona.'

Taeyong took another hit and stumbled over the desk.

'SAY SOMETHING! LET ME HEAR THAT SORRY EXCUSE SO I CAN HIT YOU MORE!' Mark shook Taeyong by the collar and hit the side of his ribs again.

Taeyong staggered backwards and would have fallen to the ground if not for the wall behind him. The upper part of his shirt was soaked in blood from his face and he was heavily panting.

'Mark...' Mark had not noticed when Johnny had appeared beside him. 'Calm down.' Johnny tried. But Mark shoved him aside.

Taeyong gave Johnny another look which was enough for him to back down.

Mark heaved Taeyong up again by his blood-soaked collar and landed a particularly hard punch to his gut, enough to make Taeyong choke on his breath. For a moment, his vision blacked out, but he came to his senses when Mark yelled at him.

'Fight back, you coward!' Mark yelled but Taeyong made no movement.

'I know you are angry,' Taeyong spoke in a shaky voice. 'Just take it all out.'

Mark furrowed his brows. 'If this is what you want, then I'll give it to you.' Mark hit him again then again, in the gut, in the face, in his ribs till Taeyong could not stand on his legs anymore. Stumbling towards the corner, Taeyong propped himself against the wall, his eyes barely open as he wiped the blood off his face.

Mark was still not satisfied. His eyes were flaming red with boiling anger. Crouching beside Taeyong, Mark shook him by the collar but Taeyong still did not fight back.

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