32 | Not Alone

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Next morning, Miah woke up earlier than usual. Silently, she got ready for her morning class and without a word, made her way to the front door. But just as she was about to leave, Mark's voice held her in place.

'We are going to together,' he said.

'Why are you dressed so early?' Though it was time for Mark to wake up, Miah hadn't expected him to be dressed and ready with his bag in his hand at this hour.

'I figured you will be taking the bus today. Let's go together,' he said and walked out the door. Miah followed him, beaming at her little brother who didn't seem so little anymore. Mark really had grown up well.

'Since Mom and Dad are not home, let's take Dad's car instead of the bus. I'll drive,' he said, showing her the keys and for the first time since that night, Miah smiled.

Mark asked her to wait outside the main gate of the apartment complex for him. Miah had only just stepped outside when she suddenly froze. Taeyong was standing on the pavement with his hands clasped in front of him, looking utterly downcast.

Upon seeing Miah, he rushed to her, wanting to say a thousand things at once but was cut off before he could even open his mouth.

'Didn't I tell you to stay away from me?' Miah's resolute voice reverberated in the silence of the morning.

'Miah, please. I can't. I'm sorry. Please just listen to me once.' It only took a few words for his eyes to well up. Despite his desperation, he was careful to maintain his distance as though he had lost the right to touch her.

'What was the reward?' Miah asked softly.


'The reward that she mentioned. What was the promised reward for you?' Miah asked.

Taeyong visibly stiffened at this.

'Was it money? No, of course not. You don't need money. Was it just for the thrill of it?' Miah scoffed.

'No, the way she spoke of it. Was it...' words choked on Miah's tongue. 'Was it her?'

Taeyong bowed his head down. 'Miah, that is–'

'It was her, wasn't it?' Miah cried in disbelief. 'What did she promise, hm? Give you an unforgettable night? Is that why you...'

Taeyong had no answer to give to her.

'Was it her who you were thinking about when we...' Miah stifled a sob.

'No, no Miah. Please don't say that.'

'So, did you cash your reward then? Is that where you are coming from this early? Straight from her place?'

'No, Miah,' Taeyong sobbed. 'I- no, never. I didn't. It's only you. I lo–'

'Don't!' Miah shouted. 'I don't want to hear any more lies from you.'

Before Taeyong could say anything else, Mark stopped the car right next to Miah. Seeing her like this, it was evident to anyone that Taeyong had done something to hurt her. Hurriedly, Mark stepped out of the car and put himself between the two.

'Noona.' Mark turned to Miah and held her by the shoulders and even though Miah had decided not to cry in front of Mark, she just couldn't help herself at that moment.

'Miah...' Taeyong tried but Mark glared at him, then took Miah to the car and drove away, leaving Taeyong alone on the road.

Except giving his sister some water, Mark did not say anything. It was better to console her right now than to make her recall the bits of what went down between Taeyong and her.

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