29 | Calm Before the Storm

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After leaving the college campus, Taeyong drove around the city aimlessly, having no idea where he wanted to go. His mind was full to the brink, recounting the events, replaying the sequences of these past months like a movie. He rolled down the window to allow the chilly winter air to hit his face, numbing every nerve the wind came in contact with.

At this point, he wasn't even sure where he was steering his car and before he knew it, he found himself parked in front of a familiar apartment complex. The cacophony of his own thoughts was still rising inside him as he got out of the car and stood beneath the orange street lamp.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a message from Miah. I have reached home.

He looked up from the phone screen to see Miah standing right in front of him and at once, a calming stillness took over his entire body like getting drenched in its rain.

'Is everything okay?' It took Miah only one glance to tell that Taeyong wasn't himself.

'I just wanted to see you,' he replied.

Miah didn't ask any other questions instead she held his hand and took him upstairs. Taeyong followed her silently, staying as close to her as possible as if he would lose her if he fell short in his step.

There was no light inside the house, and when Miah was about to flick the switch on, Taeyong gently pressed his hand over hers to stop her.

'I'm tired. Can we go to sleep?' he whispered in the darkness and though Miah didn't reply, Taeyong felt her hand twist underneath his to lead him to her room.

Inside her room, Miah switched on the heater, made space on the bed for the two of them and waited.

Having no other clothes on himself, Taeyong stripped himself till his boxers and Miah changed into a long t shirt.

He slipped into the bed first and left the covers open, extending his arm for her to slide in. After they were comfortably tucked in, he pulled her closer to hug her figure in his arms, breathing in her familiar scent that put his mind to ease.

Miah nuzzled into his chest to find a comfortable spot and with a kiss on her forehead she fell asleep in the warmth.

Taeyong stayed awake a little longer, feeling her in his arms for a little bit more. Tomorrow, he would tell her the truth. He could not control how she would react then, but right here, this moment, he could. He held her tighter, closing any little space that remained between them. If this was going to be the last night they spend together, he was going to hold onto her as close as he could. And maybe, just maybe if he held on tightly enough, she wouldn't let go of him either.

When morning came, Miah found the bed beside her empty except for a note stuck on the pillow.

'I'll pick you up at 8 for the dance. Be ready,' it read.


The sun had risen and set like it did every day but when Miah stood in front of the mirror that night to dress herself up for the dance, the day seemed anything but ordinary. Since the moment she woke up this morning, her mind had been scattered yet weirdly very calm. It was as though Taeyong's thoughts were contagious and he had infected Miah in her sleep.

After the shower, Miah ran the hair dryer gently through her hair, revelling in its warmth and letting the loud voice dim the silence of the empty house.

A smile creeped its way to her face when she recalled yesterday's memory. Last night when Taeyong had come to her, she knew he had come to find some peace in whatever turmoil was going inside his head. And she was glad that it was her who Taeyong had sought.

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