It's Not Gay

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Kyle slowly opened his eyes, slightly disoriented, until he remembered where he was. The next thing he noticed is that he was half sprawled across Stan's chest. Sliding over slowly, so as not to wake Stan, he got up and dug through his coat pockets until he found his phone.
Unlocking the screen he saw 3 missed texts from his mom. Settling back on the bed he scrolled through his phone, answering his mom, who had texted to say that she was taking Ike to Denver for the day.

A low, sleepy voice startled him from his scrolling, "What time is it?" He looked over to see Stan peering at him sleepily. "It's 9:15." Kyle smiled to himself as Stan groaned and threw his arm over his face, "I should probably get up. Kenny never said when he'd be here." Kyle laughed, and Stan gave him a questioning look. "Dude, this'll be great. He doesn't know I'm here." Stan laughed and leaned back against his pillow. Kyle reluctantly got up and grabbed his clothes. "I'm gonna go change." Stan gave him a thumbs up in acknowledgement, then dropped his arm over his face.

Kyle slipped out the door and headed to the bathroom, noticing Shelly standing in the doorway of her room. She leaned against the door frame, arms crossed, a slight smirk on her face. "Morning Kyle, sleep okay?" There was a hint of teasing in her voice. Kyle froze, heart thumping. Did she see us? "Um, yeah, I slept fine, thanks." She grinned at him, stepping back in her room and shutting the door. Kyle hurried into the bathroom and closed the door, heart still pounding. It's not gay to cuddle with your super best friend, right? Right?!
He used the toilet, and slowly got dressed, before scrubbing his hands thoroughly while thinking about last night.
Kyle had always been uninhibited while sleeping. It was the only time he let down his carefully constructed walls and relaxed. During the day he kept a tight hold on his feelings, as he was prone to being short tempered.
Drying his hands, he shoved all the uncertainty to the back of his mind, and went back to Stan's room.

As he opened the door, Stan was just slipping a t-shirt over his head. Kyle averted his gaze and shut the door behind him. Stan pulled his shirt down and looked at him. "Kyle? You okay?" Giving himself a mental shake, Kyle plastered a smile on his face."Yeah dude, I'm fine." Stan looked at him doubtfully, but let it go. Kyle breathed a quiet sigh of relief, and sat on the edge of the bed, as Stan dug around in his sweater for his phone. Kyle felt the bed dip, as Stan sat down. "Is this about last night?" Dammit Stan. Kyle rubbed his face, groaning, and flopped back on the bed.
Stan shifted next to him. "I'm sorry."
He looked at Stan, brows furrowed. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one that was all over you."
Stan shrugged and stared at his shoes. "It's not like I didn't reciprocate. I was half afraid I'd wake up, and you'd be gone" Kyle turned to look at his best friend as Stan's voice wavered. He had his head down, looking anywhere but at Kyle. Kyle sat up and put his hand on Stan's shoulder. "Me too."
Stan gave him a small smile. "Dude, you're still my best friend. Don't cover shit up with me, okay?" Kyle nodded. "Okay." Stan started to get up, but Kyle grabbed his shirt, stopping him. "Stan, I think your sister saw us." Stan groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Kyle smiled to himself at the familiar gesture. Stan sighed and looked down at him. "It's fine, she won't say anything to anyone. But she might tease us about it." Kyle eyed him skeptically. "Are you sure?" Stan nodded at him. "Yeah, Shelly's changed a lot." Kyle chuckled. "Yeah I've kinda noticed. She's not as obnoxious." They both giggled and got up to go downstairs.

When they got to the bottom, Kyle heard a knock on the door. Stan grinned at him and pushed him towards the door. "Dude, It's probably Kenny, you answer it." Kyle laughed, a knowing look on his face as he reached for the doorknob. He swung the door open to reveal Kenny and Karen, the former wearing a look of shock as he gaped at Kyle.

"Kyle! What are you doing here?!" Kenny's shocked expression morphed into guilt as he avoided Kyle's gaze. Kyle moved over as Stan pushed the door open wider, revealing himself. "Don't worry dude, I told him I swore you to secrecy."
Kyle watched Kenny breathe a sigh of relief, then they all burst out laughing. Kyle and Stan moved back so Kenny and Karen could come inside. "I hope you guys don't mind that I brought Karen." Kenny said, his tone making it clear that he didn't care if they minded or not.
"Of course not Kenny, don't be stupid" Kyle reassured him. Stan smiled at the little brunette clinging to her brother's coat. "Hi Karen." She blushed and hid behind Kenny, her voice barely above a whisper "Hi."
Kenny ruffled her hair then looked back at Stan and Kyle. "So what do you guys want to do?" Kyle turned to look at Stan, who just shrugged. Before any of them could say anything more, Stan's mom startled them by poking her head into the room. "None of you are going anywhere until you've had breakfast." Stan groaned, but Kenny grinned at her. "Sure Mrs. Marsh, what are we having?" She smiled at him, gesturing for them to follow her to the kitchen. "Waffles, and I think you're all old enough to start calling me Sharon."
As they all sat at the table, Kyle saw Stan grin deviously. "Ok Sharon." Stan's mom glared at her son in warning. "That's enough Stanley." Stan grinned at his mom sheepishly. "Sorry mom."
She rolled her eyes, hiding a smile, turning back to the counter. "Go tell your sister breakfast is almost done."
"Aw, mom." Stan groaned loudly, thumping his head down on the table. "I'll do it." Kyle interjected, pushing up from the table not wanting an argument to break out. He got up from the table and headed upstairs.

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