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The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Stan was even able to make it through school without another panic attack. He knew it was likely due to the fact that between Kyle, Kenny, and Butters he was never alone. Something he was extremely grateful for.
He and Butters actually had music together and Stan was surprised at how much he enjoyed the bubbly blonde's company. He remembered when they were kids, he would sometimes get annoyed at Butters constant optimism. But now it was like being around a little ray of sunshine. He found it extremely hard to be anxious when Butters was around with his ever present smile and genuine good nature.
Stan understood now why Kenny seemed so protective of Butters. Or at least part of the reason anyway. Stan had his suspicions about the other reason.

But the biggest surprise had been when he'd overheard someone talking about his dad in the bathroom and none other than Cartman had put an end to it. He had threatened the other kid with some kind of dirt he apparently had on him if he even breathed Stan or his dad's name again.
After the other boy left, Stan emerged from the stall and eyed Cartman curiously. Cartman had just rolled his eyes and snapped at him, before leaving in a huff.
Stan just shook his head. He knew in his own fucked up way Cartman actually cared about his friends.

Friday after school he and Kyle had finally got the chance to hang out somewhere other than Tweek Bros.

They had ended up at the mall, where Kyle was busy pawing through the racks of a clothing store looking for a new jacket.
Stan stood next to him, a bemused smile on his face.
Kyle pulled a black and red jacket from the rack and held it against his front. "What do you think?"
Stan shook his head, stifling a smile. "Dude red is definitely not your color."
Kyle sighed and shoved the hanger back on the rack. "I give up."
Stan chuckled and moved around the flustered redhead, scanning the racks for something acceptable.
His eyes lit up when he spotted something dark green. He reached out and snagged it off the rack. It was a thick track jacket and Stan knew instantly Kyle would love it. "Here Ky, try this one."
Kyle's eyes lit up when he spied the jacket Stan held out to him.
Stan felt his heart rate speed up as Kyle grabbed the jacket, slipping it on, the color suiting his deep red hair and bringing out his eyes.
"Dude it's perfect!"
Stan grinned at Kyle's joyful exclamation. "It looks great on you Kyle."
Kyle smiled and reached for the price tag on the sleeve.
Stan watched his face fall as he read the price tag.
"Shit, I only have an extra $40. The rest is for tomorrow."
Stan leaned forward and flipped the tag around. $65.
Kyle shrugged it off, but before he could put it back Stan snatched it from him, slinging it over his shoulder. "Let's go."
Kyle crossed his arms, not moving. "Stan, you can't keep buying me things."
Stan grinned at him playfully.
"Maybe I'm buying it for myself."
Kyle rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh. At least let me pay for part of it."
Stan shook his head. "Nope."
He laughed as Kyle narrowed his eyes at him, and turned around heading for the check out counter. He heard Kyle muttering under his breath behind him. Stan smiled to himself. He loved it when Kyle was flustered. It was cute. He was a little confused why Kyle was resisting so much though. They had always either pooled their money together or paid for each other's stuff when they were younger. His pace slowed slightly as he realized that it was extremely likely that was the last time anyone had done so for Kyle.

He strode forward with determination and placed the jacket on the counter. The cashier smiled politely as she rang it up. "That'll be $66.81."
He smiled and handed her the money as Kyle came up behind him. "You're asthmatic and shorter than me, how do you walk so fast?"
Stan shrugged and took his change and the bag from the cashier who was trying not to giggle at them.
He handed the bag to Kyle and shoved his change in his pocket.
"Where to next?"
Kyle sighed defeatedly, hiding a smile. "Wherever. I don't wanna go home yet."
Stan nodded and headed for the coffee place a few shops over.
"I need caffeine."
Kyle smiled at him slyly. "I'm buying."
Stan rolled his eyes. "Alright if you insist."
They walked into the coffee shop, Stan snagging them a table as Kyle went to get their drinks.

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