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Stan woke up with the mother of all headaches and Kyle sprawled half on top of him, drooling all over his shirt.
He pushed on Kyle's shoulder.
"Dude. You're drooling."
Kyle lifted his head to look at him groggily. "Wh-what..."
He looked down at Stan's shirt.
"Aw man, gross."
Stan watched him sit up slowly, then flop backwards on the bed, groaning.
The movement caused his head to throb painfully. "Fuck."
Kyle nodded next to him. "Exactly."
Stan reached over and felt around on his nightstand until he found his phone.
He squinted at it and saw a text from Tweek, telling him he didn't have to come in today.
"What time is it?"
"After 11:00"
Kyle sat up again and ran his hands through his hair, turning to look at him. "Dude, you look like shit."
"I feel like shit."
Kyle nodded at him. "Me too."
Stan sat up and the room spun, immediately making him nauseated. He groaned and put his head between his knees.
He felt Kyle pat his shoulder sympathetically.

Stan heard his door open and saw a pair of worn blue slippers in the doorway. "Morning boys."
"Hey mom."
"Hi Sharon."
The slippers moved closer and Stan looked up to see his mom with a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin.
She handed Kyle a couple of aspirin and the water, then shook out two more for him.
He tipped them in his mouth and accepted the water Kyle handed him.
"I made breakfast, whenever you guys are ready."
At the mention of food, Stan's stomach rolled and he stood up and ran for the bathroom.

After he was done throwing up, he washed his hands and walked slowly back to his room, leaning against the wall the whole way.
He stepped into his bedroom and saw that his mom had left, but left the aspirin and water.
Kyle was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.
"Kyle? You okay?"
Kyle sighed and held out his phone. Stan took it from him and looked down at the screen, his stomach sinking.

Mom: You are in big trouble Kyle Broflovski. Do you think I'm stupid? I know where you are.
When you come home, you, me, and your father are having a serious talk. And you're grounded for the rest of the school year.

Stan sat next to Kyle wordlessly, and handed him back his phone. He felt like he was going to throw up again. Neither one of them said anything for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry Kyle."
"Why? It's not your fault."
Stan stood up and paced around the room, ignoring the pain in his head. "I feel like it is."
"Well it's not. And I don't care what she says, she's not stopping me from hanging out with you."
Stan stopped pacing to look at Kyle. "I don't know, Kyle. I don't want to be the reason she makes your life a living hell."
Kyle stood up, his expression angry. "Don't even think about pushing me away Stan. I'll seriously kick your ass if you do."
Stan sat back down. "Yeah, okay."
Kyle stood in front of him and crossed his arms. "I mean it, Stan. You're stuck with me. Forever."
Stan ducked his head, hiding a smile. "Okay, okay."
Kyle sat next to him and leaned back on the bed. "I'm glad we don't have school tomorrow. I feel like complete shit.
Stan nodded and put his head in his hands. "My head is killing me."
He felt Kyle shift next to him and then nudge his shoulder.
He peered through his fingers to see Kyle holding the aspirin bottle. "Here. You probably threw up the other ones.
Stan took the bottle and shook out two more aspirin, popping them in his mouth.
Kyle handed him the water and he swallowed the pills, then leaned over and sat the glass back on his nightstand.
Kyle lay back against the bed and tugged Stan down next to him.
Stan rested his head against Kyle's shoulder and draped his arm over his chest. "If we stay like this, I'm gonna fall asleep."
Kyle chuckled. "That's kinda the point."
They both shifted around until they were all the way on the bed.
Stan felt Kyle's fingers in his hair and his whole body relaxed.
Within minutes he was asleep again.


Kyle ran his fingers idly through Stan's hair as he listened to his breathing even out.
His mind wandered to the text his mom had sent him and he frowned. He wasn't looking forward to what was waiting for him when he got home, but the thought of not seeing Stan was worse. He wasn't sure why, but the thought of Stan pushing him away made him feel panicky.
If he was eighteen, he'd seriously consider asking Sharon if he could just move in.
He sighed and glanced down at Stan, who was fast asleep against his shoulder. He knew he should probably try to go back to sleep, but instead found himself thinking about last night, when they had been pressed against the tree.
When Kyle had an almost overwhelming urge to kiss his best friend. The even crazier part had been he could've sworn Stan had wanted him to.
That's crazy. You're crazy. You were drunk.
He groaned quietly and rubbed his hand over his face.
He wasn't sure which thought he wanted to avoid more. How much trouble he was probably in, or that he wasn't sure being drunk had anything to do with wanting to kiss Stan.
He decided he didn't want to think about either, and closed his eyes. He leaned his head against Stan's and let the sound of his breathing lull him to sleep.


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