New Friend

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"I missed you Stan."
Stan watched his best friend move closer, looking at him shyly.
"I missed you too Kyle."
Stan looked at the redhead curiously. Hadn't they established this already?
"I really missed you." Kyle said softly, placing one hand on Stan's chest and the other on his cheek. Stan's heart started racing as Kyle leaned in, his lips just an inch away from Stan's.
"K-Kyle?" Stan breathed out. The taller boy shushed him, closing the distance, placing his lips on Stan's in the faintest whisper of a kiss......


Stan jerked awake, heart pounding. The dream had been so vivid that it had felt real. As his brain oriented itself, he became aware of two things. One, he was hard and two, he was gonna throw up.
Bolting out of bed, he raced for the bathroom. He dropped to his knees in front of the toilet just in time to throw up last night's dinner.
He heard footsteps behind him and someone stopped in the doorway.
"Dude, are you okay?" Kyle asked worriedly, voice still thick with sleep. Stan just waved his hand at him weakly.
"Do you want me to get your mom?" Kyle sounded more alert now. Stan shook his head vehemently. "No."
The movement caused his stomach to dip, and he threw up again. He heard Kyle make a disgusted noise behind him, but he surprised Stan when he squatted down behind him and started rubbing circles on his back. Each gentle touch made fire race across his skin as the first problem made itself known again. He groaned softly and leaned his head against the toilet. He heard Kyle make a sympathetic noise behind him.
"I think I'm okay now. Just, uh, give me a few minutes okay?" Anything to get Kyle to stop touching him. His best friend patted his shoulder and stood up. "Okay."
He heard Kyle leave the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
Stan reached over to the shower faucet and cranked it to cold. Stripping and grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste, he stepped under the freezing spray. Any trace of his reaction to the dream washed away with the cold sting of the water.


He stepped into his room, still toweling off his hair, to find Kyle dressed and staring angrily at his phone. "Ky? You okay?"
Kyle looked at him, sighing irritably. "My mom." He rolled his eyes.
Stan nodded, looking at his friend sadly. "I'm sorry dude."
Kyle shrugged and pocketed his phone. "It's fine, but I should probably go home and attempt some kind of damage control." Stan followed him out of the room. "I'll walk you out."

When they reached the front door, Kyle turned to look at him. "This has been the best two days. I'm really fucking glad you're back Stan."
Stan grinned, feeling a surge of warmth at his best friend's statement. "Yeah man, me too."
Kyle smiled at him softly and pulled him into a hug. Stan smiled like an idiot, as he hugged him back, breathing in the redheads scent. They pulled apart and Kyle looked at him seriously. "I'll call you later, okay?"
Stan nodded, smiling. "Okay." Kyle patted his shoulder and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.
Stan moved to the window and they waved to each other. As he watched Kyle walk away, his stomach dipped again, a slight feeling of nausea returning. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the cool window until the feeling passed. As he moved away from the window, his brain started to make a connection. Oh fuck......

He hurried up the stairs and into his room, frantically digging around for clothes. He pulled a random shirt and pair of jeans out of his dresser, then snatched his hoodie up off the floor. He pulled his phone out of the pocket, sending a text before placing his phone on the bed and getting dressed.

Stan: Hey can I come over?

He had just finished tugging his shoes on when his phone chimed.

Kenny: Sure as long as it's kinda early. I have to work later

Stan: Is now ok?

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