The Kiss

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Kyle walked towards his best friend's house quickly, adjusting the squirmy bundle hidden in his jacket. It was Stan's birthday and Kyle was excited to see his face when he revealed what he'd gotten for his best friend.
He hugged the lump in his jacket tighter against his chest and picked up his pace.
It wasn't much farther, but trying to keep hold of something wiggly and walk at the same time was proving to be difficult.

As he passed his own house his mind wandered back to the big talk that him and his parents had. Which had actually just been him yelling at them that he and Stan were best friends no matter what they said, and that they couldn't stop Kyle from hanging out with him. He had even threatened to move out.
They hadn't put up much of a fight afterwards.

He smiled to himself and continued forward, Stan's house coming into view. He walked faster, keeping his arms tightly around his guest, careful not to jostle the poor thing.

He stepped up to the door and knocked quickly. The door swung open to reveal Sharon, who grinned at him. He slipped inside and she shut the door.
Shelly waved at him from the kitchen doorway and Red and Butters were sitting on the couch. Kenny, Karen, and Cartman were coming later, along with Craig and Tweek.

He smiled at everyone as Sharon moved towards the bottom of the stairs. "Stan, you can come down now, Kyle's here."

"I still don't know why I had to wait in my room." Stan grumbled as he came down the stairs.
As soon as he spotted Kyle he smiled. "Hey."
Kyle grinned at him as Stan finally reached the bottom stair.
"Happy Birthday Stan!"
He unzipped his jacket and Stan's face lit up as he spotted the puppy in Kyle's arms.
"No way!"
Stan limped over to him, reaching out a hand for the puppy to sniff. "Hey puppy."
Kyle felt the puppy wriggle in his arms, trying to get to Stan.
Kyle laughed and handed the puppy to Stan, who cuddled it against his chest. "Well hello there."
Kyle grinned at his best friend. "It's a girl."
Stan nuzzled his face against her. "She's amazing Ky, thank you."
Kyle nodded, slightly lost for words, heart pounding in his chest as he looked at his best friend. Stan's eyes were vibrant as he looked down at the puppy in his arms, whispering softly to her.

The puppy Kyle had picked out, because she reminded him of Stan, with her black fur and blue eyes.

Kyle cleared his throat and moved closer. "The shelter said she's probably husky and labrador. She's about three months old."
Stan reached over and wrapped his arm around Kyle. "She's perfect."
Kyle hugged him back, careful not to squish the puppy.
They pulled apart and Stan sat on the floor, the puppy in his lap.
Kyle sat next to him as Sharon handed Stan a gift bag. "This one's from me and Shelly."
Stan removed the tissue paper and pulled out a red collar with little white hearts and a matching leash. The collar also had a silver heart shaped tag.
"Shelly said she'd take you to get the tag engraved later."
Stan nodded at his mom and pulled a card out the bag. Inside was a gift card to the local pet store and a note, saying Shelly and Sharon would look after the puppy while he was at school.
"Thanks mom, thank you Shelly."
His mom and Shelly smiled at him.
Next Red handed him her gift. It was a certificate stating she was his official dog sitter, in case everyone else was busy or out of town, and a hoodie that said Proud Dog Dad.
Stan grinned and thanked her, accepting Butters' gift next, which was an entire large gift bag filled with dog toys.
Butters grinned sheepishly as everyone giggled at the pile of toys in front of Stan.
"I might've gone a little overboard."
Everyone laughed again.
Stan smiled at Butters. "It's okay. Thanks Butters." The blonde smiled at him and nodded.

Kyle nudged Stan's shoulder.
"So what are you going to name her?"
Stan looked down at the puppy in his lap, who was now chewing happily on a stuffed raccoon, his eyes stopping on the small white patch on her chest. He smiled softly. "Star."
Kyle nodded as everyone else smiled. "It suits her."


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