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The next two weeks before school went by quickly. Stan and Kyle hadn't been able to hang out again, but they'd called each other every night and talked until one of them fell asleep. He also spent a lot of time at Red's or Kenny's. Red was quickly becoming one of his favorite people. She was really easy to be around and talk to.

The day after him and Kyle had gone to the mall, Stan had gone to Tweek Bros. to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Tweek. He'd be playing his guitar there three nights a week and a few hours on Saturdays. His first day was the same day as his first day of school.
On his way out of the coffee shop, he'd run into Cartman. He could've done without that interaction.

*Last week*

Stan stepped outside and almost walked face first into the one person he'd been hoping to avoid until school started.
The boy in front of him was taller now, but still overweight. His hazel eyes were filled with annoyance until they registered who was in front of him.

"Stan?! When the hell did you get back?"
Stan smiled nervously and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Uh, about a week ago."
Cartman eyed him shrewdly, then smiled.
"Oh good maybe Kyle will lighten the fuck up now. You guys can be super gay best friends again."
Stan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as Cartman laughed loudly.
"But seriously, we should hang out. What are you doing today?"
Cartman crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.
Stan shifted uncomfortably and pushed his hands deeper in his pockets. "Um I can't. I have to help my mom finish unpacking."
Cartman snorted. "Dude, weak. Just blow her off."
Stan started backing away slowly. "Sorry Cartman, I gotta go."
He turned and walked away as fast as he could without running.

He had texted Kyle about it as soon as he was far enough away. They had talked about it that night, both of them not looking forward to dealing with Cartman at school.


Stan sighed and looked at the clock for probably the tenth time. It was the night before the first day of senior year. He was currently laying in bed trying (and failing miserably) to fall asleep. He'd hung up with Kyle a few hours ago with the promise that they'd meet at the bus stop in the morning.
Stan groaned and ran his hands through his hair, before giving up and getting up. He left his room quietly, noticing his sister's light was still on. He crept down the hall and knocked softly on her door.
She cracked it open and peered at him. "Why are you still up?"
"Can't sleep."
She opened the door wider and let him in. He crossed the room and sat on her bed. She closed the door and sat down in her desk chair, crossing her arms. "Are you worried about tomorrow?"
Stan nodded, fiddling with his shirt sleeves.
"Stan, you'll be fine."
He looked at her skeptically.
Shelly sighed and leaned back in her chair.
"You can do this. It's just school. If people get to be too much, just ignore them."
He nodded and exhaled loudly. "Okay."
She swiveled back to her laptop screen and put her headphones on. "You don't have to leave, but I'm in the middle of a conversation, so play on your phone or something."
He raised a brow at her quizzically, but she ignored him.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and stretched out across her bed. He opened his text messages and read through his and Kyle's previous conversations. He smiled to himself as he scrolled through his phone. Soon the quiet sound of tapping from Shelly's keyboard lulled him to sleep.
Sometime later he felt someone toss a blanket over him and ruffle his hair softly.


Stan jerked awake, his phone alarm blaring in his ear. He fumbled around for his phone, turning his alarm off quickly. He sat up and realized he was still in his sister's room. He looked around but realized Shelly was nowhere to be found. He got up and walked into the hallway, making his way to his room. He opened his door quietly and poked his head inside. His sister was sprawled across his bed, snoring softly. He smiled and shook his head as he stepped into his room. As quietly as possible he grabbed his clothes and backpack, then closed the door softly. Setting his bag in the hallway, he went to the bathroom to shower and change.
When he was finished he grabbed his bag and went downstairs.

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