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Hey y'all just a couple of things before you start.
1. Just want to say Happy Pride Month y'all!!!! Please enjoy this little doodle I did of our boys

 Just want to say Happy Pride Month y'all!!!! Please enjoy this little doodle I did of our boys

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2. Thank you so much for 1000+ reads. It really means a lot to me. Thank you to everybody that has stuck with it so far. As a treat please enjoy this mostly fluffy chapter about how Stan and Kyle enjoyed their Sunday, sprinkled with a little second hand embarrassment and angsty longing 😊



Stan woke to the feel of his arm draped over Kyle's waist
He realized Kyle had turned over at some point during the night, and Stan was spooned up behind him. They were still holding hands.
"Stan, that's kinda uncomfortable."
Kyle's voice was quiet and sleepy sounding.
Stan's brain struggled to figure out what he was talking about. As the fog cleared from his mind, he realized exactly what Kyle meant. Scrambling backwards, face burning, he hurried to put space between them.
"Fuck man, I'm sorry."
Kyle giggled. "Dude chill, it happens to everyone."
Stan cleared his throat and got out of bed.
Except everyone else probably doesn't enjoy the feel of their best friends ass against their dick.
He groaned to himself and crossed the room. “I'll be right back."
Kyle waved at him lazily from the bed and Stan crept out the door and down the hall to the bathroom.
He shut the door and sat on the edge of the tub, willing himself to calm down.
Instead his mind was stuck on the fact that he'd been spooning with his best friend all night.
He groaned, realizing that line of thinking wasn't helping. In fact it was making matters worse.
Stan glared down at his crotch irritably. Resigning himself to the fact that it wasn't going away, he slid to the floor and shoved his hand in his boxers.


Kyle lay in bed with his arm over his face, playing with the idea of going back to sleep. Until he realized he had to pee. He flung the covers off and got up, crossing the room and slipping into the hall quietly.
When he reached the bathroom he raised his hand, about to knock, when he heard heavy breathing and the unmistakable sound of–
Oh god!
He backed away quickly, fleeing back to the bedroom.
He sat on the edge of the bed, trying to erase what he'd heard from his mind. Easier said than done.
He buried his face in his hands, pressing the heel of his palm against eyes.
He wasn't sure how long he sat there when the door opened.
"Kyle? You okay?"
The concern in Stan's voice was enough for Kyle to shove the incident to the back of his mind.
"Yeah, just a little tired still."
Stan nodded, not meeting his eyes. Kyle got up from the bed and moved towards the door. Stan looked up as he passed, a guilty look on his face. Kyle patted his shoulder as he stepped past him into the hall, resuming his mission to use the bathroom.
He did so quickly, returning to Stan's room to find Stan sitting against the headboard, face buried in his arms.
Kyle sat next to him, laying his hand on Stan's arm. "Stan?"
Stan lifted his head to look at him, expression slightly pained.
"I'm really sorry about earlier."
Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes. "Dude seriously it's fine. It's not like you can help it."
Besides, I think we're even.
Stan nodded, still looking a little unsure.
Kyle swung his legs onto the bed and stretched out next to Stan, laying his head on his shoulder.
Stan glanced at him smiling.
"Still tired?"
Kyle nodded, yawning.
Stan shifted, moving his arm behind Kyle's back, so that Kyle was nestled in the crook of his arm.
Kyle felt Stan's hand in his hair and struggled to stay awake.
He heard Stan laugh softly.
"Go to sleep Ky."
Kyle closed his eyes as Stan ran his fingers through his curls gently. "Fine. But I get to be the big spoon this time."
He heard Stan giggle as he
drifted off to sleep.

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