Part 1

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Dan was one of the most skilled assassin's in the underworld industry and revelled in the power and respect that t ensured other people gave him, he looked up from the documents he was reviewing to see the scared look on the face of the would-be employer who had requested his services.  The fat man had a number of armed guards in the room but was still nervous to be around Dan, and he should be nervous thought Dan as he mentally figured out how best to kill all of the guards and the fat man in the minimal time should things go south.

Dan asked a few questions about the target and found out that the target was a woman who ran what appeared to be an island paradise filled with beautiful women most of which had infants that they cared for, the fat man told Dan that his son had been captured by this evil woman who seemed to capture and kill any man who she thought had been cruel or mean to women in general, he assumed they were killed because they were never heard from again.  Dan made a few notes as the fat man obviously wanted his son back alive if at all possible.

Dan made his way to the island on a small boat after being dropped off from a ship a few miles off shore, he quietly unloaded his weapons from his boat and hid the boat in a small cave just off the beach, he was shocked to discover that there were quite a few boats already hidden in there, by the look of them some were new and others were quite old.  Dan also saw a number of discarded kit bags of all ages and thought that he was not the first assassin to be sent here, so the fact that he is here means that none of the others survived.  Dan made a mental note to be extra careful on this assignment.

Safir looked around at her hand maidens and their tiny infant charges, while this made her very happy she saw that some of her maidens remained without infants, though one had a young boy stolen from his father a number of weeks ago.  The boy was regressing nicely and the panic in his face meant that he had figured out how it was going to end up, he was around 20 when he arrived and was now barely 7 years old surrounded by infants and women whose only point in life was to care for an infant.

Jim could feel the stare of the mistress watching him as he held the hand of his 'mommy' as she took him to get some lunch, he could constantly feel the unfamiliar bulk between his legs as today was his first day in diapers since his birth infancy.  Jim had started having night time accidents when he estimated his age around 10 years old but in the last few days as he regressed further and his accidents started being more and more frequent during the day until pretty much everything his body expelled ended up in his underwear.  At that point his mommy told him that he was to wear diapers from now on.

Dan watched from his vantage point and saw the large gathering of very attractive women with infants and then he saw one woman with a young boy, unfortunately Dan did not see the young man he was to rescue.  Dan slowly made his way down to the compound without being seen and started to sneak in the back of every building when they were quiet to see if he could find the young man (Jim) that he had been sent for, after looking in every building Dan came to the conclusion that the man had been killed.  That just left the assassination to do, Dan checked his weapons and made his way to the doorway of the building he was currently in so that he could see the female leader on her dais.

Safir could feel the eyes of the assassin on her, she knew the second he set foot on the island through her unholy senses and had been 'feeling' his movements ever since.  She knew he was preparing to fire upon her and as she felt his finger upon the trigger she suddenly turned to stare right at him.

Dan was about to pull the trigger and get out of dodge when the woman he was aiming at suddenly turned to stare right at him.  Dan tried to get his finger to pull the trigger anyway but it would not budge, he felt himself standing up and dropping all of his weapons on the floor before walking over to the leader and kneeling down in front of her.  Dan was trying hard to get some control back but it was as if his body was being controlled by some unseen force, the woman leader simply smiled at Dan and told him that he was at his new home and that the female to his right was to be his new mother.  Dan looked to his right and saw a beautiful woman smiling at him, she gently took hold of his hand and start to lead him away, Dan was struggling inside but it was as if the gentle hand holding his was in fact an iron grip controlling his entire body into submission.

The female leading him told him to call her mommy when Dan asked what her name was, so he asked her where she was taking him and she simply told him that they were going to her house which was to be his new home, Dan was bewildered as he had expected to be killed if he was discovered.  At his 'mommy's' house Dan discovered that there was a large living area that for some reason had a baby play pen in the corner, he was shown his mommy's room and then his room, which looked like a room for a small child around 10 years old, then his mommy told him that she would show him the room that he would eventually be staying in, Dan followed his mommy into another room that was immediately obvious that is was a nursery for a young infant, Dan asked if he needed to move the furniture and decorate it but his mommy simply said that it was fine as it was.

Later that day Dan was sitting on the floor in the main living area (his new mommy had told him that he had to sit on the floor so that he didn't make messes on her furniture), His mommy then came in and informed him that due to his previous employment and the dangerous nature it represented his enrolment in their society would be accelerated to only take a couple of days.  Dan had no idea what the crazy woman who he could not think of as anything other than 'mommy' was going on about, but he ate his dinner and drank the milk she gave him like a good little boy before his mommy stood him up and dressed him onto a childlike pyjamas that were large enough to fit him.  Just after he had climbed into bed his mommy said something in a whisper that he couldn't quite hear and he felt himself go completely relaxed, after which his mommy pulled down his pyjama bottoms and proceeded to wipe cream all over his groin and bottom before putting a large diaper under his bottom before bring the front up and over his groin and then finally taping it shut and then pulling up his pyjama bottoms.

Dan was astonished that he had let her do it when he realised that he could move again, but despite the fact that he could move again, for some reason he could not take off the diaper, it was as if that ability of taking off a diaper had been erased from his brain and instead he could only look at it and not figure out how to remove it.  Dan slowly drifted off to sleep in his pyjamas and diaper.

Dan woke up the following morning and everything seemed wrong, firstly the pyjamas he was wearing were now far too large and buried him, in addition the diaper he was wearing underneath was also too large and sagging but worse was very wet.  Dan was just trying to figure out what was going on when his mommy walked in and smiled down at him while she proceeded to remove his pyjamas and diaper before cleaning him up and putting him into a new (smaller) diaper, Dan didn't move through the entire ordeal but afterwards his mommy helped him to stand up and he realised that he was only up to her waist, he had shrunk so much that he was less than half his previous height.  Dan caught sight of his reflection in the mirror and saw a child of around 6 years old looking back at him, all of a sudden everything made sense, all of the women on the island taking care of infants, his mommy having a crib in her house for him, Dan started to feel panic well up inside him but instead of getting angry and lashing out he felt himself start to cry.  His mommy easily picked him up and he felt her hand cradling him under his bottom through the padding of the diaper, and she gently pressed his head into her shoulder while she hugged him, after a few minutes he settled down and was taken outside and walked to a small park, there his mommy told him to go play and he found another young child on the playground.  Dan soon found out that the child was actually the man he was looking to rescue but had been regressed through the strange island magic, he also found out that most men were regressed over a period of several weeks but the boy told him that two other rescuers had been sent and both had been regressed to infants within 48 hours, the boy also said that he had overheard one of the women saying that even if they escaped the island before they fully regressed, the regression would continue anyway.  So for example if they managed to get a boat and sail away from the island, they would be helpless infants before they managed to reach safety and would therefore die screaming in the bottom of their boat unable to do anything other than cry for a mommy that would never come.

Dan was shocked and wanted nothing more than to get away from the island, but realised that it was impossible.  Dan walked over to his mommy and asked if there was a way where he could make amends to the islands owner and have his adulthood returned so that he could leave in peace, his mommy looked down at him with a smile and told him that he shouldn't be worried about adult concerns anymore.  Dan wanted to say more but felt and unfamiliar warmth spreading around his groin, he was confused but then realised that he was helplessly wetting himself, he felt tears brimming in his eyes as he looked up at his mommy who was smiling down at him and gently told him that she would change his diaper when they got home.

As they walked home Dan felt himself having to jog/run more and more to keep up with his mommy and the bottom of his jeans kept tripping him up, he was about to say something to his mommy when she stopped and motioned for him to follow her into what looked like a shop.  Inside were all kinds of things a mommy might need for her baby, but Dan's mommy didn't spend time looking around she spoke briefly to the assistant who went out to the store room and came back pushing a stroller.  It was the kind that could be used for both toddlers and young infants with a minor reconfiguration.  It was currently set for a toddler of around 3 years old and Dan was sure that he was too large, but His mommy picked him up and sat him in the stroller that fit perfectly to his diminishing frame.

Dan felt like the six year old clothing was starting to bury him as his mommy pushed him home in the stroller, in addition his diaper felt extremely loose around his waist as he felt another warmth spreading around his groin, but this time it was followed by a funny feeling deep in his tummy that gave him around a seconds warning before poop started to slide out of his bottom into his waiting diaper.  Dan started to cry and even to his own ears his cry's were now more that of an infant than a young child, however a few seconds later they were home and his mommy quickly lifted him out of the stroller, carried him inside while hushing him, and placed him on the changing table.  His now overly large clothing was removed along with his very wet and dirty diaper before he was lovingly cleaned up with wipes and a new much smaller diaper that fit perfectly was put on him.  After the diaper change he was dressed in clothing that was obviously intended for a toddler with crotch snaps for easy diaper changes.  Dan was then placed into the play pen in the middle of the living room, the television was on but try as he might Dan could not follow the story line of the cartoon that was showing, it was just too complex.  Dan came to the realisation that he could not remember how to read soon after as he looked out of the playpen to the small table in the middle of the room with a magazine on it, Dan could not understand a single word.  He stood at the side of his play pen for a minute contemplating his fate and decided to call his mommy, but instead of a child's call all that he could produce was an infant's crying and unintelligible mumbling as he had forgotten how to talk.  Dan started to get upset again and he briefly let go of the side of the play pen bars and found that he could not keep his balance and promptly fell down onto his diapered bottom, as he sat there in humiliation he felt his groin once again getting warm as he wet himself and he started to cry loudly, he rolled onto his back and kicked his infant legs in the air as his body finished its regression to a 3 month old infant unable to do anything more impressive than suck his own fingers and sometimes his toes.

Dan's mommy came into the room to see what the matter was, and as soon as she saw that Dan's regression was complete she gave him a beaming smile and gently lifted him out of the crib making sure to support his head.  Dan was carried to the changing table where he was once again put through a diaper change to meet his new dimensions and also dressed into infant clothing of a onesie and sleeper before being carried to the now reconfigured stroller that was prepared for a young infant.

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