Part 3

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Another few months month went by and Dan was the ideal infant for his mommy, so at the end he was taken into the town centre, his diaper was removed and Safir chanted above him until he was once again an adult male, his mommy came over and diapered him in an adult sized diaper before helping him into his trousers and a t-shirt.  Dan looked over as he was being diapered to see the nasty mommy smiling at him.  Safir told him again that he would be tested before long and he should not fail again.  On the way back to his home with his mommy, Dan saw a mommy pushing a stroller with a young baby around 12 months old inside, Dan's mommy told him that it was the man who he had come to save, Dan looked down and the baby babbled something and then looked unhappy as he looked down at his diaper area and his mommy pushing the stroller came around and exclaimed that he was a stinky baby again and would have to change his diaper, the baby immediately started screaming and wriggling in the stroller as he was taken away, and Dan heard the mommy mutter to him that she couldn't wait until he was fully regressed so that she could get him to suckle on her breast, this seemed to make him scream even louder and the mommy just chuckled at him.

Dan was a little shocked as he walked home with his mommy, and barely noticed when he wet himself while they walked.  As the last time he was made into an adult again Dan had difficulty doing anything and so his mommy fed him a dinner of mushed up food followed by a bottle of formula, Dan had a dirty diaper which was changed before bed and then he was put to bed early with a thicker overnight diaper.

About a week after being an adult again Dan was more steady at walking and was able to feed himself finger type food but still had difficulty chewing, so his diet remained mainly mushed up food which had to be fed to him with a spoon as he was too uncoordinated to hold anything like a spoon, he was also fed several bottles of formula each day.  Together with his mushy food diet the formula kept his bladder and bowel pretty much constantly active, so he was rarely completely dry or clean in his diaper.  One morning his mommy got him dressed after his morning feed and diaper change and then took him by the hand and walked him to a building in town they had not been to before, once inside Dan could see babies everywhere being looked after by nurses rather than their mommies who seemed to be dropping them off so that they could go out and do other things, Dan's mommy told him that he would spend several days each week in the day care centre from now on and that they would take good care of him, Dan tried to say something but his mommy's hand on his shoulder sent a message that prevented him from talking and his eyes teared up as he started to cry.  Dan felt ridiculous crying like a toddler in the day care centre because his mommy was going to leave him but he could not stop the tears, his mommy let go of his hand and turned and walked out of the door without a backward look, Dan was then taken by one of the nurses to his adult sized crib and told to climb in, once he was laying on his back in the crib the nurse told him that they only had enough nurses to take care of infants who stayed in once place, so he would have to remain in his crib like all of the other infants, he would be fed and changed just like the others and rather than calling out he was to cry like the other babies when he wanted something.  Dan was more than a little upset when the nurse left him, what was the point of being returned to an adult if you were going to be treated like an infant all day, then his worst nightmare came true, a nurse came over and informed him with a huge smile that she would be taking care of him each day that he was in the nursery, this nurse was in fact the mommy who had been mean to him at the park and caused his second regression.

Throughout the day his nurse kept checking his diaper and feeding him extra bottles of formula to make sure that he kept wetting, each time she needed to change his diaper she would comment on how he was supposed to be a big strong man but could not even keep his diaper dry, when he messed himself she was absolutely delighted and kept telling him that he should be an infant if he was going to mess in his diaper just like one.  By the end of the first day Dan was exhausted from the constant stress of being under the care of his horrible nurse, he was delighted and gushed like a normal toddler when his mommy came to collect him.

On the walk home Dan told his mommy about the nurse and what she had been doing to him through the day, but she just told him that this was part of his punishment and also a test before his next session with Safir.  Dan thought about it and decided that if he was going to be treated like an infant at the nursery then he was going to damn well act like one as well.

The following day after he had been left at the nursery Dan made sure that he needed to almost constantly cry, he was either wet, dirty, hungry, or thirsty all day.  His nurse was absolutely fuming at him by the end of the day and she had stopped any type of ridicule by lunch time, when his mommy came to collect him, Dan was not sure who was the most relieved, him or his nurse.  On the way home he told him mommy what he had done during the day, she didn't say anything but she did smile and start to sum happily as they walked home.

The second week of going to the nursery four days per week started uneventfully as Dan started his routine of screaming as soon as his mommy had left, when the nasty nurse came over and managed to shush him so that he would listen, she apologised for being bad and instead suggested that if he behaved himself and was only as demanding as the other infants in the nursery, then she would not be mean to him anymore.  She would even make sure that she got him some of the nicer strawberry flavoured formula in some of his bottles during the day.  Dan was astonished at how this nurse's demeanour had changed and immediately agreed to her request.  Dan became the ideal baby in the nursery, only crying when he needed his diaper changing or needed a feed, other than that he was content to watch the mobile over his head and laugh happily when the formerly nasty nurse came over and tickled his feet.

Dan started to enjoy being at the nursery as his nurse seemed to have more time to spend tickling his feet and blowing raspberries on his tummy than his own mommy managed, his mommy listened to him and talked to him but did not really play with him, so his life with her was actually quite boring even though he knew that she loved him.  After a few more weeks his mommy seemed to notice that he was especially happy on the days when he went to nursery and she asked if he would like to go into nursery every day unless they had something special to do, Dan immediately said yes and the following day was enrolled in the nursery daily.

Dan went to the nursery every day and while it was still boring to his adult mind, the constant attention of feet tickling, tummy raspberries, and strawberry formula kept him in a good mood and he was even found laughing really hard on many days as his feet were being tickled, he even started laughing so hard that he didn't notice when he was wet or messy and needed to be told by his nurse when she noticed the smell, or when he realised that he was really uncomfortable.

A few months went by and Dan started to feel strange walking next to his mommy as he was so used to being in the crib at the nursery or in the crib back at his home, he was only out of the crib for a couple of hours each day so was even starting to get unsteady on his feet again and was beginning to walk like a toddler.  His mommy started getting him ready as usual but when they started to walk to the nursery she walked right past and further into town, Dan then realised where they were going and started to get anxious, he felt his diaper getting warm at the front as his infantile bladder released.  They reached the centre of town and Safir was standing next to the strange chair, Dan was told to sit down into it and immediately felt that he could not get up again even if he wanted.  Safir started to ask him questions which he managed to answer both honestly and to Safir's requirement, then Safir asked if he wanted to become an infant again, Dan immediately said no but felt something in the air around him as if he had done something wrong, Safir asked him the question again to which he again replied no, then Safir waved her arm and an image appeared that showed him giggling as his feet were being tickled in the nursery, the images kept coming in fast forward and showed many days and weeks of him obviously enjoying being babied at the nursery, he was even enjoying having his diaper changed as he was giggling and laughing while it was done, he realised that at no point did he speak a single word which also seemed to make him more infantile.  At the end Safir said that he needed to spend more time as an infant to be sure about what he really wanted, without having time to do or say anything Dan was suddenly dizzy and the world around him grew quickly as he shrank back into infancy.

Dan was collected from the chair by his nurse instead of his mommy, she quickly put him into a diaper and dressed him in a very infantile sleeper outfit, she then exposed one of her breasts and raised his lips so that her breast touched his cheek, the temptation was immense for Dan to just have one little taste of that mothers milk, his little tongue licked out and caught a tiny drop as it eased out of her nipple, he gently opened his tiny lips allowing the nipple to slide in and as soon as he felt the suction in his mouth as he latched on he began to suckle.  Dan was euphoric as he suckled, this was excellent as it was so delicious he never wanted it to stop, he suckled and suckled while his tiny feet kicked out in enjoyment while the nurse started quietly telling everyone that she knew this was what he wanted.  Dan wanted to tell everyone that he wanted to be an adult and this was only one single act of infancy, then he remembered what his mommy had said and he tried to stop suckling but the urge was now too great and he continued to suckle.  Dan felt his memories start to fade away, slowly bit by bit he could feel his adult understanding of the world around him being stripped from him regressing him into true infancy, his kicked his legs in anguish but only managed to stimulate his bladder and his diaper grew warm as he continued to suckle, after a few minutes Dan the world's greatest assassin was no more, instead a tiny three month old infant was in his place with only the mental abilities and memories of an infant.  The baby looked up at the woman feeding it milk from her breast, he heard the woman say that he would be constantly regressed to remain in eternal infancy on the island, in the back of its subconscious a voice cried out in anguish but the baby did not understand the words or why it would be unhappy.  The infant struggled slightly when he was moved from one breast to the next but soon began suckling again, the nurse knew that the second breast was what completed the transformation and that if the former assassin had fought hard enough mentally he would have retained enough adult comprehension to resists the second breast, but he had given in and was now becoming an eternal infant, she smiled down at his angelic face as she felt his diaper growing warm again as he helplessly wet into his diaper like the tiny infant he now was forever.

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