Part 5

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Three months after the regression of the former mommy into infancy, Safir decided that it was time to hear her plea and possibly give her back some degree of adulthood.  Stacy brought the former mommy to the town centre where she was placed on the smooth chair, Safir spoke the ancient words and the former mommy regained her adulthood but was quickly put into adult sized diapers to protect against accidents, the former mommy stared at Stacy and began to tell a story of why she had suspected something of Stacy and why she was in the nursery that night, Safir turned to Stacy and asked if any of it was true, Stacy knew that Safir would be able to tell if she was lying so decided it was time to put her risky plan into motion.  Stacy told Safir that the former mommy was telling the truth and that she had in fact ensured that the last 10 former men who looked like they may regain their adulthood were regressed to eternal infancy and that she had manipulated events to ensure the regression of the former mommy.  Safir stared hard at Stacy and then told her that what was going to happen was her own fault, Stacy felt the energies building in Safir as she prepared to say the ancient regression words, then Stacy did what nobody expected, she reached out and touched Safir on the forehead and said an equally ancient word to trigger a completely different spell using the energies built up in Safir.

Safir felt the touch of Stacy's hand on her head and could not believe it when she heard the words uttered from her mouth, but it was too late.  Safir felt all of her immortal power and energy flowing from her body into Stacy and in return her body was regressing and passing its aged power also to Stacy, Stacy was growing in physical strength and power while Safir continued to regress until she herself was a tiny infant, before she could do anything Stacy looked at the former mommy and spoke a word of power which left the former mommy also as a tiny infant once again.  Stacy instructed the closest nurses to diaper the two new infants while she went to the island palace to decide how she was going to run her new island empire.

Safir was still stunned from the series of events as she was lifted and placed on the changing table to have a diaper put on, she continued to kick her little legs until she felt a warmth spreading around her diaper and knew that she had just wet herself.  Safir reached inside herself for the power to regain her adulthood, but while the power was still there in a very small amount, she neither had enough power nor the strength of body to cast a spell, as she was dressed in an infant's sleeper she realised that she was stuck as an infant until Stacy decided to allow her to regain her adulthood, if she ever did, and that she may well be an eternal infant.

Safir was taken in a stroller to the island palace where she was passed to the new island ruler, Stacy looked down on Safir in her stroller with a huge grin and lifter her out and cradles her to her breast while asking if she would like some mothers milk, Safir kicked her tiny legs knowing that even though she was a born immortal power the spell put upon her would ensure that she would remain an eternal infant should she drink mothers milk on the island.  Stacy just smiled and placed Safir in her crib then held up an ancient book and showed it to Safir.  Safir knew the book instantly and knew where it had been hidden on the island all those years ago, Stacy must have found it and used it to learn the ancient spell of power transfer and regression, then Stacey turned to a specific page and turned the book around so that Safir could see what page it was on, Safir felt her bowels let go as she messed herself at the sight of what she was seeing, Stacy was looking at a terrible spell that could be the doom of Safir and potentially many others.  Stacy got the nurse to change Safir's diaper while she read up and prepared for the spell, once Safir was changed into a fresh diaper Stacy lifted her up and held her to her exposed breast so that Safir had access to her nipple, Safir turned her head away and so Stacy read out the spell and the power was released.  Safir felt the impact of the spell take effect and she immediately found it very difficult to resist the impulse to suckle on the breast next to her face, she knew that the spell that had been cast not only made the recipient want to have mothers milk that would lock them in infancy eternally, but if issued to an adult they would also crave mothers milk and if they drank it they would instantly regress both physically and mentally into infancy.  Stacy was not happy that Safir resisted the spell so she said the words and sent forth the spell again.  Safir felt the impact of the spell the second time and was determined not to succumb to its effect, then she realised that she was already suckling on Stacy's teat, all of her many eons of knowledge started to drift away as infancy took her, she was soon moved over to the second breast and although she tried to resist a little, she was too far gone with the spell and quickly started to suckle.  Safir, former ruler and massive power of the island was now a helpless infant interested only in its next feed of milk or its next diaper change.

Stacy looked down at her former ruler as she finished suckling on her second breast and she passed Safir to the waiting nurse to be taken away any put in the palace nursery to begin her eternal life of infancy, next Stacy looked over to the former mommy who had tried to expose her, the former mommy (in infant form) had watched what had happened with Safir and was screaming and kicking her tiny legs as much as she possibly could, Stacy smiled and lifter her out of the stroller that she had been laying in and said the words to release the spell knowing that the magic that filled her would have replenished her breasts the moment Safir finished sucking, the spell hit the former mommy far harder than it hit Safir due to her lack of magic and she instantly started pawing at Safirs breasts as she tried to get a teat into her mouth to start suckling, as soon as she had latched on and began sucking she realised what she was doing and tried to stop, but no matter how hard she tried to force her body to obey she continued to suckle as if she would die without it and needed it like air.  The former mommy felt her adult hood slipping away forever as she regressed into mental infancy, her diaper grew warm as any last vestiges of control slipped away and she fussed a little like any normal infant as she was moved from one breast to the other to finish off her feed and final delivery into eternal infancy.

Stacy was very pleased with her two new playthings, the former island ruler and her former accuser, now trapped in eternal infancy and in their cribs in her own palace, she had nurses to take care of them but she knew that she would occasionally change their diaper and talk to them to see if she could see any inkling of understanding behind their eyes and if she did she would take great pleasure in tormenting them for a few days before casting the spell again and pushing them further back into infancy, Stacy smiled at the thought.  However Stacy had one more person to take care of before she decided what else she wanted to do with her new island empire, so she called to one of her new assistants and asked for a specific nurse from the nursery where she used to work to be brought to the palace, a while later a nervous looking nurse in uniform appeared in Stacy's lounge area.  Stacy looked at the nervous young nurse and called in one of the nurses who had been taking care of Safir, Stacy had already cast a spell on the newly arrived nurse without her knowing, but she had instructed the nurse to simply come in, sit down and remove her top and bra exposing her breasts.  The nurse form the nursery looked at the palace nurse a little strange as she sat down, removed her top and started to remove her bra, but as soon as the bra was removed and the very faint scent of mothers milk with the new spell cast on it came into the air the nursery nurse who had betrayed Stacy felt a compulsion beyond any she had felt before and moved to sit down next to the palace nurse before laying back to have her head cradled by the palace nurse, then she had her head lifted slightly by the bewildered palace nurse so that she could reach the palace nurse's breast and then she latched on and started to suckle.  The palace nurse was amazed when the former nursery nurse started to shrink quickly while suckling on her breast, within minutes the former nursery nurse had fully regressed physically but had not finished the first breast so still had most of her adult mental abilities, but adult mental state or not the palace nurse knew that she would need a diaper quickly so broke the suckling suction and carried her to the changing table.  The former nursery nurse felt the suckling be broken and immediately realised what she had been doing and also realised that she was being carried by another nurse to the changing station, she tried to tell he to put her down but could only gurgle and when she tried to get free all she could do was kick her tiny feet in frustration as she realised that she had regressed physically into infancy, she was placed on the changing table and watched as the palace nurse unfolded a disposable diaper and lifted her little pudgy legs with one hand while she slid the diaper under the former nurse, she knew that less than an hour earlier she had been doing that very same thing to former men who had been regressed but now she was the infant who needed diapers, after being diapered and dressed in an infants sleeper she was carried back to the lounger where the nurse re-exposed her breast and lifted the former nurses head towards the nipple, the former nurse started to whimper as she knew what completing this feed would mean to her, but as soon as she smelt the magically enhanced mothers milk she pawed in anticipation until the nipple was in her mouth, once she was suckling she again realised that she needed to stop but simply could not do it, she felt her memories drifting out of her and within minutes she was a mindless infant suckling on a breast, she was moved to the other breast which fixed her as both a physical and mental infant for eternity.  After her feed the former nurse was added to the existing palace nursery with the former mommy and former island leader Safir.

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