Part 7

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Emma arrived at the main desk to be told by her boss that they had received another one, the 16th infant from an orphanage had been referred to their special care home when it became apparent that it was not aging normally.  The condition had been diagnosed three years previously and was commonly called 'age freeze disorder' or just AFD, nobody knew what caused it or if these poor infants would every grow up normally, it was also strange that only infants left anonymously at care homes seemed to have the disorder which led the government to assume it was related to adult drug use causing an abnormal growth issue in their unwanted infants that were subsequently abandoned at care homes.  Emma took the male infant that was kicking and screaming for all it was worth up to the analysis lab where they would test its cells for any aging properties, but Emma knew from the look in its eyes that this infant would never age another day.

Later that day Emma rode the bus back to her apartment building and on the ride she thought about the increase in AFD recently and knew that one of her sisters must have moved to this part of the country, when she got back to her apartment she thanked Lisa her house keeper and nanny and walked in to look into the two cribs, both infant girls stared back at her with hatred in their eyes, her former sisters may have lost all ability to communicate or regress people (as they obviously lost their breasts during their regression), but their anger at being an infant did not go away, Emma wondered if they would have a human life span because of the way they had been regressed or if they would have an eternal infancy due to their regression and their original island immortality, she guessed she would find out in about 80 years, then one of the infants started to whimper and then squirm in her crib, Emma leaned over to see what was the matter and with a knowing smile gently lifted up her former sister to change her dirty diaper.

Hazel was living the good life in a 5 star hotel thanks to the steady stream of cash she received from regressed men and women who had no need of their money anymore, she had come up with a great ploy, she regressed former adults into infancy, but before fogging up their mind she told them that they could become adult again if they gave her the pin numbers to their credit cards by blinking, once Hazel had been out and proven that the pin numbers were correct she told them that feeding from the other breast would restore them, and she was always smiling and laughing hard inside when they eagerly pounced on her second breast for their second feed and laughed happily out loud when they realised what had actually happened and any coordinated action or effort was now denied to them, the very next place they found themselves was the local abandoned children's care home.  Hazel had tried to keep touch with her former sisters, all except Emma who had simply disappeared just after arriving, but about six months ago one of her sisters stopped responding to her after coming to this city, just over a month ago another sister stopped responding after coming to this city to find the missing sister, now Hazel was here to find out what was going on.

Emma started by creating a record of all missing persons, and then tried to match them up with the infants that had been received at the centre, she slowly found a pattern and through calling the hotels where the missing people had last been staying and pretending to be a relative of their still concerned and looking for them, she slowly gathered enough information to identify the name of the person she was looking for, Hazel.  Hazel was the most evil and vindictive of the sisters who came to this land, she would likely regress someone to perpetual infancy just for looking at her wrong.  Emma then found a pattern in the hotels she had been using to get victims, it was a rough circular pattern around the outer edge of the city, and if she continued the pattern there was only four hotels that she would choose from next, for the next few days Emma called each hotel daily pretending to be different people each time to enquire about a friend that was staying there, after two days she hit the jackpot and a hotel clerk confirmed that a woman resembling the description had arrived and checked in.

Hazel sat eating in the hotel dining room when the waiter came over with a drink that she did not order, he said it was from the man standing at the bar, Hazel looked over to see a good looking man smiling at her, well she thought, he has made that decision a little easier than normal.  Hazel smiled back a dazzling smile and beckoned the man to come over and join her, once he sat down he ordered a light bite and the two of them had dessert together and drank into the evening, he said his name was Frank and that he was also staying at the hotel, he was an investment banker with his own company.  Hazel knew that this score would set her up for months and that she would be able to properly search for her missing sisters, so she asked if he wanted to go back to her room for a coffee, Frank immediately understood that it would not be coffee they went for, but he did not understand either precisely what Hazel had in mind.  Once in Hazel's room she played with Frank a little on the bed before suggesting that he get undressed while she popped into the bathroom, when she returned he was naked on the bed and she was just in her bra and panties, as she climbed onto the bed Frank asked if she had a baby as he had noticed baby clothes and a package of diapers next to the bed, Hazel simply said no and before Frank could say anything else she unfastened her bra and removed it.  The scent of Hazels breasts hit Frank like a train and he watched in anticipation as hazel simply lowered herself so that her one breast nipple came down right over his mouth, without any thought or encouragement Frank took the nipple in and began to suckle, Hazel loved to do it this way so that the victim had no idea what was happening as they were simply laying on their back on the bed, she watched as he smiled while still suckling thinking that she was smiling at him in anticipation of their love making to come, only he did not know that he was already only around 6 years old and regressing fast, soon it was over and Hazel simply sat up and collected a diaper and infant sleeper from the side of the bed, she leant over the former man and lifted his feet with a single hand while slipping the unfolded diaper under hit bottom with the other despite his infant protests.

Frank suddenly realised that he had somehow became in infant while sucking on Hazels breasts and now she was diapering him, he struggled and tried to talk but could not do either, once Hazel had him diapered and dressed in a sleeper she told him that he could make a deal to become an adult again.  Using blinks he communicated the pin numbers for each of his credit cards and the log in numbers to his bank accounts.  Hazel took him out in a stroller to an ATM where she checked all of the pin numbers on his credit cards and validated them before withdrawing the maximum that each card could hold, then she went back to the hotel room and logged into his bank account before transferring all of his money, every last penny to highly secret accounts of hers held in the Cayman islands.  Finally she lifted Frank out of the stroller and told him that he had been a good boy and therefore could have the other titty, she unfastened her top and lifted his head to her other nipple where he hungrily started to suckle expecting to regain his adulthood, a few minutes later when the feed was complete Hazel placed him back in the stroller, it took a few seconds for Frank to realise that not only was he still an infant but that he could no longer attempt any form of communication as he through process and coordination was all foggy and mixed up.  Hazel smiled and then started to laugh as she watched Franks face screw up as he started to whimper when he realised what she had done to him, she was just about to put him into the stroller and abandon him outside a local children's care home when the door behind her clicked like someone was opening the lock, Hazel didn't even look back as she knew the door was double locked and the key was in the barrel preventing it from being opened, she just assumed it was some maid trying to come in and clean something, so she went back to bundling Frank into the stroller for his trip to a long life of infancy.

Emma quickly realised that the room had been double locked and that the key was still in the lock, however she had learnt a trick to resolve that years ago and slipped a special metal tool that she had between the side of the door and the locking catch and with a quick twist the door was opening, Emma saw Hazel still with her back to her and with only her bra on, so Emma had to move quickly before Hazel could remove her bra, so Emma who was only wearing a bikini top ripped it off without undoing it and ran over to Hazel so that her breast scent would reach her right away.  Hazel turned to see Emma come to a stop right in front of her and as she was asking what on earth Emma was doing here she was also lowering her head so that she could take Emma's nipple into her mouth, Hazel knew that she needed to stop as soon as she started suckling but simply could not get her body to obey, she felt Emma lower herself down so that Hazel could continue suckling as her body dwindled in size, then she felt Emma's arm cradle under her bottom as her legs started to get too weak to hold her weight and suddenly Hazel was lifted into the air and re-positioned in Emma's arms to finish suckling on the first breast, within seconds of being re-positions Hazel was removed from the breast and put down onto the bed while Emma pulled out a diaper and proceeded to put it on Hazel.

Hazel could not believe it, just a few minutes ago she had been the powerful demi-goddess regressing men into infancy, now she was an infant at the hands of one of her own sisters, she could not help but whimper as the front of the diaper was pulled up and she was fastened into a life of perpetual diapers.  Once she was diapered and dressed into one of the spare infant sleepers, Hazel was lifted and moved towards the second breast, she wriggled as much as she could but the spell over powered her and she quickly latched onto the nipple and began to suckle.

After leaving the former man Frank outside one of the city's many children's care homes Emma returned to her apartment with Hazel, when Hazel saw the three cribs, two containing former sisters and one empty waiting for her she began to whimper and cry again which was the only method of communication open to her now and like the others now that she was regressed she had no power or way to return to adulthood.  Hazel wriggled in Emma's arms and then suddenly froze before squirming again and crying even louder, Emma had a suspicion about what had happened and sniffed the rear of Hazel's diaper, true enough Hazel had just had her first messy diaper, Emma knew that Hazel would have to get used to that because it would be the first of many she would have in her long life.

After putting all three infants to sleep for the night, Emma went through Hazel's things and found out about her many off shore bank accounts, after logging in with the passwords that Hazel had foolishly left in the same box as her bank details Emma quickly moved a lot of the money into her own account but left a huge amount in the off shore accounts for future use.  The following day Emma resigned from her job in the care centre after first saying goodbye to her former sisters and leaving them screaming in anguish outside an infant care centre, then she used the details in Hazel's bag to find out where the other two sisters were plying their trade.

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