Part 6

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Later that evening Stacy stood in the palace nursery watching the three infants, one was asleep, one was being fed and the third was having a diaper change, it was amazing at how just a day ago any of these three may have caused her to be regressed into infancy herself, but now they were tiny infants and she ruled the island, she thought about the former men on the island who she had always despised so much which was why she always wanted them to remain infants once they came to the island because once a man was bad, they were always bad in her mind, but while they would remain as infants forever, she was always angry that they would live forever which was something they did not deserve as most of them had no mental ability beyond a mere infant so it was no punishment to allow them a long life.  Stacy then had an idea, she knew what she could do with her new power over the island and went to the magic book to see if it was possible.

A week later Stacy called six of the island mommy's and nurses who she knew harboured ill feeling to all men who behaved badly even once, she told them that they would be sent back to regular civilisation but would be able to return every so often to the island.  They would have a magic spell cast upon them that would allow them to be both judge, jury, and executioner to any men (or women) that they felt were poor members of society, Stacy told them that after the spell, their mother's milk would automatically regenerate immediately following a successful feed to an infant, but more than that no adult (man or woman) would be able to resist the smell of their mother's milk if they exposed their breast in someone's presence, any adult that suckled from one breast would physically become an infant, when they suckled from the other breast it would take their adult mental abilities and make them remember everything in their former adult life but make it foggy enough that they would never be able to use that intellect or communicate with anyone with blocks or with any form of code, finally the new infants would not be immortal like those on the island, but they would not age a single day, the spell put upon them from the feeding would ensure that they remained a perpetual infant until they were the human age of 80 when they would simply pass away in their sleep.  This way they were punished by remembering their former adult status in life but with no ability to do anything about it, and they would remain as an infant without aging but not have an eternal life.  The women gathered were all very pleased with this idea and immediately agreed, so Stacy cast the spell upon them and instructed them that they were not to expose their breasts any more on the island for fear that one of the island women would smell their milk and be compelled to suckle.

The six women stood on the ship as they sailed to the civilised world where men were allowed to remain as adults, they were all looking forward to their assignment, all except one called Emma who was disturbed by it, she hated evil men but did not think that they should be judge and jury without requiring any evidence or trial where they could defend themselves, but she had felt that any objection to Stacy would have left her in diapers eternally, so she had agreed and looked eager with the other five women.  Before long they reached the distant shore of a land called USA, they departed the ship which then turned to sail back to the island and the six women said their goodbyes and went separate ways.

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