Part 4

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The mommy of the infant who was a former assassin cuddled her baby to her breast as he suckled and kicked his little legs, but the mommy was not happy at all, she had thought without doubt that Dan would have been the first male ever to have proven himself worthy of becoming an adult again but he had succumbed to being an infant through the evidence provided by one of the island nurses.  The mommy was determined to find out what happened and expose this nurse for what she was.  Later that day she dropped off Dan at the nursery to be cared for during the day and then she began asking questions of the other nurses trying to figure out how Dan had been coerced into behaving the way he did in the evidence.

The nurse called Stacy who had deliberately arranged events to permanently regress the former male assassin into an eternal infant smiled at the memory while figuring out what she could do now.  She had managed to ensure that the last 10 men who looked like they may actually achieve adulthood again were actually regressed into infancy forever, but now as there were no current adult males on the island and the one infant who would have been given a chance at adult hood had taken to the breast at the first offering so was now an eternal infant, so the nurse had no new challenge.  Then the nurse was told by one of her colleagues that a mommy had been asking questions about her and the way she worked with the former man who had recently been regressed, the nurse immediately knew what she could do for her next challenge to keep her interested in this immortal life, it had been many years since one of the islands women had been regressed for breaking rules and that woman had been allowed to regain her adulthood after the second regression, but even now over 30 years later she still had to wear diapers and was sometimes made to be fed from a bottle and attend one of the nurseries.  Stacy chuckled at the thought of the strong willed woman being forced into becoming an infant and then being in diapers forever and at times being in her care at the nursery as an adult infant, Stacy chuckled again and even started to laugh before working on her plan.

The mommy had been told by one of the nurses at the nursery that the nurse she had been asking about kept images of the things she did to the former assassin in her private drawers in the nursery, unfortunately the drawers were kept locked and to force entry would break island law which no adult on the island would knowingly do.  The mommy asked where the drawers were and to describe them perfectly, she then went home to think hard about the risk.  After thinking about it the mommy decided that any law she broke would be vindicated by the evidence that she would be able to present to Safir, so she asked her neighbour to take care of Dan because she was not feeling well, then she dressed in a black outfit she had in her wardrobe and then set out to walk to the nursery.  Once at the nursery she used an iron bar she had brought to lever open the back door which she had been told was far enough away from the nurses station so as not to be heard at night, she broke the lock in the process, she then went inside the nursery and made her way through the back corridors around the nurses station and the main nursery area where some infants were sleeping as they were being cared for overnight, then she found the personal lockers and drawers.  The mommy found the right set of drawers and again used her iron bar to pry open the lock, again breaking it in the process, she started t look through the papers and personal items in the drawers but could not find any images or anything that incriminated the nurse for any wrong doing.  Then the lights suddenly came on and a nurse was staring right at her before shouting 'thief'.  The mommy ran as fast as she could through the nursery to the back door and managed to get ahead of her pursuers, she knew that if she could get far enough ahead she might be able to lose them and nobody would know who broke into the nursery, as she came running out of the back door she ran right into a group of women in nurses uniforms, one of which with the bad nurse who she had been trying to find information about, the bad nurse shouted to all of the other present that the mommy had been breaking into the nursery and private possessions which was against island law.  The mommy went deathly still at the mention of breaking island law as she knew the penalty, she started to struggle but a soft voice made her go suddenly still and no effort of hers could get her body to obey, Safir walked up to her and with a disappointed face told her that there was no need for a trial as the evidence was clear, she could only hope that it was what the mommy wanted and that was why she chose a nursery to break into and violate island law.  The mommy was struggling inside to speak out against the bad nurse who had somehow convinced Safir to permanently regress her little boy but she could not say a word and could only follow Safir as she was led by the hand into the centre of the town.  The mommy was told to strip off her clothes which she did automatically without any intention and then climbed onto the smooth chair in the town centre, Safir then placed a hand on her head and said a single word.  The former mommy's world suddenly shifted as she became a 3 month old infant instantly, a nurse gently lifter her up and placed her on a changing table and put her into her first ever diaper.  The mommy was wriggling and kicking her tiny legs in frustration at being an infant again while being dressed in an infant sleeper, Safir asked if anyone present would like to care for this baby and a nurse spoke up and said that she would care for her at the nursery and then take her home each evening, Safir agreed and the nurse came over, it was the same nurse that the mommy had been trying to get evidence about and she kicked her tiny feet again but then suddenly stopped as she felt her bowels move and a soft pudding like mess start to push out of her rear into her diaper, the nurse looking down at her had a huge smile and just told her to get used to it, that made the former mommy start to cry and as she was being carried back to the changing station to have her diaper changed in front of the assembled nurses and mommy's, some of which she had known as an adult, she felt her diaper grow warm as she helplessly wet, she tried to look away when her diaper was pulled down to reveal what her infantile body had done, then she was wiped clean and it seemed like the nurse was deliberately taking a long time so that the assembled adults who knew her could see what she had become and would not challenge the nurse for fear of the same treatment, after she was finally wiped clean the former mommy was put into a clean diaper and lifted for all the island to see what she had become, an incontinent 3 month old infant, who needed a nurse to feed her and change her diapers.

As the weeks went by the former mommy watched the nurse closely, despite being a tiny infant there was little else the nurse could do to her and so she watched, waiting for the day when she was once again restored to adulthood so that she could speak out against the nurse, and she thought that was what the nurse seemed worried about.

Stacy was thrilled that the former mommy was now her infant, and even if she did manage to regain her adulthood she would be diaper dependant for the rest of her long life, probably being forced to spend a day or two in the nursery from time to time as an ongoing reminder not to break island rules.  But Stacy was worried about what might happen when she became an adult and started talking again, would Stacy be convicted and regressed as well, would they make it permanent, Stacy had tried several times to get the former mommy to take milk from her breast but she continued to refuse, so Stacy had started other preparations against the day when she would be forced to defend herself against regression.

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