Part 8

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Stacy had just finished breast feeding Safir and had laughed as she watched Safir's face of horror and anger as the small amount of adult comprehension that she had regained slip away and she drifted back into infancy, when the door opened and in walked one of the six sisters she had sent to the mainland, Stacy smiled and evil smile and asked if she had regressed plenty of wrong doers on the main land, Emma grinned and evil grin mirror to Stacy's and told her yes, then without saying anything else Emma opened up her blouse to show that she had nothing on underneath, not even a bra.  The scent of Emma's breasts reached Stacy in seconds and the spell created by Stacy was now working against her.

Stacy felt the power of the spell hit her and she immediately put her own power into fighting it, however what she did not realise was that when she cast an ongoing spell upon another it took the power from her, so by fighting it with her power, the spell put upon Emma simply increased its own strength against Stacy but was also draining power from Stacy.  Now Stacy was having her well of power drained by two competing forces, and while the power would always return over time it would not last forever being drained in such a way, suddenly Stacy felt the overpowering desire to taste Emma's breast milk and she leant down and took one of her nipples into her mouth and began to suckle.

Emma watched as the islands powerful evil leader dwindled in size until Emma could lift her up and eventually cradle her until the regression was complete, Stacy was then placed on a changing table and diapered while she wriggled and screamed.  Stacy kept feeling the power start to manifest even in her now tiny body but the competing breast spell drained it just as quickly, so when Stacy was lifted against Emma's other breast she had no choice but to suckle away all of her adult abilities until she retained her adult comprehension but was unable to think clearly enough to actually do anything and certainly not create and deliver a spell.  Emma carried Stacy into the nursery where she found the islands former ruler Safir, the former mommy and former nurse who Stacy had regressed eternally into infancy, Emma told one of the nurses that Stacy would now be an eternal resident of her own nursery, the nurses all smiled as none of them like Stacy and liked it even more when Emma informed them that Stacy would actually realise what was going on around her, so the nurses took delight in speaking in baby talk to Stacy as if she were a true infant knowing that it would only punish her further.

Stacy was extremely angry at the nurses for treating her so babyish like she was a real infant even though they knew different, she was determined that all of them would pay when she was returned to adulthood and her rightful place as ruler of the island, then she felt a funny sensation in her tummy and then warm mush started filling the rear of her diaper.  Stacy realised that she was messing herself and felt just like the tiny infant that she really was, the nurses quickly sniffed the air and realised with glee what Stacy had done in her diaper, so they were telling her proud they were that she had made a nice big stinky in her diaper like a good baby, they dressed her in the most babyish clothes they could find and put her in her crib with a pink rattle and a teething ring for company.

While Emma could not return any of the regressed infants back to adulthood, and she did not have the power that Safir or Stacy had managed to wield, she did have the only method on the island of regressing adults into infants.  So the island went back to its old system of capturing the world's most deadly and dangerous villains and regressing them into infants, only now instead of them going through a series of trials whereby they could regain their adulthood, now they were regressed indefinitely, but were on trial for a few months in order to retain their adult comprehension and ability to perform basic communication, however most former men after realising what the physical regression was like just wanted to forget everything and sink into infancy.

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