Part 2

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The world had become a very large and scary place for the world's most feared assassin, as he lay on his back in his stroller as a three month old infant.  Each time he tried to move enough to consider escape all he managed to do was lift his legs up into the air and wiggle them around, soon his mommy stopped pushing the stroller and walked around to the front and gently lifted him out.  Dan could see that he was in a room with a number of chairs, all of the chairs had a woman sitting in it with a young infant on their lap.  All of the infants were between 3 months and 12 months old by the look of them, after Dan's mommy had sat down she turned Dan around on her lap to face the others and started to introduce all of the other infants to Dan, they were all world famous assassins or mercenaries, men feared all around the world, yet here they were sitting on the lap of their adopted mommy wearing a diaper and still trying to look tough which was actually a little comical.  One of the former assassins who Dan knew personally was staring at Dan with a look of hatred when all of a sudden his expression changed to one of fear and he started to fuss like any normal baby before his mommy announced to the room that he was poopie and proceeded to lay him down on a travel changing pad on the floor.  Dan watched in fascination as a former competitor for high value assassinations had his diaper pulled down and gently had the mushy poop from his bottom wiped clean, before having a fresh clean diaper put under his bottom and then brought around the front and taped up, within a few minutes the former assassin had his dirty diaper changed and was once again sitting on his mommy's lap, only now he wasn't trying to look tough any more.

Soon after the mommy's started to put the infants on the floor and started to play with them like they were real infants, of course all of the former men did not want to play baby games but after a short while they started to play as they had nothing else to do, and in some of the younger infants like Dan all they could do was lay on their back and giggle when they had their feet tickled which was about as far their playing went with their mommy.  After a particularly long feet tickling episode Dan felt different as he got his breath back.  At first he realised that his diaper was very wet and he must have been peeing himself throughout the entire tickling game, but then he felt very uncomfortable and without conscious thought began to fuss, his mommy realising that something was wrong picked him up and immediately caught the smell of a dirty diaper and put him down onto a changing pad.  Dan was horrified, all of the other former men were about to watch him have his diaper changed, when the front was pulled down Dan smelt the poop inside and only then realised that he had messed himself without even knowing, so now he would have no sensation at all when he wet or pooped in his diaper.  Dan lay quietly while his mommy gently cleaned him up and put him in a nice fresh clean diaper before re-buttoning up his onesie and sleeper.  After the tickling and ordeal of the diaper change in front of everyone Dan was really tired and started to fuss simply because he was sleepy just like any normal infant, his mommy realised and carried him to his stroller where she gently lay him down and rocked the stroller back and forth until Dan fell asleep.

Dan's life as a 3 month old infant went on for well over a year, after six months or so Dan realised that he was not aging and as such would be an infant forever.  Despite the mental trauma from realising that he had not only been regressed to a tiny infant but that he was also stuck that way, Dan started to get used to his new life and in some aspects even began to enjoy it.  His mommy was very nice and always tickled him to make him smile, she changed his wet and dirty diapers as soon as needed, and always made sure that he never had hunger pangs through delaying his regular bottles of formula.  But one day Dan was taken to the island town's main centre, which was somewhere he had not been since that first day on the island when he tried to kill the island leader, once at the town centre his mommy gently lifted him out of the stroller and placed him in a funny looking smooth chair that was a large as an adult bed, he then had all of his clothes and diaper removed.

The head woman Safir stood in front of Dan and spoke quickly in a strange language to his mommy before calling out some form of chant over Dan.  Dan suddenly felt his whole body respond as he grew and grew, within minutes he was his former adult self.  Dan tried to get up but while he was in an adult body he had the strength of an infant and could not even sit up let alone swing over his legs and stand up.  Safir looked down at Dan in the chair and started to ask him questions, Dan answered honestly about being sorry about his former life and the fact that he wanted to make amends to the island people, he also thanked his mommy for taking such good care of him.  After the questions Dan was allowed to get dressed into some adult clothes as some of his former strength returned, though not enough to make an escape attempt, he was told to go home with his mommy and they would talk more the following day.

At home Dan's mommy told him that most former men answered poorly and were returned to infancy immediately, the fact that he was still an adult now proved that he had truly learnt from his experience on the island, Dan was really pleased as he listened to his mommy tell him that he may be able to remain an adult but then he felt the familiar warmth around his groin but thought nothing of it, but when it got cold and horrible feeling he realised that he wasn't an infant wearing a diaper and he had just wet himself as an adult in front of an adult woman, Dan was immediately very embarrassed but his mommy told him that it is completely natural and she had something to sort it out as she went into the other room.  She came back carrying a large adult size diaper and told Dan to lay on the floor, without thinking about it Dan lay on the floor while his mommy removed his trousers and underwear, she quickly cleaned him up with baby wipes before putting him in the diaper, afterwards she went and got an adult sized onesie and sleeper for him to wear over his diaper.  Dan felt like a baby again but his mommy cuddled him and told him that if was able to remain an adult he would slowly regain all of his bodily functions and at some point would not need to wear diapers anymore.

By the time Dan awoke the following morning in a wet and messy diaper, he had needed two more changes the previous day before going to bed and realised that he still had the toilet training of a young infant.  IN addition he was still extremely weak and needed help from his mommy to do most things, when he started to make a mess at breakfast she resorted to feeding him infant formula from an adult sized baby bottle, while he was embarrassed he was grateful that she understood that he could not help it and did not want him to be hungry.

After breakfast Dan's mommy told him that they had to go to the town centre again and would do so every day until a decision had been made about him, Dan asked what would happen if he lied or they didn't like his answer and his mommy just told him that he would be regressed to an infant again and be kept that way for a longer time depending upon how badly he answered or lied.  Dan was determined to answer the best he could and not tell a single lie, he hoped that he would remain an adult and be freed from the island, or at worst only be an infant for a few months before having another go at freedom and adulthood.

Three more days of questions from Safir in the town centre went smoothly, on the fourth day as Dan and his mommy were walking to the town centre they passed a park where many of the island mommy's were sitting with their baby's.  One of the mommy's called Dan's mommy over to chat and she told Dan to play with the 'other' baby's.  While Dan sat on the grass next to the baby's one of the mommy's came over and started being very cruel, she told Dan that very soon he would be back in diapers wetting and messing himself, and would never be the big strong man he used to be ever again, and she was going to make sure of it, just then Dan's bladder released into his diaper and that was followed by a long fart which in turn was followed by a large amount of poop being pushed into his waiting diaper.  The cruel mommy in front of him was at first shocked and then she started to laugh out loud, she told him that he was obviously already on his way back to infancy as he couldn't even walk through town without the protection of a diaper.  Dan was upset and felt tears in his eyes, but then anger overcame him and he remembered that he was one of the world's most feared assassins.  A mean glint came across Dan's eyes and his intention to do harm was clear on his face, Dan did not see the look of satisfaction in the cruel mommy's face as he stood up and lunged towards her with his fists ready to inflict harm.  The cruel mommy simply held up her hand and told him to stop.  Dan felt his entire body obey her command even though he was struggling with all his might to kill her.  She told him to lay down on his back and relax, Dan found himself laying on his back on the grass with his body completely relaxed while his anger boiled inside him, the cruel mommy proceeded to change his wet and messy diaper and the entire time she was cleaning up his bottom with baby wipes she was talking to him like he was a little baby and telling him how he was a good boy for making a big poopie in his diaper.  When she had finished Dan was allowed to stand up again and he looked over at his mommy who was obviously not impressed, she simply took him by the hand and lead him to the town centre.

On the strange smooth chair Dan lay back with his clothes removed and saw the cruel mommy talking to the leader Safir who kept nodding.  Safir came over and started her usual questions with Dan but soon started asking him about the incident in the park, Dan could see that his answers were not what she wanted to hear and he started to panic and without thinking started to stretch the truth to make his argument seem better, by the time he was finished he realised that his last description of events was completely false and his heart dropped as he realised what that meant.  Dan started to say an apology but Safir simply raised her hand and he found that he could not talk.  Safir waved her arm over Dan while she said words in a strange language and Dan felt a sudden disorientation after which his mommy stepped forward and leant over to pick him up.  Dan realised that he was once again a helpless infant as his mommy put him down on a changing mat while she quickly put him back into diapers, and then dressed him in a onesie and sleeper outfit.  What made things worse for Dan was that the mean mommy who had goaded him into action that had lead to his regression now stood over him and gently lifted him up to her bosom, where she removed her nursing bra and pressed her nipple to Dan's mouth.  Dan felt an uncontrollable urge to take the nipple in his mouth and suckle but his anger remained and he kicked his tiny legs in frustration as he started to cry in the mean mommy's arms.  She put her bra back into place with a dissatisfied huff and passed Dan back to his mommy.

When Dan was back in the house with his mommy she put him into his crib and leant over the side to look down at him with a stern expression, she first told him that he deserved to be an infant again due to his behaviour and lies, but also that if he suckled milk from any of the mommy's he would become an infant permanently, Dan obviously decided right away never to suckle from anyone's breasts, but his mommy went on to say that each time he was regressed the urge to suckle from a breast will get greater and greater and each time he is regressed he will be offered a breast from a willing mommy and if he suckles it will be the former man's decision to remain an infant forever.  Dan struggled in his crib as he tried to force his tiny infant body to move so that he could escape this fate but all he managed to do was encourage his infantile bowel to open and he lay back as he messed himself while his mommy smiled down at him over the crib bars, with a knowing smile she lifted him up and carried him to the changing station where she proceeded to remove his diaper, clean up his bottom and put him into a fresh clean diaper, despite the infantile act of being diapered, Dan was always grateful to be back in a clean diaper as it felt so much better than a wet or dirty diaper but also when he was out of a diaper he constantly felt as if he was going to wet or mess himself so everyone could see it coming out and he was terrified of performing that infantile act in such a way, so diaper changes were both scary and welcoming at the same time.  It was strange just how much he had got used to wearing a diaper, as he had only been an infant again for around an hour and he was already thinking about how much more comfortable it was in a clean diaper versus a wet or dirty one.

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